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Posts posted by Koalachan

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Interaction hotkey for EXITING Pilot and Gunnery positions does not respect the Hotkey chosen and can only be achieved with the default X 
    • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
    • REPRODUCTION: 100%
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Exit gunnery & piloting position by pressing Interact button again that I set to G (it works for activating it btw and it shows G after setting up my Hotkey)
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Nothing happens. Found out the default key X still works instead. Oddly, the Slingshot does work correctly and respects my G hotkey for both activating/exiting
  1. Arbitration vs Infested is just pointless at the moment. After having one lousy host that left after Wave 1 because "Sorry misclicked" whatever that means. Then we host migrate and the new host that gets chosen gives me below 100 ms but game is unplayably choppy as hell for the other 2 players. So annoyed we break up and I continue solo. 

    Dodge like a madman if I see Goo go down, but sure enough, 3 minutes later:

    19465.484 Game [Info]: Koalachan was killed by 991 / 2,824 damage from a level 75 TAR MUTALIST MOA using a SlowGooDamageTrigger

    This is a lot worse than the old grenade problem. You can't play Infested and expect to live at the moment. These things are out of control.

  2. I came to post some data regarding this and found this thread. It for sure is a buggy interaction since it  1) didn't used to do this & 2) sensible gamedesign balance dictates you don't want to oneshot tanks in a mere Kuva Flood. That means something went wrong. After I got oneshotted for the third time today on a Nidus with Umbral Health & armor, Arcane Guardian I had a look at my logfile and found this:

    6000.604 Game [Info]: Koalachan was killed by 1,062 / 1,312 damage from a level 81 TAR MUTALIST MOA using a SlowGooDamageTrigger
    27665.477 Game [Info]: Koalachan was killed by 1,066 / 1,506 damage from a level 80 TAR MUTALIST MOA using a SlowGooDamageTrigger
    27845.967 Game [Info]: Koalachan was killed by 934 / 2,358 damage from a level 92 TAR MUTALIST MOA using a SlowGooDamageTrigger

    • Like 1
  3. Would have guessed this would be fixed by now since it is a known bug (reported many times, even the wiki lists it at this point).  Today after giving Glaive Prime another chance now that critical on heavy finally got fixed after forever, I had to discover Relentless Combination is broken. Broken STILL. And apparently since Status rework too. This is rather disheartening. Could you please please get around to fixing this.

    • Like 2
  4. While testing the difference between a Viral Heat vs Viral Electricity Torid in the simulacrum, I noticed the Electricity version alarmingly under-performed.

    Turns out that the grenade clouds that supposed to deal damage for 10 seconds over a 3-meter radius "break" as soon as an Electricity proc occurs. 100% repeatable.

    The Viral Heat setup works fine.

  5. Yeah no. Didn't get it on Limbo while everything was stasissed so it wasn't possible for me to get hit either. Not even going to try anymore. As Trontor explains, it's badly designed too. 

    @[DE]: please do better. This is clearly not even properly tested and would be so easy. You HAVE to pick up your quality control.

    EDIT: I went RJ again, and another boarding party I had completely stealth killed without taking damage (I think) didn't trigger it either. However, the boarding party after that which I also stealthkilled, DID trigger it. At this point I am unsure why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Hope you figure it out for other people or for next time it comes up.

    • Like 1
  6. There wasn't much going on. I was solo. No lag. As far as I could tell, I was on Equinox Prime in nightform. with 300 shields and 1062 healt when I dropped dead. Turned around and saw one mob. No shieldgating, no indication of shield or health loss. Mean while the log claims a shot doing 401 damage (?) killed me. Lich Sabotage mission on Jupiter.



    ***EE.LOG*** snippet

    1491.683 Script [Info]: ChargeAbility.lua::0: NemesisGenerator generating profile
    1491.683 Script [Info]: ChargeAbility.lua::0: no manifest type
    1491.683 Script [Info]: ChargeAbility.lua::0: null manifest!
    1492.005 AI [Error]: Timed out waiting for Melee to Start
    1492.189 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Interface/Icons/CosmeticEnhancers/Arcanes/Projections/ArcaneProjectionAA.png [persistent: 1]
    1492.189 Sys [Info]: Found 1 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 1,814,254,272/1,998,061,568 Footprint: 4,268,576,768 Handles: 941]
    1492.202 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Icons/CosmeticEnhancers/Arcanes/Projections/ArcaneProjectionAA.png) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 1 of 1)
    1493.104 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Interface/Icons/ModBuffIndicators/StatChanceModifier.png [persistent: 1]
    1493.104 Sys [Info]: Found 1 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 1,814,590,720/1,998,061,568 Footprint: 4,268,576,768 Handles: 941]
    1493.105 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Interface/Icons/ModBuffIndicators/CritChanceModifier.png [persistent: 1]
    1493.113 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Icons/ModBuffIndicators/StatChanceModifier.png) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 1 of 1)
    1493.123 Sys [Info]: Found 1 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 1,814,588,816/1,998,061,568 Footprint: 4,268,511,232 Handles: 941]
    1493.128 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Icons/ModBuffIndicators/CritChanceModifier.png) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 1 of 1)
    1493.692 AI [Error]: Timed out waiting for Melee to Start
    1494.910 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/ModBuffIndicators/NextShotDamageMultiplier.png
    1494.910 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/ModBuffIndicators/NextShotDamageMultiplier.png
    1495.207 Sys [Info]: Ragdoll::CommonInit() 6.2ms
    1495.212 Game [Info]: Koalachan was killed by 401 / 468 damage from a level 62 ELITE SHIELD LANCER using a AIGrnGrenadeLauncherPistol
    1495.213 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 229 destroyed from script
    1495.213 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar::NotifyDied: Notifying GameRules that Sentinel with ID 229 owned by Koalachan/TennoAvatar228 has died
    1495.213 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for Koalachan from 0 to SS_DEAD, 2889
    1495.217 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar::NotifyDied: Notifying GameRules that Sentinel with ID 229 owned by Koalachan/TennoAvatar228 has died
    1495.217 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for Koalachan from 2 to SS_DEAD, 2889
    1495.217 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 229 got creator change. OldCreator: TennoAvatar228, NewCreator: NULL
    1495.217 Sys [Info]: Out with the old, in with the new
    1495.227 Game [Info]: Enabling spectator mode

  7. I came here looking for this. I tried my old non prime Equinox and it also still clipped, unlike what is mentioned above. Since I assumed notheing had actually changed the last 3 weeks, I looked into it some more. Apparently it depends on the stance too. 

    On SOME stances, the rings on day non-prime equinox function properly.

    On ALL configurations with prime Equinox the rings on day have a variety of clipping issues, depending on the stance.

    This is also stopping me from picking up a Tennogen skin at the moment so I hope this gets looked at soonish.

  8. On 2020-04-12 at 4:47 PM, NinjaZeku said:


    AFAIK, Silence by itself has never forced enemies into a Finisher state.

    On the wiki where among other things it says:


    Enemies entering the aura will experience a sonic disturbance, becoming momentarily stunned. Afterwards affected enemies will become unaware to sounds from gunfire, alarms, and death screams.

    • Stunned enemies are affected by Stealth Damage Multipliers.
    • Players can perform stealth melee attacks on unaware enemies as usual.
      • Silence will momentarily open enemies to finishers with the stagger resulting from an enemy coming under its effects, even if they are already alerted. Once they recover, however, the opening disappears, and they must leave and re-enter the ability's area of effect for the stagger to play out again and give another opening. Some enemies may be immune to the effects of the stagger under certain circumstances.
      • ...


    EDIT: That being said, I also think it never did that, but that's why I went to check the wiki. It has been ages since I used it to farm affinity and even then you'd use the augment. So either the wiki is wrong or the game. You can't really tell with Warframe which one is supposed to be right at any given time.

  9. Just came out of a game where I disconnected with 2 stacks of Resurgence burdens. It triggered Host migration (note: this was not a result of the actual Host extracting or aborting). Then loaded me in a solo mission with 2 stacks of Resurgence. 

    In hotfix 24.8.1 you added: All Resurgence Burdens will now be removed if the player needing revival leaves/dies, and if you die while carrying Resurgence Burdens.

    Likewise you HAVE TO make sure that if you Host migrate people, stacks are removed if no one who is death also loads.

    If that's too difficult and you want a quick win, just whipe out all the Resurgence stacks on migration. You already need an amount of luck to survive until you get control back of your character and having to get stacks again isn't a problem. In fact. Host migration should just make you invulnerable for a certain generous period (10s?) or until you move/attack.

    EDIT: Last mission result also only lists my time (20m5s), credit 71054, Vitus Essence 4 and the 4455 Endo rewards . So nothing I picked up, regardless of the fact that I still played a bit solo and extracted succesfully. I can't tell if thisis just a display issue or whether I didn't get the rewards. But it's an 'issue' either way.

    I really wish you would just remove Resurgence Stacks and reintroduce permanent player death instead for Arbitrations. But barring that, it would be nice to fix this. Thanks.

  10. This poll (any poll like this) isn't great as it is biased to pull in people who want change. People who're fine with how it is, are less incentivised to start it, unless they feel strongly that they don't want change. That being said, I DO want universal Vacuum. The argubly worst part of it is the consumption of energy. BUT honestly! Realisticly, energy drops cannot be counted on. No person in their right mind would balance their energy economy based on random drop. So you fix it with efficiency, flow, Arcances, Exodias, Focus schools, Syndicate procs, energy pizzas, tactical moderation... anything you CAN count upon. Picking up or not picking up the occasionel energy orb in less than ideal circumstances is NOT going to beak the flow of your game. Therefore, I pose it's a very very small price to pay for having Universal Vacuum.

    • Like 2
  11. I just tested it and he's right. You're not supposed to have Savage Silence euipped to open the Finisher; that is listed as part of the unaugmented efefct. Savage Silence would just increase the damage on the finisher by 300%. However, it is now required to open them for the finisher it seems. Run without, no workies; run with, workies.

    • Like 1
  12. It's odd that you only have this with Titania. This happens all too frequently on any frame.  I assumed it was latency related to the Host. A very bad offender is when loading into a Murex right now where you want to spam cancel the load animation and switch to operator to dash towards the defense spot asap. If I am not the Host, 75% of the time I switch to Operator and dash into a random direction instead of straight ahead. It tends to be better for the rest of the mission as if it's sort of a 'get your bearings the first time in a zone' effect. Weird.

    • Like 1
  13. There's an interesting aerial build possible and after testing it appears equipping Motus impact on Garuda's Talons does not give credit, with no other Melee equipped. At first I hoped the bug was just a display issue as the game may not recognise Garuda's Talons as your melee in the Arsenal in some way. But when I have the other 2 Motus equipped as well and test against Ancient Healers, they effectively pluck me out of the air 1/3 of the time. When I put in a random other melee weapon with Motus Impact, I do become 100% immune to Knockback while in the Air.

    On a hunch, I put in another melee set mod Strain Infection and it also doesn't register for the set bonus. Sure enough, none of the set mods do upon further checking.

    • TYPE: game mechanics
    • DESCRIPTION: Melee Set Mods on Garuda's Talons not registering for set bonus
    • VISUAL: -
    • REPRODUCTION: Equip Set mod on Garuda's Talons
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Expected to get credit for setitems 
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Did not get credit
  14. 35 minutes ago, Hellspikez said:

    Are you sure you applied the recent dispositions changes correctly?

    This is what my riven looked like before:

      Hide contents


    this is after the nerf:

      Hide contents



    Is this a UI problem or what? How is it possible for the stats to have been lowered by that much by a 1->0.8 change? I'm genuinely worried.

    Not a bug. This is a you problem. You got caught up comparing two different things.

    The first is showing the correct values for a 1.45 disposition Nukor.

    The second must be showing in the arsenal in a Kuva Nukor and is also correctly showing values for a disposition 0.8.

    You can check the values easily in a Riven Calculator site like Semlar's if you want.


    • TYPE: UI
    • DESCRIPTION: When in a Murex Ship, if you call up the Tactical screen, active timers on skills disappear. (I.e: as a Limbo, my remainging duration of Stasis and Cataclysm disappeared when I exited the Tactical screen. The skills are clearly still active so taht's good.  When I asked the mesa to check, he too had his Shooting Gallery & Shattering Shield durations turn off). You could still see the skill's icons botttom right wit hdifferent color as they were activated but the timer that is supposed to sit on them disappeared. If I manually turn off my Stasis and Cataclysm, and then activate them again, the timers do appear again (and you can break them again by calling up the Tactical screen and exiting it).
    • VISUAL
    • REPRODUCTION: It happened every time;
    • EXPECTED RESULT: When I exited the Tactical screen while on the Murex, active timers on my skill-icons should still be visible
    • OBSERVED RESULT: timers ons skills went missing after closing Tactical screen while on Murrex until I recast them
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% reproducable that mission.
  15. As someone who goes to Operator a lot, this really isn't minor at all. This is mayorly annoying. And resetting forms isn't exatly a joyous occasion. Especially if you use Energy Transfer for STR boost. 

  16. The sending & receiving is still not working correctly all hte time. At the time of writing I am in Flotilla 18. Was working fine for my first 2 Space runs. Then near 60 it grinded to a halt with a minimum off codes being sent up and received. It's now 65 with over 1 hour remaining and the entire flotilla is complaining with 7 active Space and 11 active Ground squads. One person mentioned it's the third flotilla he's in today that this happened to. People are upset.

    EDIT: monitoring Operation Link chat.... there are entirely too many join messages. ThenI saw an uplink go up, and suddenly like 20 join messages. As if ome sort of disconnect was going on and a reconnect was established. Not that this was followed by it working again. 

    EDIT2: Eventually I got mai lto confirm it failed.

  17. Hi


    I was considering buying Garuda Tiamat, but in both the preview & the market view, it appears the claws are 'off'. It kind of looks like the regular metallic claws combined with the Tennogen Skin and it feels really off as it breaks the whole theme. Didn't get that feeling when I looked at the Tennogen so I went back to look at that and it has a distinctly more bone, infested feel. So either the display is wrong and it's still correct ingame, or it's actually using the wrong claws in game too. I won't risk buying at this point as the way it looks in the preview/market is not appealing at all. Couldn't find any definitive answer searching for it, although I did find some screenshots from players that seem to indicate the ingame claws are correctly displaying as the Tiamat version. But would need confirmation. And you need to change it in the market/arsenal then as it is doing a disservice to the artist as it is, since looking at it now it displays a mix of 2 skins and doesn't look appealing at all (and I can't preview it correctly in my arsenal on Garuda with colorschemes).

    Thanks for the game, the new skins & all the fixes.

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