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Posts posted by IronKhagan

  1. 10 hours ago, [DE]Bear said:

    Hey Tenno,

    Peacemaker is already a strong ability and the use of Arcane Velocity simply turned that up to 11. While this change was not intended, after some internal back and forth we have made the decision to keep this change. We feel that the two combined makes the already top tier Peacemaker over the top. It still works with Peacemaker, Peacemaker simply cannot trigger it.

    We will be editing the patch notes to reflect this.

    And that enhances the game, how?

    All you've done is add a perfectly good arcane to the pile of arcanes no one cares about because they're outclassed by two or three top choices. If this is your feeble attempt at tuning down an ability's power level, you're only screwing over the players that have invested time, resources, and money to make the ability powerful by forcing exceptions and inconsistency into the game's mechanics, and the game is worse off for it. You are literally reinforcing the meta and punishing build diversity.

    • Like 3
  2. You didn't mention anything was being done to fix (actually fix and not remove) the issue, so are we to assume you're hanging us out to dry, tough luck with that tennogen purchase, better luck next time?

    Reminds me of a different blunder involving a crappy nylon bag, except you still have a chance to do the right thing and at the very least not fail to communicate. What does "for the time being" mean? What is being done towards a real fix?

    Don't alienate the people that have supported your existence.

  3. Whose bright idea was it to slap To take away its pain, you know, the song everyone wanted, on the tail end of some dissonant battle theme? It's not even disappointing, it's pissing me off, not just because they're as unfitting as dairy products and plum, but because it was clear as the sun observed through the vacuum of space which song the community loved and wanted, and which one is nearly indistinguishable from the music heard on Eris. I was positively excited to go through the quest again to get the only piece of music that can live up to or even exceed This is what you are. Hearing it for the first time, and confirming with others that my game isn't bugged and it is in fact the correct music, left me empty and thoroughly disappointed.

    I wanted to commend the people responsible for the excellent audio work, but considering this blunder and the new "percussive music" during the loading screen, "excellent, BUT..." might be more accurate.


    Sorry if I come off as insulting, I've been watching Jim Sterling a lot. I mean every word of it, though.

  4. This is a non-exhaustive list of UI screens that cannot be used and/or navigated using the keyboard. The most important issues are highlighted. If a screen is exempt from an issue, it's noted in italics.
    As a reference, I use a 5:4 (1280 x 1024) screen and run the game at native resolution.

    Common issues

    All screens mentioned below, and most screens not mentioned, are affected by these issues, unless noted in italics.

    • Pressing the Enter key doesn't trigger a click event on the vast majority of UI elements. This includes, but is not limited to, common UI elements, such as the squad member profile/mute/leave/invite buttons and buttons in the lower right corner (Back, Exit, Default, etc).
    • Large menus (such as inventory or mods) can't be scrolled using the keyboard.
    • The cursor often misses UI elements when moved using arrow/WASD keys. This becomes more notable when the targeted element is near the edge of the screen, such as a mission node in Navigation.
    • The cursor can get stuck in the upper left corner (probably as a result of the issue above) and has to be brought back using the mouse.
    • Even though the cursor can be moved between the buttons of dialogs (e.g. yes/no confirmations), pressing Enter will trigger the default "ok" button regardless of the cursor position.
    • Where text input is expected (e.g. chat or "select quantity" dialog), there is no way to leave the text field using the keyboard.

    Pause menu

    • Enter key functions on the menu items themselves.


    • Cursor is extremely inaccurate, both in pointing at a targeted element and in moving between elements.
    • World state lists (e.g. Void fissures) can't be scrolled.
    • When moving between elements that expand (e.g. Invasion missions), the last one closes and the cursor misses it.


    • The search bar cannot be accessed using the keyboard.
    • The Categories menu cannot be accessed using the keyboard unless it is opened beforehand.
    • Navigating up or down within the Categories menu is unreliable. Sometimes the cursor skips an item or gets stuck.

    Market - viewing an item

    • Pressing Enter acts as if the player pressed the Purchase button, regardless of cursor location.


    • Pressing Enter correctly activates elements on the tiled menus, but not the buttons on the top bar (Quests/Universe/Training/Missions, as well as categories).

    Inventory and shop interfaces

    • Pressing Enter on the highlighted item works as expected, but nowhere else.


    • Cursor inaccuracy makes navigating to sub-items (i.e. Equip, Upgrade, Appearance buttons) difficult.
    • If an item (Warframe, weapon, companion) is highlighted, pressing Enter opens the Equip menu even if the cursor is on the Upgrade or Appearance button, or not at all on the item.
    • When equipping an item, moving the cursor over one and pressing Enter doesn't change which item is selected, and will equip whatever was equipped before.

    Arsenal - upgrade menu

    • Cursor accuracy is perfect.
    • On the other hand, the Enter key is entirely nonfunctional and the menu cannot be scrolled.

    Arsenal - appearance menu

    • Enter key can be used on the menu items, but not in the color selection dialog.
    • Color set list can't be scrolled with the keyboard.


    • Cursor accuracy is perfect.
    • That being said, the cursor sometimes jumps from the category bar's rightmost items, over the actual foundry items, directly to the bottom right buttons.
    • The Enter key works perfectly on foundry items and the cancel buttons, but not on any other UI elements.

    Foundry - arcanes

    • Enter key is entirely nonfunctional.

    Mods segment

    • Cursor is accurate with the exception of the Ayatan Treasures menu.
    • Enter key is entirely nonfunctional.
    • Cannot be scrolled using keyboard.

    Pet segment

    • Cursor is accurate, but trying to navigate downwards using the keys jumps to the bottom right buttons.

    Operator - main

    • There is an invisible element above the Focus icon that the cursor jumps to, but doesn't do anything.  
    • Cursor accuracy is poor, ~~but sufficient to keep the cursor inside the circles.~~ (this doesn't make it a non-issue)  

    Operator - equipment and appearance

    • Enter key is entirely nonfunctional.

    Operator - focus school selection

    • Cursor accuracy is too low to hit "Make primary" buttons.  
    • The "Increase pool" button in the center is inaccessible using keyboard.  

    Operator - focus school ability tree

    • Cursor seems to be confined to elements that are visible - if one is outside the boundaries, the screen doesn't pan to make it fit.  
    • Cannot be panned using keyboard.
  5. To any moderators that see this - would you kindly move it to (general) Feedback > Warframes & Abilities?

    I think we can all agree that the recent update to Gara's Mass Vitrify made the ability pretty much useless on more difficult missions even with a build dedicated to durability. I'd like to pitch some ideas to remedy the situation without making the wall completely invincible.

    I made these ideas to be balanced and more dependent on gameplay and interactivity (plus a healthy amount of synergy) rather than a static configuration.

    Foreword: spare me your preach of MV being a crowd control ability. With the sluggish expansion, high energy cost and immediate vulnerability to weapons fire from unaffected enemies, it's just not good for CC. And don't compare Gara's gameplay to that of Frost.


    Idea 0: massive buff to health, or damage absorption (like Snow Globe)

    The most obvious and laziest solution. A buff to the wall's health would solve the immediate issue of MV being akin to wet tissue paper, but it wouldn't solve the issue of balance. A wall that's nearly invulnerable to enemies on Belenus in wave 1 would be just as bad against a horde of enemies in wave 20 and beyond. Let's not consider this as a complete solution.


    Idea 1: shield-like regeneration.

    Like the player's shield, damaged or broken segments could reform and regenerate health over time when not under fire. This would give an alternative (more importantly, a *choice*) to dropping and re-casting the wall. Then, should the player choose to try and repair the wall, they'd be forced to be more present in the situation. It would also give Spectrorage better synergy (we all love synergy, right?) with MV.


    Idea 2: Fortress of Deva.

    The idea is not new - it has been pitched several times. It's also present in Transylvanian folklore.

    Enemies that are vitrified take damage over time (scaling with armour, of course). Damage done to those enemies heals (or reinforces) the wall and maybe even repairs broken segments. Once again, this would encourage players to do more than just raise the wall and stand by. It would benefit them to cast the wall when several enemy units can be vitrified to maximize its durability. Proactive players could even keep a kennel of enemies using Spectrorage.


    Idea 3: channeled reinforcement

    This idea would allow the player to channel more glass into the wall by re-casting MV - a little like Snow Globe's stacking mechanic. It works in two stages.

    The first stage is identical to the current casting mechanism of MV. The player begins casting, which forms a wall that expands until stopped by the player, the time limit is reached, or the energy is depleted. The resulting wall is thin and fragile, each segment having the base health that depends on armour and ability strength.

    The second stage reinforces the wall. While inside the cylinder, the player can cast MV again to layer more glass onto the wall, increasing its health and repairing broken segments. To prevent the player from reinforcing the wall ad infinitum, health gain is a logarithmic function of current health (the same amount of health gain takes longer the more health the wall has, eventually capping out) and energy consumption per second is an exponential function of the wall's health (higher health means faster energy consumption). This would create an effective health cap where very little health is gained, and also give players a choice to raise a quick, fragile wall or spend time and energy reinforcing it.

    The caveat here is re-casting the wall. The player would either have to smash it with Shattered Lash or leave its radius.

    Illustrations: https://imgur.com/a/vwah2

  6. Following the update, my first destination was the simulacrum to see just how much Mass Vitrify was nerfed.

    It's bad. Very bad.

    My build for Gara has 253% power strength and 262 armour, sacrificing a lot of duration and efficiency. All enemies were level 70 corrupted units, not uncommon to fight against those (let's be real, enemies below level 50 are trivial).

    Five corrupted butchers attacked the same section and tore through it in ten seconds. A single heavy gunner did the same even quicker. Lancers scattered and attacked different segments for about 30 seconds until they broke through.

    Then I headed to Belenus to test it in practice. The first round of level 30 corrupted mixed units (mostly lancers, crewmen and butchers) broke a segment in half a minute.

    Hieracon yielded similar results. Around the 12th extractor, enemies of level 50 easily broke through the wall before the extractor was halfway done.


    Balancing Mass Vitrify wasn't uncalled for, but at the current state, it becomes almost useless as soon as enemies get the slightest bit difficult. Keep in mind that I was using a build optimized for maximum durability, sacrificing a lot in terms of maximum radius and energy management, which should never be a requirement for an ability to be useful beyond low-to-mid levels. The update to Mass Vitrify is simply bad.

    What could be done is either buff the wall's health significantly1, or giving us a way to repair segments of the wall, like regeneration that triggers after the last hit (like shield regeneration) that would also give us a reason to use Spectrorage.


    DE, please reconsider your decision.


    Update with some results from sorties 1 and 3: (tl;dr: like wet tissue paper)

    Sortie 1 was operative defense. I always used Gara to protect the operative with Splinter Storm and keep it in place and further protect it with MV. However, giving MV any kind of durability required me to severely cripple all other abilities - but I digress. Casting MV was tough since I had such low efficiency (from Blind Rage, and the eximi didn't make it any easier), and when I did, a segment was broken almost immediately.

    Same with sortie 3. The wall lasted a bit longer, but as soon as the enemy caught up with the squad, they almost instantly broke a segment and exposed the console.

    All in all, MV in its current state is almost useless in normal star chart missions and completely useless in sorties.

  7. Today I was playing as a Vauban. I downed a bursa, deployed a Vortex nearby, and began hacking. The bursa died as it was dragged away by the vortex. The hacking UI disappeared, but I was stuck in an infinitely looping hacking animation. Moving the mouse rotated the minimap, but didn't move the camera and I was unable to move or use abilities.

    Later I was able to reproduce the bug in the simulacrum. It only occurs when a bursa that's being hacked dies while also being affected by Vauban's vortex. Instead of ending the animation, the player is stuck in a loop until something forces it to stop, like pressing Esc.

    I've also made screenshots, just in case. https://imgur.com/a/CrRit

  8. During the second mission of the Archwing quest (Orokin sabotage on Venus), after inserting the key into the torsion beam device and going back through the portal, the objective text on the right side changes to what I assume is a file path, probably to a missing file. The objective itself (finding the Orokin cache) works as expected, and all other texts appeared correctly.

    A possible theory: when I inserted the key, I jumped through the portal immediately before the objective changed. The countdown to go through the portal actually started (and reached zero) on the other side, which was followed by and may have actually caused the glitch I described.

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