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  1. Another possible explanation: Perhaps they meant to click Circuit but accidentally selected Lone Story, and only discovered their mistake after selecting gear and entering duviri.
  2. I think this is actually due to incompetent teammates. Survival on steel path spawns enough enemies such that you'll never need a life support capsule. But, if you kill all the enemies around you then new enemies will spawn, but some of the new spawns will be near your teammate(s), not yourself. Therefore, if a teammate is killing very slowly, after a minute of play all the enemies are congregated in their area, and none are left in the areas where the fast-killing players are. So, if you want to enjoy survival without these problems, your options are either to play it solo so all the enemies come to you, or follow your teammates around to make sure you don't get that buildup of enemies not being killed. Personally I choose solo, since this works well for me. Ideally the game-mode wouldn't have this issue, and perhaps that's a good idea for a rework (something about enemies prioritizing spawnpoints near the high killcount players?)
  3. Yes, or switch incarnon transformations to a different button to allow weapons with alt fire to get incarnon genesis. EDIT: Or another solution, there's a bunch of different options for making this work.
  4. Yes! Seems like every new warframe and prime since I-don't-know-how-many-years-ago has come with their own syandana and shoulderpads attached to the skin itself. It looks awful putting shoulderpads on top of shoulderpads, similarly awful to place a syandana on top of a syandana. I feel like these should have been made into individual shoulder and back cosmetics instead of forced onto the skin itself and unremovable.
  5. Well, yeah. That's the whole point of my post. If they already have an alt fire then they can't get incarnon buffs because incarnon uses the same alt fire mechanic. Please let me know if my post was not clear about this, I'll try to explain it better.
  6. Since alt fire is used to activate incarnon mode, it seems that any weapon with a pre-existing alt fire can never get an incarnon genesis upgrade. This is unfortunate, since some much-loved old weapons have alternate fires and will therefore never benefit from the massive incarnon buffs. Stradavar my beloved, will never compete with even the single target incarnon weapons. 😢 Please consider some way for alt-fire weapons to get these huge buffs in the future!
  7. Stating blatant EULA violations on the official forums with your username displayed is not the smartest idea you had today.
  8. Damn, here I go selling all my primes for credits I guess 😢 Thanks for the answer
  9. Or will it still force me to use primes with the "default" mod config? Thanks!
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