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Everything posted by Tyfyter2002

  1. And instead you used FOMO to make them unforgivable
  2. It is impossible to prevent false submissions without offering a purchase of "nothing, but it tells DE you would've spent money on them". I had greater faith in this game and its team than in any others except Re-Logic and Larian Studios, for the same reason many others did: DE has a history of not doing things like this; It doesn't take some grand reason to lose faith in a studio, just the loss of the reason you had any to begin with.
  3. Financial records don't contain a purchases that would have been made but weren't, they can compare the rate of income before and after the change, but that will always fluctuate, the purpose of this tracker is to remove all doubt it can as to the lower bounds of lost income.
  4. Even ignoring my own personal opinion about this, I enjoy the game and therfore oppose changes I expect will make the game more likely to become a financial drain and be shut down
  5. And for any moderators who happen upon this, this is meant to provide a way to see when DE has lost money (A time-exclusive microtransaction inherently can't be financially beneficial long-term unless it causes no lasting loss of reputation) from the change in community opinion that's already happened without it, and provide it as fast as possible, for your benefit and ours;
  6. The best way to ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen again (and potentially fix it this timr) is likely to be demonstrating that it lost money overall, and at any non-zero rate that's guaranteed to happen eventually with FOMO-based microtransactions, so if you decide against making a purchase in WARFRAME for any reason resulting from this change in monetization style, so please respond with it in the following form, it is set to not collect email addresses or any other irrelevant data. https://forms.gle/qogy3wtYWHxU8HzFA
  7. I didn't mean that I didn't already intend to buy BG3, I meant that before this I planned to buy regal aya packs and tennogen, but now I'm more likely to make extra steam accounts to buy BG3 for, since the main reason for either would be supporting developers I support.
  8. Before this FOMO real-money-only purchase I was planning to make some purchases once my financial situation permits it more, but now I might start looking into ways to pay more for Baldur's Gate 3 instead.
  9. This just happened to me, log and screenshot provided in hopes that they might help resolve the issue (and also that maybe the rewards might be given) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zd25en4kdbrat5t/AAAvWbv7105vF6wHn9zFDZSya?dl=0
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