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Posts posted by -Age

  1. In advance, sorry if this post seems confusing, out of sorts or off topic if at all.


    Not sure how the repair of the Railjack works currently.  So forgive my weak suggestive questions?

    1) I notice in update 27 and a hot fix thereafter repair drones were removed from the market.

    Why?  not going there

    2) Does the repair of the Railjack take place while being docked?

    If not, why not?

    Could a repair station be added inside the Dojo's Drydock?

    Right now the damage to a Railjack only occurs inside the mission.  Let's say, damage is still ongoing or still in affect while coming into the Drydock of any dojo.  Remove the repair drones completely out the mission reward pool?  Debatable...  I am suggesting move the drones to the Drydock and let the player repair it there.  

    Things to consider: damage, time of repair, cost of repair, other. 




  2. At first thought, nobody really plays the player versus player mode anymore.  Is this assumption wrong?  If right? Could an armistice be in order?

    I know there is still syndicate standing achievable from it.

    If it was up to me, I would remove it entirely from the game.  Or, make it better.

    How, to make it better?  How to make more people interested?  Is it wasting space?  On what servers?

    All I know is first person matchmaking playlists from other titles.  Not third person matchmaking playlists.  

    I would suggest an analysis of a player base for each matchmaking playlist.   If, at all.  Then, go from there.


    I wish to see a clan oriented PvP set up: from menus, to actual play list type, to game play.

    4v4 - 6v6 - 8v8  = clan battles


    Ways to make it better:

    1 - gravity : exception Zephyr.  tying in to first person gravity into 3rd person?

    2 - spawns : are the spawn zones correctly placed for opposing teams?  could they be brought in for more consistency with game play?

              2a - spawn zones for health: could they be upped in percent or add more to the map?

              2b - spawn zones for energy: could they be upped in percent or add more to the map?

    3 - tile sets: short maps and long maps?  do the short maps to short?  are the long maps too long?  are they consistent to the playlist and gameplay?

    4 - If they were clan oriented - what new achievements or incentives would their be?



  3. Hikari - Waframe Concept: "Rework",

    Passive ability - projectile flight speed increased.

    First ability - homing laser of energy that is a linear projectile that seeks a target out and damages it and/or has radial damage as well hurting other enemies.

    Second ability - looks like a half a sphere of laser energy (like an igloo on it's side) protecting the player for some amount of time. Also, deflecting enemy damage.
    Third ability - like (CC) or crowd control damage of laser energy. It bursts out of thin air within meters of the player and the laser energy stalls enemies movement because of the flash of energy coming out of thin air or from around the body.

    Fourth ability -  Generates damage from laser energy in a circular pattern. Making range, strength, efficiency, and duration come into play. So, like the atom bomb of laser energy.

  4. Hikari - Warframe of light (electromagnetic radiation) or "EM radiation":

    Passive: light speed weaponry, projectile flight speed is increased.

    First ability: linear beam of light, it is used from the off hand that channels EM radiation to a linear beam rendering targets armor/shields.

    Second ability: Reflection of light, it is used as a force field of EM radiation in a convex shape to reflect enemy weaponry.

    Third ability: Burst of light energy that aggro, hurts, and/or stuns enemies rendering them helpless for a period of time.

    Fourth ability: Rain of light, that produces an area of effect (AOE) that kills targets with EM radiation; light.


    PS: If you need a back story I can come up with one. If need a quick drawing of the Warframe concept, will do.  Or, if this whole concept is bogus please disregard.

  5. I have played Warframe for 5 years and always fall back to this game when others games get boring or I have lost interest of them.

    Here is the point: "could the AI (enemies) of any faction be scaled to the party size?"  If this is already coded inside the game, then please disregard this post.  However, I think it would make life so much easier for the player(s) and everybody behind the scenes. 

    What this would look like: spawned enemies increased at a given amount for each additional player in the party (per map and/or map size).  

    How this would effect the game: for the lone wolves of the game it could make it more boring.  It would make it team oriented which I think this is the vision?  

  6. Due to the test of time, I need an upgrade for my current PC.  Now that is said.  

         I am remembering what is like to be in Arch-wing pre-update 18.5 and above this update. What would happen if tweak the physics a touch?  I am not complaining, however I do miss those missions and remember "I wish this could be reworked", meaning better.

    The pros:  adaptability with the physics in place. you can finish the mission on Phobos in a timely fashion. interceptions missions can be done easily.

    The cons:  separate keys for barrel rolling and turning. enemies spawn, in my opinion needs to be upped/increased.  only in the event the whole map is cleared and your waiting.

                                                                                         ( Why?  enemy rating...)

    I wish there were more of these missions to be honest.

    There is forward momentum.  (First, boost, and Second boost.) -- this is what seems a touch out of balance.

    Well, if you like it. You like it.You don't. You don't


  7. You know my schedule is pretty tight!  Sorry, for reiterating what "Steve" said. I just felt it necessary since the majority of players that don't follow that stuff still play Warframe. 

    You know the devstreams aren't appealing like a TV show - it is kinda hit and miss.  They say what is on there mind alot.  Now that's cool.

  8. 23 hours ago, Sizzlerro said:

    For warframes I use for fun for reference:

    Titania, Zephyr P., Nezha, Mirage P., Nova P., Saryn P.(just for lazy farming).

    Out of boredom I decided to pick Nidus an infested base warframe.  I used 8 forma and centered around the second ability.  Why? the end result would be lazy killing. To supply more health try Arcane victory.  Plus, a status build of the "Lesion" and 2 mods: healing return, and life strike.  should have been 7 forma but I wanted the aura slot inter-changeable

    Or if you want a farming warframe. Take the Excalibur Umbra mods and use it on the warfame: Hydroid Prime.  I smell lazy augmented farming.  

  9. I could be opening a can of worms.  

    I found the can, maybe, cracked and open...

    I don't know about other tenno and Warframe fans, but with this whole new FX thing.

    In my mind it would be nice to see (in open world tile-sets and open air missions) weather/inclement weather:  thunder, lightning, northern lights, hail, sleet, etc.

    With no damage to the player.  Possible reductions and additions to friction?  Active window rain splatter (like a visor)?

    Maybe this would not be cool?

    Maybe this would be too annoying?

    other thoughts: what the hell test the FX woot...!

  10. It would be nice to have an alphabetical hotkey selection while being in the mod bench.  For example, in the search pane type the letter a and all the mods starting with that letter are listed.

    I think that would be neat*

  11. With the new awesome U 23 amidst us, where can I look to see the technical changes to melee for warframe only?  if any?  

    Maybe I am just a noob trying to explain myself.  Again, let me ask it a different way.  This is what I do know... Melee for certain warframes allows for modding, Does this make melee more streamline so to speak with out the bells and whistles behind the scenes?

    Can some try to tell me that melee is more melee?  or more of a tweak, by modding the melee part of it?


  12. 11 hours ago, (XB1)AxRollxOfxTape said:

    Your formatting here is a mess, this is all hard to read and try to understand. I suggest that you go and read some more of the other posts to get a better understanding of how things should be written. I'm also not sure exactly what role this frame this supposed to be sense it's kit has no synergy and the abilities seem nonsensical at best (How can a "void mode" be a passive, that's just plain invincibility with zero drawback?). 

    definitely* and thanks for kindness* will do*

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