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Posts posted by bronzebonobo

  1. 9 hours ago, Fire2box said:

    They already do this. The thing is DE makes far more money from cosmetics then doing heavy lore updates. How much money did DE make off The War Within vs dropping a tennogen pack? 

    After you think about that, why would DE go after anything else?

    Literally everyone and their mothers dog bought the war bundle for war and the stalker armor, come to think of it I was the only one who didn't buy it out of the 6 of us including me that played heavily back then, releasing interesting cosmetics with a huge new update was a smart move on their part, it can be done but piggy backing off tennogen is not a good idea when they have creative talent there to be tapped into. 

    Your claim is false though, it can be done and they have shown they can do it.

    Also releasing no content for months on end is not a good idea considering warframe really has no replayable content besides maybe arcanes and that other game mode that requires a saryn or nuke equinox.  Getting healthy game updates> Getting cosmetics shoved down our throats for months on end. Unless your into cosmetics which  is good for you but I Guestimate a very large portion of the playerbase is here for the actual gameplay. 

    To address your second statement it is very true. DE has gotten lazier and lazier over the years opting to just shove cosmetics down our throats more often because........ well it sells and they get to be lazy about it which creates stagnation of updates etc. and the "why should I try hard when the money keeps coming?" I don't really see way in which this could be remedied easy, it would basically take us to stop buying cosmetics or for them to start dropping massive amounts of players to light a fire under them and get them moving again but that will probably never happen but i guess someone could dream maybe? Anyways yeah it is a big issue. 

  2. 3 hours ago, --C--Nehra said:

    It's a sad day! What a shame! (For me at least.) What are you guys' opinions! 


    Honestly I logged in for the first time in months to try and play it and the magic just wasn't there anymore. I just cannot boot it up anymore and have a good time with it, I had a lot of issues with warframe over the years but pre specters of the rail I was honestly having the time of my life with the game and I honestly can't tell if I quit because of the changes made to the game or I just burned out finally, point being there is a beginning and an end to everything. Maybe he just finally burned out for good and that is okay. I hope his new videos work out well for him. A whole lot of the og warframe youtubers are putting out less and less on the game or it is just more of the same drivel, but that is honestly okay because everyone eventually stops playing for one reason or another.

  3. 14 hours ago, BeldarTheBrave said:

    So, I've been playing Warframe for something like a couple of months now. I really like the star map missions and enjoy those with friends especially. Even though I've only been playing a short time, I have many hours in the game.

    Then I saw that many Nightwave rep challenges require open world play on Cetus or Orb Vallis. Now I really dislike Nightwave and liked alerts better, but I decided to work through that (and it is work) and press on.

    So, I tried playing the intro missions and a bounty on Orb Vallis so I could get the mining laser for the Nightwave rep thing. As it turns out, I actively hate playing in Orb Vallis for many reasons. I think it's a poorly designed grind fest that lacks the soul and fast play of the star map stuff. I would honestly find washing the dishes more enjoyable than hunting for mining spots to point a laser at.

    So, assuming I completely skip open world content, what will I miss out on? I know there are a couple of frames I will never be able to get and that new nikana it looks like. But what else of substance will I not have access to?

    I will be real with you, eidolon hunting requires you to grind ALOT for both open world areas (this content is completely skippable, if you want to do it later that is fine) the only worth it thing in both open worlds are the melee zaws from cetus and the kitguns in orb vallis, you can make VERY powerful custom weapons from both open worlds, and that is pretty much it, the rest is too much time and effort and time gating to really care about it enough to do it, hope this helps you

  4. @ObviousLee Honestly boggles the mind doesnt it, I figured I would chime in, the forums are just not a good place to have a discussion about topics in general, as you have already seen people will argue with you over something completely irrelevant to the topic at hand and they try to find any straw they can grab to make you look like the bad guy ( I have seen several people do this to you already)  You should take this to reddit, much more civilized and imo is a better place to give feedback, but do what you want, I hope you get the devs attention because i agree with you 100%  

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

    Please keep in mind, I admit I could be wrong about some thing's, or even all of this, but this is simply what I have observed and what I have pondered about.


    Let's face it. Take a moment, detach yourself from the game and it's all-consuming powers, and think objectively.

    The fanbase (here comes the hate, I can feel it now) has fostered a new sense of content greed. (The first I've seen, anyway)

    What do I mean? I'm glad you maybe asked!

    We have a lot of content already. DE has been enormously gracious to keep shelling out content for us.

    Yet we never stop asking for more.


    More, more, GIVE US MORE DE!!!! *foams at the mouth*

    I've noticed some connections.....this "more" we all ask for, could actually be hindering the game and it's progress in ways, which is why we've suffered many obstacles in the road maps for this game.

    I could elaborate more, but I don't want to put my full spiel out there, as I want people to remain as open-minded as possible about this.

    Hey, stop throwing things at me! Put out that fire! I'm only making a post!


    I think if we all exercise some patience, greater thing's will come.

    Please keep in mind, I admit I could be wrong about some thing's, or even all of this, but this is simply what I have observed and what I have pondered about.

    Warframe is the gift that keeps on giving - this shiny new toy that is more or less "new" to us, so we get carried away, always expecting more...more....FFS DE WE WANT MORE GET TO IT PRONTO OR WE WIL- *user died of content greed rabies*

    But seriously, we should back up and ease off DE a little bit, give them some room to breathe. It's like we threw them in a defection mission, deleted the Med Boosters, and Sit-Emote on a wall somewhere watching them suffer. Lol.


    Anyway, thank you DE, for everything ❤️


    Please keep in mind, I admit I could be wrong about some thing's, or even all of this, but this is simply what I have observed and what I have pondered about.

    You new to the party or something? This has legit been going on for years. The player base will always have their own opinion or idea, someone will always complain whether we like it or not, their complaining will only be relevant if the idea  has some some legitimate thought into it ( I like to think that.)

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Melanholic7 said:

    Dude. All i just want - to speak free, freely communicate with people,using legal words and etc. And what im seeing? They are not letting me to. Thats not ok. -_-


    Oh and some other advice, complaining about it here will get you nowhere unfortunately, reddit is going to be the way to go. Also I feel you man, wish it didn't work like this but sometimes it does

  7. 1. 1 needs to go, no matter how much you try to make this ability viable, nobody will ever use it unless it does god like levels of damage and the range and splash is increased.

    2. 2 and 3 need to either be removed (opinion) De doesn't like chromas 3 let's just be completely honest here, if they don't change it then he will be a somewhat ok tank (nothing like inaros though.)

    4. 4 Is hot trash on a sunny day, maybe put something actually useful here like cc or something, completely remove this ability.

    5. Don't force synergies within the kit, don't want another frame where I have to repeatedly press a sequence of buttons just to get an effect and then have to do it over and over again, 2 and 3 synergy is fine. hopefully he retains the same play style depending on how they would rework him.

    I have absolutely no intention of formaing chroma p simply because he is barely mediocre besides 1 niche area in the game which sucks because chroma was my favorite frame for a very long time due to me personally preferring solo play over team play, I had my hopes up when he was announced but since they said they won't rework him I don't even care anymore but hopefully they change their minds because I was honestly thinking about buying this prime access but not if he stays the way he is now.

  8. 1 hour ago, 1thurts said:

    As you may already know, the Acolytes will be back next week. I read it as an appetizer of the Melee 3.0. Mods like maiming strike are sold as high as 360p on PC, and if Melee 3.0 comes all of a sudden now and memestrike gets nerfed to the ground then DE would have to face the tears from those people who just bought these mods. 

    Opening the Shadow Debt event again gives people the access to these mods and the price/value of those mods would drop dramatically, and it would be easier for people to accept the fact that the price of these mods would raise again even after this event, as I am afraid Melee 3.0 will arrive right after it.

    we will see if you are right, if this thread is still open your tinfoil hat tactics were right man =D

  9. 50 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    Khora is the only warframe I have left to get, (other then Limbo Prime)
    meaning I need to do Onslaught.
    1 Khora part drops on zone 2 and 4, (the chassis, which I have)
    another drops on zone 6, (I don't have this part)
    and 2 other parts drop on zone 8. (i don't have either of these parts)

    A lot of the maps are so open you just die when fighting any range based factions, (all but infested)
    because enemies are shooting you from all sides.

    Grineer and Corrupted enemies become nearly impossible by zone 6 solo, especially if the map is super open.
    Infested are only a problem if parasitic eximus spawn.

    Why am I soloing you ask?
    Because I get NO rewards while playing multiplayer.
    The game doesn't update the mission, so I stay in zone 2, even if I've moved onto zone 16.
    No rewards, even with optimal connection.
    There was ONE time I actually got rewards, and actually got to keep the rewards.
    But every other time I actually got rewards, I lost them do to host migration, and mission disconnection.

    Either fix the servers so the mission updates properly so latency heavy connections can actually get rewards.
    Or make it easier so solo players can actually have fun while farming.
    Or preferably both.

    JUST WAIT until you want to farm the vandal weapons, you will burn out so quickly and either buy them or give up

  10. So uhhh you know there is this thing called a public forum where people can come to ask DE many things even if you don't like it, and they also can complain about whatever it is that's on their minds so maybe a dev will read and think about it. It also can be used for telling people how to do things but I really would advise against telling people what they should do especially if your not a moderator. Toodles =D

  11. 1 minute ago, SqualZell said:

    why just universal vacuum? might as well just autoloot everything

    now that we are at it, why even bother doing the mission? can we just get the XP for things we would have killed?

    seriously though

    run your pet Kavat and Kubro, work with them, forma them a few times get some maxed out mods. and you will see that you don't need autoloot. 

    calm down, it is a reasonable request

  12. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Gin Hachiman said:

    Does this game have a problem with certian people? I mean we get banned for saying n*gga for days (still currently banned) but yet they can say honky, cracker, etc and do you see anything happening? Then when asked why in fourm chat you just decide to delete my post rather than answer it? This is stupid. You ban a word that is used among a community, social media, and even music. Its a word used daily by a large sum of people. Also why over a 3 day ban for it? So if you use a word used by black people you get a multiple day ban but feel free if you use a white name as stated above. So is this one going to get deleted as well? This game is rated m for mature right? The same guidelines as a rated r movie basically. 17+ right? Don't you also have a profanity censor? So whats the problem with using a word that isn't even a cuss word. 

    I agree with you on the bias they show towards certain racial slurs (white people slang people use to be racist) but honestly using the buzz word in chat will get you in trouble, you are actually very lucky you didn't get perma banned, I would just advise if you value your warframe account to be very careful about what you put on the boards.

    However I do agree with the racial slurs thing, if i can't get away with saying something bad the other bad words people use should be bannable as well

    Edit: The point I am trying to convey is one racial slur gets people banned but the other ones don't, ALL RACIAL SLURS SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED

  13. 8 minutes ago, icewalker220 said:

    So, being a very new player (3 days in), I’m super excited that Rhino Prime is available, but I also have multiple questions.

    If a frame is unvaulted does that mean they’re available in Relics, or that you buy them from the store?

    Because I know there is a pack for Rhino Prime, but what about the ppl who just want Rhino Prime by himself?

    Anyway, all help is appreciated!

    Rhino will be obtainable in the void broke into parts.

    There is a cosmetic pack (just for his cosmetic prime accessories he came with on release.) And the pack in which rhino and his weapons will be bundled.

  14. 37 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    It seems like bashing Founders just for being Founders would qualify as Bullying under the Forum guidelines but I have never heard of it being enforced as such.

    Why do we need to work to prevent someone from "immediately becoming triggered" in the first place?

    Another person's pre-conceived notions are their problem... If a profile pic on loading is enough to "trigger" someone into being abusive, they were an abusive player to begin with just looking for someone to be abusive to.

    Basically, imo, you just bullied the OP into changing their profile pic...Congratulations. Thanks for the update @OriVerda

    I honestly think you are right, who the hell cares if they get triggered or not, if you let pixels on a screen bother you that much then that's there problem.

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