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  1. That solve the problems of FPS , even prefer dissable it cause go worst of fps with it. Ty for that :D
  2. Dont know if is since last update cause dont usually go to the new relay of deimos so often but notice today and untill now it dont happend to me. Have AMD ryzen 5 2600 , Nvidia GeForce 1660 TI with 16GB ram and ingame have graphic settings all high except GPU particle quality (change it from Ludicrous to mid for see if it helps but no) and anti-aliasing (before x8 and now disabled as particle quality for try) , try to put everything on low mode and go even worst than high . This downgrade only happend if i try to go to necramech place and sanctum anatomica place , if i start in the necralisk have a few seconds during charge screen 20-30 fps cause charge and then run as it should , when i use a fast travel to loid/any sanctum NPC or put a step after the "wall" of necramech place (before wispers exclusive tenno part) start the downgrade. If try to spawn there or go to any mission still have the fps issue. This image is with all high as i comented before (particle quality and anti-aliasing doesnt matter cause happends the same way all time) before cross to necramech (for this example dont use the fast travel) Here after cross , checking the minimap the first one is in front of the door i mean and this second one is after a minute aprox where i move to necralisk spawn more near otak mining stuffs which only for the time it takes to move there should be enough for an "stable" fps If someone with same or similar component dont have this issue cause is my pc and not patch any link or coment with help is grateful
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