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Posts posted by InquisitorMaximus

  1. 18 minutes ago, --Q--DragonSkllzz said:

    That "corpus" refers to the person's family. The early corpus as a faction were more like space pirates, stealing goods and selling them on the black market, aka they didn't call themselves corpus until much later.

    Not really, during the last years of the Orokin Empire the Corpus was already a surging faction; I'll quote once again Ballas:

    "Their mind drones; Their mechanizations, toil in foundries remote. For what purpose? We must set watch upon them. Baiting our snares with the worms of profitThose kneeling at the altar of commerce will be returned.. to the Void."

    So, the Corpus were "pirates"  only in the sense that "They scavenge the outer systems, greedy for the Old War salvage. Their most sought after of all - the Tenno and their WARFRAME armor. Those captured are treated as salvage; meticulously dissected, integrated. The remains are sold to the highest bidder." (in-game description).

    Furthermore the Corpus were not stealing, were "scavenging"; in any case the Corpus were at the moment the parasites of the Orokin Empire and even the Sentients, they were just ready after every battle taking what they could to profit from it. "gorging themselves" "greedily scavenging" "grofiting profiting" "the worms of profit"..

    In any case the Orokin themed HUD makes sense.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Frenjo said:

    Yeah, that's true. There are references in lore to Corpus being a unique thing, but they were still a part of the Orokin Empire as far as we know. Something about, "your Corpus will suffer for your failure" or something like that.

    But still: VERY MUCH YES! Make this a thing DE please.

    "These industrialists have gorged on the harvest of our long war. Their mind drones; Their mechanizations, toil in foundries remote. For what purpose? We must set watch upon them. Baiting our snares with the worms of profit.

    Those kneeling at the altar of commerce will be returned.. to the Void.

    For your consideration... Vauban."


    So yes, the Corpus were a thing prior to the fall of the Orokin Empire, furthermore, the Old War was most likely an event that covers a hefty number of years (after all, the Orokin -apparently- were the creators of the Sentients as well, at least of the original Sentients). 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Buff00n said:

    On closer inspection, tempo and meter are issues too.  There's nothing I can do that's anywhere close to the original.

    Thanks a lot for your time, it's amazing how you dedicate your time to help us to make the game more enjoyable and personal.... KUDOS! And of course thank you for your effort and honest feedback regarding my petition :thumbup:as I said: you're awesome. 

  4. 5 hours ago, N7Paladin said:

    Can we please do something about this. There has been complaints dating back 2 years now. Can we please turn off the closing animation on The Dual Kamas prime? It is extremely annoying and it is combo breaking. Just please turn it off I beg of you. I could understand if you didn't hit anything for 60 seconds or more. But this weapon constantly closes at random. Why is this even a thing? Why would i want to close my weapon on a battle field? For the love of God would someone hear my cry.

    And while we are at it can we please have (Dividing Blades) Stance work in teh entire game and not just PVP. I don't care if you leave it PvP Exclusive to gain, i would lik eto use this stance worldwide, Its the only stance that doesn't you know....   But please get rid of the animation, what do i have to do to have this happen. Please let me know, i will even beg more. 


    Thank You

    WAIT... So are not a two-edged weapon? hahaha... I always assumed that the animation was to add to the "coolness" of the weapon, by being using both sharp sides looking 100% bad*ss... Looks like I was wrong... LMAO right now ^^... (PS: I know the animation doesn't affect the weapon performance).

  5. 5 hours ago, tischkanteVS said:



    Artax is not Shooting at all when its Equipped on Carrier

    Intended or bug?

    The ARTAX has an inherent low accuracy, and since it takes Riffle Mods, accuracy can't be improved at the moment... Furthermore, the ARTAX has a limited range of 30m so keep that in mind...

  6. 30 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    ... you serious right now?

    And let us not forget "officially sanctioned" as well as "preventing them officially" ... 

    Ninjas Play Officially

  7. 2 hours ago, THeMooN85 said:

    Wait wait wait... you want to tell me that I can't use whatever I want because it wont kill enemies? But, but... I use Atrax for its utility... not for its almost ZERO damage even on the beginning. I got every sentinel's weapons build for utility... 

    I totally agree with THeMoonN85; I think we are confusing 2 different things:

    TAXON = This is the sentinel.

    ARTAX = This is a weapon

    Even when the ARTAX has the lowest base damage of all Sentinel weapons, if you consider its utility it can go with you really deep into the Star Chart. It has a 100% proc on cold, which synergies amazingly well with Condition Overload and Healing Return;

    Furthermore, the cold proc slowdown enemies, which is really useful in many scenarios particularly when in highly crowed missions like Mot; 

    Finally, in my own experience, the fact that this weapon doesn't deal puncture, impact or slash damage, makes the Sentinel (whichever using it, not only the TAXON) less attractive for enemies, as soon as you equip a "strong" weapon (i.e. a weapon dealing damage like the Deth Machine Rifle for example) the Sentinel will become a floating bullseye for that level 40 heavy gunner (or whoever).

    As a side note, the fact that you really have to Mod (for increasing accuracy for example) the ARTAX, makes it not as friendly and one would though, so I would hardly consider it "potty training" for Tennos.

    I would place the ARTAX in the same page with the STINGER (DJINN's signature/default weapon) and the VULKLOK (DIRIGA's signature/default weapon) easily. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)horridhal said:

    @[DE]Danielle Hey, Baro is missing the Solstice Skyandana from his inventory but has two copies of Prisma Jet Wings for sentinels.  Can you add the Solstice Skyandana to his inventory (it should be offered since DotD is also a holiday but is being offered) to correct the issue?  Many people have been complaining about it this weekend on the forums and in the game itself.

    This is totally right! I totally forgot about the Solstice Ki'Teer Syandana, and we do want it... please!!! :community:

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