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  1. I think the system also doesn't deal well with high fire rate / Beam weapons. I was just in a mission with an Amprex and I couldn't see enemies at all. I could only see numbers. I then went to the Simulacrum to test it against single targets. Still no good. Too many numbers also break the ENHANCED Show Damage Numbers it seems.
  2. I've been having a frustrating time toggling between modes in Interface because I couldn't make heads or tales from it. Might have been because of this. But yeah you're right, it doesn't work on abilities if I test it now. Since I was testing with Cantare on her, it made me realise the specific interaction with Cantare is also funny. The ammo coming back when you reload causes the numbers to appear in a different place than where the hit numbers were which doesn't make sense either. In my test they were always far lower, I guess they are burrowing down after hitting :-)?
  3. Oh god this would be so good. In Archwing and Titania you don't have to use the CTRL and SPACE to actually go up since it works logically. Sure, you can keep looking at something and go down or up with those hotkeys but you don't have to if you don't want to jsut go down and up by looking which is what I bet is what most people intuitivly do. I found it really annoying to discover that Jade actually REQUIRES me to 2 extra hotkeys to move the way I want. Personally I found this a terrible decision and I didn't understand why it was advertised as Archwing controls so I'm glad I found this thread to weigh in. Ironically... your current Jade implementation and this thread has realised me I CAN use the same hotkey as Crouch for Archwing Down. Just tested in Plains of Eidolon and there is no conflict and works so much nicer that I will actually use it instead of how I used to play Archwing movement (by looking + 4 direction keys). Yes, this suits me a LOT better than CTRL for Archwing which makes me cringe-claw my hand to push down and then I lose access to my fingerkeys. BONUS ROUND: As someone who plays Hildryn a lot, I have her Ultimate subsumed away in all loadouts because A) except for niche builds it's by far upset by any number of subsumes B) the movement controls were annoying EDIT: after reading your comment again I realise you are describing something else entirely. Looking down and pressing forward should never move you up, it should move you down where you are looking at. Pressing the Archwing Down hotkey should move you down. And pressing the 4 directional keys should work in combination with looking LIKE Archwing. Not jsut in the horizontal plane. Basicly it should behave like Archwing entirely I guess is what I am saying which makes it identical to Titania's Razorwing I realise. You're proposing a weird mix of Archwing Maneuvers + something else, I don't think that's better than what it is now at all.
  4. It's still not working for Desiccation's Cursed enemies but on the 3 Arcanes it has been fixed as advertised. First thing I did after reading the notes was test those 4 interactions.
  5. This is oddly reminiscent of Hydroid's Tidal Impunity. It also claimed to give you Status immunity but if you cast it again while the buff was still running (refreshing it), you'd effectively end your status immunity when the initial cast was supposed to run out. And the Tidal Surge 'does' also ragdoll. I have no idea if that ever got fixed. Talking years back when we 'knew' about this Tidal bug.
  6. I verified that Crescendo, Trickery and Ultimatum Arcanes all work. In fairness, the patch notes only said it fixed it with Arcanes. But can we PLEASE have it just work? For a while? Pretty please? I subsumed Desiccation on Ash over their 1. Text: "Desiccation Augment: Killing a blinded enemy with a Finisher has a 100% chance to summon a Swarm Kavat that will spread Scarab Swarm. Maximum Swarm Kavats +2." As you can guess since I am making this post. Bladestorm fails to trigger this and yes, targets ARE first desiccated. Note that the trigger to create cats works fine with Fatel Teleport! So it's just Bladestorm again that is broken. There's is ALSO a S#&$show happening with subsuming Desication where it behaves differently if you subsume it over your 4th ability as I reported in another thread but that's not the main purpose of this post:
  7. Basicly, if you subsume Desication over your 4 it's quite lackluster. You only get 2 cats instead of 5 and miss out on the good interactions like spawning new Kavats when Scarab Swarmed enemies die. ALL of this works fine it you subsume Desiccation in slot 1 2 or 3. Obviously I was trying to replace my 4 and got rather disappointed to find out this is a thing. Hope it's kinda clear that if you make it behave like the 4 slot 'everywhere' else as well, there really isn't a use-case for this anymore. Cheers
  8. Sorely needed. Already sitting on 1660, nearly have all 5 arcanes you can buy completed twice. That's with 28/42 Arcane Energizes purchased so haven't even grinded out 1 Legendary Arcane. Sure, I could buy another 166 Arcanes right now to grind into powder but that's really not enticing to me. It'd be like changing one resource I don't need in another I don't need.
  9. I was just headed to Simaris to see if they fixed Bladestorm triggering Finisher interactions since there was nothing in the notes... dammit. Not as if my layout depends on it... ONLY got Arcane Crescendo, Savage Silence and Skiajati unique trait suddenly not working...
  10. Tested 3 times to be sure. This interaction no longer works. Would love to see this fixed or it not communicated that it is intentional (and why).
  11. There's something wrong with the detection I think. As if you're not taking damage but the beam is counting you as in it maybe to increase damage until it grazeds you for a lot. Also, and this bothers me a lot: the time I have died ABOVE a beam is starting to get annoying. By now I know it can kill me above it but the visual makes me try to evade that way over and over.
  12. Never had it before in all the years I played, happened in 2 different missions today. When you try to exit the water, the transition animation starts and then you're stuck in the water in Archwing. You cannot activate any abilities, nor move except to change facing, nor use unstuck, nor use gearwheel. The only way to continue is abort the mission.
  13. Same, but Onos & Dante BP, also posted a bug report. Seems like other people reporting it from other areas (ambassador farm) too so it's a widespread problem. I'm not gonna farm anymore till I see a patch note that adresses this.
  14. Yesterday I was sure that I saw an Onos Blueprint as a popup of a Disruption round and when I went to the Foundry it wasn't there. This was non steel path Just now, we had a Dante BP on the last round in Steel Path and head to the exit. It wasn't in the rewards overview. I asked in chat and the others were missing it too. It's not in my inventory either. This is quite disheartening as those are the most expensive BPs to buy. I still don't have a Ruvox BP either but I don't religiously check drops during the run so who knows if I missed out on any of those either. I have a screenshot of the chat and mission reward of the last run if needed.
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