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Posts posted by SilvaStars

  1. 15 minutes ago, SacredSpirit1337 said:

    They said 



    They specifically said base Volt in the rules. That statue of base Volt is the grand prize, after all, hand-painted into your fashionframe.

    Amethyst is a Base Volt, it just has a different texture and coloring patterns.

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  2. I hope that there will be more Cephalons to make for Railjack, because I would love to be able to have different Cephalons to choose from with multiple personalities. Maybe bringing Ordis instead of Cy, or craft Cephalon Jordas after beating the Atlas quest out of infestation materials, or even Cephalon Suda with enough standing? I know Cy said that there isnt any other suitable Cephalon to help pilot a Railjack, but wouldn't it be nice not hearing the same Cephalon over and over again?

  3. Me and my friend were trying to go through some missions like Helene, but he always loads in late on my side and instantly disconnects, and on his side he is constantly loading into the mission. Whenever I see his frame disappearing, at the same moment he says that host migration is in progress during loading. He's been trying to restart the router and his internet speeds have been fine, but ends up resulting in him not being able to join the mission at all. His ISP is AT&T.

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