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Posts posted by -Age

  1. "Corpora" : New Warframe Concept, inspired by Corpus. Latin of Origin; name.

    "Invisible Ricochet": 1st ability, for every enemy captured, the shield it will reflect backward at a targeted enemy accurately
            like stacks with melee mods (auto parry)

    "Recon": selecting the 3rd ability, 3 toggles of ability settings (like Ivara)
    "Suppressing fire" 1st toggle - Spawns corpus based auto turret scalling off of ability power of warframe 
    "Replicator"       2nd toggle - Line of sight scan / enemy / level. Only One scan / wave; defense. One scan / 10 min; survival and exterminate. One scan / round; interception. etc.
                    Spawns an "Eye Of The Corpus" : ray beam effect
    "Squidy"         3rd toggle - is an energy channel. channel energy to arial or ground unit the seeks and destroys
            power strength

    "Atomic Day and/or Night" 4th ability, Corpus radio active energy encapsulates the entire warframe then explodes. horizontal & vertical (symmetrical). 
                    Cone is determined by range. 
                    Explosion is determined by warframe power and energy/sec.
                    toggled ability?

    passive: like void mode : instant teleport undetectable by Cameras and (sensor barriers)
                active passive scale = 1-3 meters

    By, --Age-- & Sutoomu

    Revision 2

  2. "Corpora", Latin of origin : New Warframe Concept.  

    "Shadow Rogue": 1st ability; like void mode : instant teleport undetectable by Cameras and (sensor barriers)
                active passive scale = 1-3 meters

    "ricochet riot": selecting the 2nd ability, replenishing shields if enemies shoot the shield it will reflect back at target accurately
            stacks with melee mods (auto parry)

    "Recon": selecting the 3rd ability, 3 toggles of loot settings (like Ivara)
    "suppressing fire" 1st toggle - Spawns corpus based auto turret scalling off of ability power of warframe 
    "Replicator"       2nd toggle - Line of sight scan / enemy / level. Only One scan / wave; defense. One scan / 10 min; survival and exterminate. One scan / round; interception. etc.
                    (corpus auto prototype turret)
    "Squidies"         3rd toggle - is a energy channel. channel energy to arial drones that survey echo loot to retrieve back to master. (Like vacuum for a companion sentinel)
            power strength

    "Radiant Energy" 4th ability, Corpus radio active energy encapsulates the entire warframe then explodes. horizontal & vertical (symmetrical). 
                    Cone is determined by range. 
                    Explosion is determined by warframe power and energy/sec.
                    toggled ability?

     Passive: "affinity" towards loot.

    By, --Age-- & Sutoomu

    With Love and Respect...go Venus Open World...

  3. "Corpora" : New Warframe Concept

    "bandits reprise": selecting the first ability it shows all loot boxes in an echo ping.
                enemies caught in this effect increase rarity while lowering drop chance.

    "ricochet riot": selecting the 2nd ability, replinishing shields if enemies shoot the shield it will reflect back at target accurately
            stacks with melee mods (auto parry)

    "Recon": selecting the 3rd ability, 3 toggles of loot settings (like Ivara)
    "suppressing fire" 1st toggle - Spawns corpus based auto turret scalling off of ability power of warframe 
    "Replicator"       2nd toggle - Line of sight scan / enemy / level. Only One scan / wave; defense. One scan / 10 min; survival and exterminate. One scan / round; interception. etc.
                    (corpus auto prototype turret)
    "Squidies"         3rd toggle - is a energy channel. channel energy to arial drones that seek out active echo loot to retreive bact to master.
            power strength

    "Radiant Energy" 4th ability, Corpus radio active energy encapsulates the entire warframe then explodes. horizontal & vertical (symmetrical). 
                    Cone is determined by range. 
                    Explosion is determined by warframe power and energy/sec.
                    toggled ability?

     passive: like void mode : instant teleport undetectable by Cameras and (sensor barriers)
                active passive scale = 1-3 meters

    By, --Age-- & Sutoomu

    With Love and Respect...

  4. 29 minutes ago, (XB1)Skidplay 490 said:

    That might be what's coming in the venus POE mentioned in devstream 108.

    as for the snow angels i'm all for that my dude

    Thanks for heads up. Sweet!

  5. It would be interesting if in any open area tile-set that has snow, could have snow/blizzard.  Or hail?

    I wish my Tenno could make snow angels.

  6. When someone mentioned to me, "control the lighting". I couldn't help but think about windows and shades. 

    So, may I mention, if we can control the lighting at some point.  Can we control what we see too, to some degree?

    typically windows are on the sides of walls.  In my opinion it would really cool to control the sides of Dojo walls.  

    In order see, different backdrops.  As in a set of backdrops to choose from.  For instance a space, void, grineer, corpus, or infested scene.

    Not just side-walls.  Ceiling and floor, as well.  I might be getting carried away with this, but bear with me.  What if I could choose glass as a floor scene?


  7. I got to thinking about the "Tubemen" and Tyl Regor. There are three types of enemies in the game. What if the enemies morphed into a different type of species of their own? Infested Grineer? Infested Corpus? Corpus Grineer? and/or a mix of of the three known factions: Grineer, Corpus, and Infested?  Possible new faction.  I do agree with new type of faction enemies.  However, this would be interesting.  What do you think?
    What if Tyl Regor a clone, had a brother or sister?  Starting this whole madness of morphing new types of species.

  8. Should there be more voice lines that are pithy, sassy, and witty?

    The Lotus, Ordis, Demon child, Maroo Bazaar, Baro Ki'teer.  Forgive me if I missed one.

    It would be cool if there were more voice lines.  Been playing for 4 years.  I have them memorized

    Love the game

  9. What we have so far:
    Dojo decoration

    Why not have something in place to reconstruct a tileset. This would mean a limited list of tilesets to choose from (ie, grineer, corpus, infested factions). From the list of choices for a given tileset you can then begin to decorate objects within the tileset at any rotation and angle. This concept is already in the game. Move spawn points around at any location and any rotation.
    This would be a place for building maps/tilesets for possible ideas in future tileset implementation in the game. Why not have the community help out in map making?  This idea is like could function like a sandbox, but could be different from it by the possibity of combining Captura, Dojo decoration, with tileset recreation.

  10. Hi, I am a Warframe PC enthusiast/veteran player. My question. Is there a way to toggle my Clan posted as closed to open? 

    Silly me, closed it from the beginning in the options available. 

    Reiterated question.  Regarding the clan new entry.  Can I toggle between closed, for closed clan, or open, for open clan?

  11. I am a big fan of the game and play it often.  I was wondering why you can not use the remote observer option in the equipment to take better screenshots of the operator and surroundings.

    My idea would be outside of screen captura, and have remote observer as well while in operator mode.

    What do you think?

  12. The operator could interact by petting the Kavat or Kubrow.  Kubrow or Kavat could sit beside the operator if the operator is sitting on the ground.  All inside the landing craft.  Or, even in battle, Kavats and Kubrows could defend the operator while in operator mode.

    What do you think?

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