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  1. I have a Trinity build that uses the combination of Combat Discipline (you lose 10 hp for every enemy you kill) and Champion's Blessing (you gain critical chance for healing ally health, including your own). The presence of overguard due to Dante kills the normal functionality of this build as I can no longer heal myself because whatever overguard I have interferes with my health loss from Combat Discipline, and therefore doesn't allow me to heal to get my crit buff. Can we make it so that the health loss from Combat Discipline bypasses overguard? I know this might not be popular outside of this specific Trinity build, but Combat Discipline's health loss is often trivial with the consistent drop of health orbs (from my experience). I hope this resonates with others. Thanks!
  2. Node: Exequias on Deimos Sortie - Stage 2 Mobile Defense (Eximus Stronghold) This has happened 3 times Every time it has happened, it has used a Hobbled dragon key I have had all 4 keys equipped during this run Note: I have repeated the mission a couple times now without keys and it still has the "mysterious item" drop in the mission progress, but again, there is no actual drop.
  3. I don't have the endo to find out right now, but does anything interesting happen when a bow's magazine is increased to 2? Like maybe an instant second shot or +100% multishot?
  4. They're relatively similar, but I think I was disappointed because I came into it with the expectation of getting a normal corinth but stronger. I of course like that the prime has more firepower, but I was talking more about the experience of using the weapon.
  5. So, I just picked up the Corinth Prime, excited to play with the prime version of arguably my favorite weapon in the game, but I'm now left very disappointed. My favorite part about the Corinth was the fast paced feel of the weapon. The reload "chk chk chk chk chk" sound is so fun and letting me shoot in the middle of my reload is so nice. The alternate fire isn't the fun and reckless feeling blast, but now a more controlled bomb. In general, the changes to the Prime version takes away so much of what made the Corinth Prime so unique and so much fun to use. I can't be the only one that dislikes these changes.
  6. I don't even know where to start again. Can someone update me on what changes and additions have been made? Much appreciated!
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