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Posts posted by -Age

  1. Boltor Prime,

    CritChance = Weapon Crit Chance × (1 + Mod Crit Chance).

    Critchance = 23.3 x (1 + pointstrike + critical delay + riven).
    .233 x (1 + 1.5 + .48 + .94) = 0.91336 or actual 91.33%

    1. Am I correct in this calculation?

    2. Can I achieve breaking the barrier of 100%+ without argon scope?

    Answer:  Yes, Ivara warframe's augment mod 


  2. I was in the planet Mercury, doing a nightmare mission on the node: Lares.  It was a 10 wave defense mission.  I had it on solo mode. I decided to throw out one of my Force Spectres that I had in my gear.  It treated me as an enemy and killed me in 1 shot.  I was playing Nidus.  Equipped weapons were as follows: Burston Prime, Fusilai, and Dual Kamas.  Equipped companion were as follows: Wyrm Prime with Sweeper Prime as the weapon. The Spectre load-out is Nidus: Tigris Prime, Aklex Prime,  Most Likely reproducible with Nightmare Missions.  Was this supposed to happen?  repeated it twice by throwing another one out after I re-spawned. So, this is reproducible.

  3. First off, great work! Love it!

    Tactical Incursion? What would this mean?

    I am not quite satisfied of the current base archwing given inside PoE.  Although, great idea. Reason, I wish you can shoot archwing weapons, like in archwing missions.  I think gamers with over powered warframes and weapons might get bored or a little disappointed because the enemies aren't strong enough.  I was just a little disappointed with enemy level ranks.  Exeption: Night time.  Daytime enemies seem weak.  

    Tactical Incursion: an idea where archwing (load-outs and modes) are implemented inside PoE. With stronger enemies. Incorporating more missions and alerts.  Like tactical alerts.  Where clans could have standing? Or, something like this.

    Maybe this post seems a little negative.  My only hope is to spawn more, better, genius work! 


  4. Primed Revenant is not just a clan in Warframe!

    We are a community of gamers called primed gaming community on discord.

    If you got a mic and/or headset, or a way of communicating in-game on discord--WE WANT YOU!


    Back to the goodies of the clan.  Primed Revenant has a Clan emblem and an Alliance emblem available for purchase in game.

    We have everything, but the weapon Hema, researched.  We are rank 9.  Also, we are a tight knit group of gamers.

    For the most part everyone knows each other.

    We do weekly challenges in the game presented by our Alliance called Faction X.  Hosted by 2 leaders.

    If all this sounds like baloney, then thx for read and move on...





    • Primed Revenant, Storm Clan, consisting of active members

    • All Master Ranks can join the clan

    • 13 yrs of age and older is our policy

      • If under the age limit you are kicked no if, ands, or but's.

    • We have clan challenges that are random

      • Prizes consist of random gifts including straight up Platinum or market items

    • Our clan has an emblem along with an alliance emblem available for purchase in-game

    • We are very social inside a gaming chat server hosted by Discord

      • The link can be found inside the clan tab in-game

    • For people interested in having clan officer roles we use Steam: Group Chat

      • The link is a pm in-game only

    • We help each other out and aim to have a bit of communication doing so

      • With either a headset and microphone or just any means of communication

      • Clan Emblem:

    • Our Alliance Emblem




    • Primed Revenant is our clan name
    • We use discord that is open to our alliance and our clan.
    • We are active and are social.
    • We have an alliance called Faction X
    • With it's emblem
    • We have an emblem
    • If you feel the need to help us grow, join up!
    • In our dojo the research is all done except for the weapon, Hema.
    • We use Discord for voice chat
    • And again we would consider ourselves to be socially active

    Feel free to message me inside the game or on here

    IGN - AgeofExile

    PS: anyone is welcome

  5. Faction: Tenno

    Name: Symbla

    Grip/Stance:  Heavy Blade

    Brief Description: The "poleaxe" allows devastating blows with sweeping cuts, upward strikes or downward strikes.  In addition, this weapon is high on slash while allowing all element damage.  At the top portion of the weapon, the hand-guards, and the bottom portion would emit element energy. 

    I was initially going for an infested weapon, but this is what came out on paper.  Please forgive me for submitting a raw drawing that is from my phone and transferred to my computer.  First picture is the original art work.  Second picture is an inverted grayscale image.

    Image 1

    Image 2

  6. well, not just for dojos, I picked the dojo as an example.

    it is like the cephalon simulor, but you could have access to any warframe, weapon, and or maps (or tile-sets).

    in the sandbox itself, you could customize anything you see fit.

    One example would be: summoning enemies to test out weapon and warframe builds.

    Second example would be, customizing maps or tile-sets in the sandbox.

    5 hours ago, (PS4)MOOer474 said:

    you mean like the cephalon simulor for dojos?


    Yes. It could be like that. 

    But, I was thinking more like the testing arena, where we take Mastery Rank tests.

    You, could customize any matchmaking playlist available and to date.

    Defense, exterminate, survival, etc.

    You could build or create custom maps. Hopefully.

  7. So, I guess what I was really getting at, is there a way to sandbox Warframe. 

    You would have access to virtually everything for testing things out.

    I was thinking sandboxing the dojo.

  8. I guess they have Halo 5: Forge, available for PC.  I am a little behind the ball.  However, I understand that the game play is Friends only.  I still would like to see something of this nature happen in Warframe.  I am a lover of both games. I don't mean to start a riot!

  9. Forgive me if my idea is confusing or a tad bit nonsensical...and is vague!

    My first forethought was a 3d model of the dojo as an image to be used as users see fit for clan recruitment. 

    But then, I sat and pondered what it was like playing Halo 4 Forge.

    My idea is not too dissimilar from Halo 4 forge.  An orbiter, like a sentinel, can be multi-purposeful for the dojo.

    1.       Can be staged as an additional room for the dojo

    a.       Inside the room there can be something that could activate the orbiter

    The orbital features:

    ·         Can be featured as self

    ·         Can be featured as a Warframe

    o   The user can select to float and fly around like cephalon

    o   The user can select to walk around and still be ninja like

    The basic concept is a “dojo simulation” or “dojo simulator”.

    I don’t know if this concept makes sense right now.  But, it would be cool to step outside the map per say and dink around a bit.  If you get the drift.

    I guess I miss Halo 4 forge.  And was wondering if a similar thing could be brought to PC.  Specifically this game.  Because, this game is the bomb!







    Revenant Oblivion:

    We have an emblem.

    Looking for gamers that are Mastery Rank 5 or higher.

    If you have a *microphone* we have an option for group chat in discord.

    My dojo is 99.9% researched.  Need mutagen samples for the weapon “Hema”.

    Everyone is the same rank.  If you don’t like that then look for another clan.

    If you have a question, ask away, I am always eager to teach others about what I have learned inside the game.  Outside of that I can still learn from others and you might too.

    All I am asking is that you be mature and civil.

    If there is any hint of harassment over the microphone or chat tabs, your gone.

    Must be 18 years of age or older. 

    If you got what this takes then by all means please message me in game.


    In Game Name is AgeofExile.





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