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Everything posted by ldegroodt115

  1. Bump hoping this will get changed. I COULD put Primed Sure Footed on my frame but I don't want it to be almost mandatory for this weapon. Even Contagion has a requirement to activate, double/bullet jump.
  2. Using the Cortege's alt-fire displays its ammo as 0 and prevents firing for 4-5 seconds; at that point firing and ammo counter will return to normal (xxx/xxx). Happens in Atmospheric mode, didn't test Archwing The only other report I could find was from Jan 2023:
  3. Universal Enemy Radar: I don't wanna be that guy, and the range is really generous, but Loot Radar is just as important IMO especially for newer players. And, uh, Vacuum as well. Added Damaged Necramech Components to Loid’s Store: very good change. As lucrative as selling these were almost everyone I've heard has had atrociously bad luck with these This is recent enough for me to remember that this was a slog for me. They give so little standing for how difficult they're to get too, especially medical? ones. Telling new players to avoid open worlds is a real thing. The rep grind is offputting, the mission structure is open-ended and totally different from before, and especially Orb Vallis enemies will absolutely clap you with knockdown CC & (electric proc) damage, even when you're somewhat kitted out. I assume MK-1 weapons are kept in the market because adjusting mastery is hassling. I'm too far removed from endo and credit struggles to comment on their reduced upgrade price but I will say removing them is good for clearing up confusion. I regretted investing in them when I realized that they're a handful of worse versions of identical mods.
  4. Glad someone else noticed the Tempest Barrage range weirdness. It's not like the radius is small, and you can have 4? zones of Tempest Barrage active at once but its low duration combined with this makes locking things down pale in the way say, Vauban can set up and move on. The gaps in 4 aren't fun as well, either the # of tentacles or the AOE grab range should be increased when you mod on range. Passive: ...first instance of Corrosive Status on an enemy remove 50% of their Armor rather than 26%. Not only will this make the first Corrosive Status stronger, but it also means Corrosion Status can reach 100% armor reduction with full stacks! - This is a fine passive, but, like, Corrosive not being able to full strip anymore I wish could be taken another look at.. 🤐 Removing charge mechanic: great change, this made his playstyle so clunky. Undertow: bummer to see Undertow removed, especially now with passive-enhanced corrosive means it would actually be effective with Tempest Barrage full-stripping again... it was kind of a meme ability but very unique. I'm touched by the seeing others' support for keeping this, lol Plunder looks OK. It's nice to get some armor for survive since Eximus units are immune to his CC, but aren't his shield stats fairly higher than his health? Surprised it didn't affect that. Will Tentacle Swarm no longer do Magnetic damage+proc? It wasn't strong but it had a use in weakening shields, which this new Hydroid's entire kit has nothing for. Surprised Tidal Surge stayed. It looks cool but it still seems clunky to use as anything other than a movement ability. As someone who tried making a Hydroid build work post-Eximus but had so many little issues that it didn't feel fun or effective, I'm glad he's getting a rework :)
  5. I agree, Sentinels attacking should be dependent on whether you give them a weapon or not. The only complaint I can think of is the people who use the weapon as a set mod stack stick but don't want their sentinel to attack buuut idc 🤷‍♂️. Pipe dream is that pets could be assigned training/control modules that make them not attack/stay close/current behavior al a Moa animation sets since it looks like their AI isn't going to be improved Companion weapons (and pet damage, attack frequency as a whole really) need to be looked at I agree. Everything beside Vulklok(?) and Veriglass does poor damage/bad stats, Artax has a niche of forcing cold procs iirc, Helstrum is good for priming but everything else?
  6. I think part 2 (Precept mods revisit) will really make or break the companion rework for me. Are pet "normal" attacks being revisited? Often I watch my pet just stand there and do a piddly-damage attack that seems to have a long, inconsistent cooldown as its AI struggles with what to prioritize next. Please! Especially because it looks like we're getting more Companion mods. (Why aren't the new Bond mods included in this post? They look awesome!) Sentinels get so much more ease in modding by having this split. Seriously, it's sad to see genuine concerns and praise for the changes buried under this. My two cents: Pet immortality, EHP buff: This is good but the bigger issue is pets not dying to chip damage, but getting blasted by AOE/standing in Napalm patch/stunlocked by Gunner bullets & have questionable AI. Calculated Redirection changed from max 275% Shields to max 250% Shields - is this intended to be lower? Regen: ...provides 6 seconds of Invulnerability after reviving - all companions should be granted i-frames after reviving, no mod required. Many of my pet revives have them going down again in a second or less- when I'm reviving them I'm being focused down by enemies. I may be able to survive rockets and napalm with my abilities/EHP but my pet doesn't have the health, speed, or brains to peel out of there the second the revive is finished again like I do. Pack Leader: Instead of healing your Companion by 36% of melee damage inflicted, it now restores 50 Health per melee hit... Pack Leader's healing was so strong that, functionally, any upgraded melee weapon would fully heal your Companion in a single hit. You would hit an enemy for several thousand damage, and your pet would proportionately receive thousands of Health. This change tries to make the healing values more sensible so that you can heal your Companion efficiently but not *instantly* Eiehhh, doesn't this benefit fast melee over slow, heavy-hitting ones? Will have to see how this feels when it goes live. Sentinel Sanctuary and Companion Shelter: shield globe, while the player is performing a Revive, has been increased from 600 Health to 1800 Health. This should have an absorption period like Iron Skin or just be infinite health (melee units can still getcha of course) to earn its mod slot. Self Destruct: ...600 Blast damage in an 18-meter radius on Incapacitation- since Blast proc doesn't knockdown anymore (& Blast damage is damage is just bad) this mod's usefulness has been even lower for a long time. Can it cause knockdown and/or deal %health unmitigated by armor? Fired Up: ...Sentinel gains a 5% bonus Heat damage on every weapon hit up to 100%. The bonus resets after 5 seconds without the Sentinel getting a hit - Great. This one was hard to wrap my head around and practically required the wiki's chart. Spare Parts: ...Sentinel to mark enemies for 5 seconds, choosing a new target every 15 seconds. Killing the marked enemy causes them to drop extra loot. Very nice to give Sentinels a +loot option.
  7. Woo! More shield damage resistance! It's nice to try & preserve the old style of shield gating for those who use that mechanic. Will there ever be an option to remove focus lenses for those of us who've finished focus schools? Base vs Final Stats in Modding: This is super helpful- the way it used to work is unintuitive and I always found myself going to the wiki. Will Archon Shards that affect survivability stats be touched? Assume not Steel Path Circuit Reward Path - New Riven Option: I would prefer choosing an arcane/pool, the grind is brutal for the new ones.. 50,000 credit cache looking at you.
  8. Wow all these are great! Having conservation markers disappear when putting away tranq rifle was a gripe of mine. Auto melee: can we please have this for semi-auto weapons? Buffs and debuffs: since we're getting so much HUD customization lately, is an option to always hide certain buffs in consideration? With Galvanized mods and Steel Path/Arcanes, etc it's pretty busy. I don't need to know static Incarnon buffs that are enabled if over X armor or energy e.g. Fortress Salvo: I'm already aware of my Warframe's stats and the active perk in the Arsenal.
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