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  1. YES PRITTY PLEASE! MASSIVE supporting this! DE make it happen please! Would make my life perfected i love GYRE and this would make her Insanely more attractive to me!
  2. Upon completing a mission in VOID :: Navigation becomes disabled for HOST. Unable to interact with frame or Tenno with Navigation to extract/finish mission. only option is to abort. MESA :: leaving Crewships while her nr2+3 is enabled, makes screen black. Ending up in "void" unable to press anything, no abilities, not even "Q" for teleport/OMNI Crewships ignore AMESHAS (ability 1 active) :: One-shot the Frame/player with the missile. Pic1 Pic2 Railjack needs an "Force interact with Navigation" option as HOST by press "ESC > Navigation" In-case that the navigation console aint working, the host must somehow be able to Extract "complete" the mission without be forced to abort. (Always happens if started from Dojo:Dry Docks) Enable in Railjack mission the option to somehow "Complete and go to dry dock" or forcefully open Navigation "option" even if the console on floor aint working. Options need to implemented to RELOAD-UI "fixing a Stuck-situation" such as Default teleport reset options while in mission to like the "start point of entering railjack ship" Unlimited /unstuck (( If it cannot first time fix it by moving the player 5meter forward/backwards, the unstuck option shall teleport the player to a position nearby (not in archwing) where he/she can move and be immune for 3 seconds) to respond to the unstuck command))
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