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Posts posted by InquisitorMaximus

  1. How the new Reaction's options will be applied to the "Community Reputation" system we had, previously each Upvote was a +1 in the Community Reputation counter, right? Or are we going to overcome the Community Reputation overall, just curious ^^....

    Ah ya, please, please, please give us the :community: as a reaction as soon as convenient for you... I love that one ((((:community:)))) 

    Thanks =^D

  2. 2 hours ago, unaiiH said:

    Buenas! quería saber si para vosotros merece la pena el prime vault con uno de los dos warframe prime y accesorios y armas + 400 platinos , por 37 euros. Y cuando rotarán los warframe que hay ahora? Rhino Prime y Mag Prime creo.

    Rhino Prime y Mage Prime (así como las correspondientes armas y accesorios del Paquete Prime Fuerza Bruta -y los relativos más pequeños-) estarán disponibles hasta el 1 de Agosto de 2017.

    Con relación a si es conveniente o no, eso depende de ti y de lo que tu consideres conveniente en relación al costo/beneficio del paquete. Algunos detalles que te pueden ayudar a tomar tu decisión son las siguientes:

    1. Los accesorios cosméticos sólo los puedes adquirir comprando el paquete correspondiente.

    2. El Extractor Destilador-Prime sólo lo puedes adquirir comprando alguno de los paquetes (éste está disponible en los tres niveles: Fuerza, Bruto y Fuerza Bruta).

    Yo personalmente compré el paquete Fuerza Bruta con los dos Warframes a pesar de que ya tenía un Rhino Prime, pero no tenía ninguno de los accesorios además el Platino me pareció a un precio muy aceptable comparado con su precio regular.

    Como puedes ver, depende mucho de lo que quieras obtener de tu compra ya que hay cosas que sólo puedes obtener por éste medio.

  3. 2 hours ago, Nickishero said:

    What melee weapon has when you use it, it like fires projectiles of it swinging dealing damage? Is that a mod weapon type or specific weapon unique?

    (sorry for my english, im dutch.)

    If this is the one you're looking for:


    Then is (as rapt0rman explained) Excalibur's Exalted Blade (his 4th ability).

    Photo belongs to The_Third_Rider in Photobucket.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Diabolycke said:

    Todo eso me ayudo mucho pero hay algo que no me dice nadie o no se me esta entendiendo yo voy i escaneo una kuria de la tierra y me da un fragmeto del poema.  Mi pregunta es ¿el fragmento del pomea que me da cada kuria escaneada es un fragmento a lazar o las kurias de la tierra dan los fragmentos iniciales del poema?

    No necesariamente, puedes encontrar Kurias en otros planetas con líneas iniciales del poema (no siguen el orden de los planetas).

    Como te comentaba antes: "Cada Kuria tiene un texto propio -no generan textos al azar, siempre son los mismos, para esa Kuria, en ese mapa- y cada Kuria está vinculada a una ubicación dentro de un Tileset (módulo del mapa) específico sin importar el planeta en que ese Tileset se presente".

    Las Kurias están vinculadas a Tilesets que se pueden presentar en cualquier planeta, no necesariamente tiene que ser en la tierra. 

    Por ejemplo el Fragmento 1 ("A Story once lost" - "Una historia antes olvidada") sólamente lo puedes obtener de una Kuria en un Tileset del Corpus:


    Y hasta donde yo recuerdo no hay misiones Corpus en la Tierra (además es una Tileset específico en las Ciudades de Gas, que están en los planetas gigantes de gas jeje), así que tienes que buscar en otros planetas aunque sean partes del inicio del poema (no siguen el orden de los planetas).

    Suerte Tenno =)

  5. 17 minutes ago, Robin-da-Reaper said:


    The OP is elaborating a conditioning question... "If this thing will gonna constantly" then he is going to "die from hearth attack someday"  So, I'm understanding that he got that doppelganger after the completing the quest, not as a random-common occurrence... I haven't seen my Operator's transfer's-residual-energy-manifestation since completing the quest... 

  6. "All missions to the Origin system required a sacrifice. Me and my kind become barren when crossing the gap. It is the one flaw that we never overcame." -Lotus

    "If you could trade, would you? Surely. But all miracles require sacrifice. For their life: yours." -Ballas

    "Natah was the daughter, until I destroyed her. Now I am the Lotus. Now I am the mother." -Lotus

    What if we think outside the box?; what if we think beyond?; What conjectures can we reach? 

    Just mumbling... We now know (after the chains of Harrow) that Natah molded herself into the Lotus following Margulis as a model... "For their life: yours".


  7. 2 hours ago, WIIBYE said:

    Hola, necesito ayuda. Cuando instale warframe y el launcher estaba cargando faltaba 2060.4 MB aproximadamente en otras palabras estaba al 87% pero por la mala suerte de mi vida se me corta el internet y cuando vuelvo a abrir el launcher de warframe, empieza desde el principio 14857.3 MB y ya no en 2060.4 MB donde estaba antes, me pueden ayudar a solucionar este problema???

    Cuando instalas el cliente de un juego o una actualización (no sólo de Warframe sino en general) no todo lo que descargas se guarda en tu computadora, a veces queda "flotando" en el caché esperando solo a instalarse y borrarse; de hecho en general se aprecia que los archivos guardados localmente sean los menos posibles. 

    Por lo que comentas, cuando reiniciaste la descarga "volvió atrás", hasta el punto donde se había guardado localmente, no hay nada que hacer, sólo ser paciente y esperar a que concluya la descarga.

    Suerte Tenno =)

  8. 17 hours ago, Diabolycke said:

    desde hace unos diías esoy escaniando kurias y mi duda es la siguente

    ¿las frases que aparecen cuando escaneo a un kuria es aleatoria o cada kuria de cada planeta o zona grineer revela la frace que corresponde a su localizacion?

    puesto que me faltan dos de las frases del comienzo y se que tengo todas las kurias de la tierra escañadas

    Cada Kuria tiene un texto propio y cada Kuria está vinculada a una ubicación dentro de un Tileset (módulo del mapa) específico sin importar el planeta en que ese Tileset se presente (por ejemplo, al final de las misiones en planetas dominados por el Corpus cuando vas a la plataforma de extracción a la izquierda se presentan unos túneles que tienen dentro restos de un asentamiento Grineer, la curia que aparece en ese túnel es siempre la misma porque el Tileset es siempre el mismo); por eso, una vez que escanées una Kuria ya no lo podrás hacer de nuevo incluso si la encuentras de nuevo.

    Los textos de las Kurias componen juntos un poema épico sobre el origen de las Reinas Gemelas de los Grineer. Por la forma que tienen y por los mensajes que recibes cuando completas 50%/75%/100% de Kurias escaneadas, todo indica que Gusano es quien las fabrica.

    Con relación a si las Planicies de Eidolon incluirán más Kurias, lo más seguro es que no, el recibir la estatuilla de la Kuria como regalo de Gusano es el indicativo de que ya has escaneado el 100% de ellas; además están ligadas a The War Within de manera muy específica.

  9. 4 hours ago, Yawyna124 said:

    'Ello; earlier today I managed to pair up with someone leveling their oberon while I, myself, was running my own. Something I noticed happening is I could see both his and my status effects applying on my status bar and was wondering if this was merely a UI bug or if we could actually stack Oberons and, if we can stack Oberons, is there a hard-cap? 

    The reason why I'm curious as to this is, if there is no hard cap and stacking is possible, I would be quite interested in finding other Oberon players to play with for giggles. A quad-stack of oberons running strength and armor, given that there would be no hard-cap to the healing and armor buffing, would give you four players with 2000 armor and 250 healing per second, which would be quite... interesting. Or, if noone has info on this matter, other oberons to test this would be good  with as well.

    I'm in... =D let's call it, the stags' club :nerd:

  10. 9 minutes ago, Lakais said:

    That would explain a few things. But the one thing that is constantly mentioned about high ranking Orokin is their symmetry.

    To be really precise and fair: the Synthesis Imprint of the corrupted Ancient specifically mentions that "the Orokin had a visage imbued with variation, beauty and symmetry"... following the strict meaning of the word "visage" we are talking about the face: " A person's face, with reference to the form or proportions of the features. ‘an elegant, angular visage’ " (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/visage, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/visage) it is true that we can be generous and extend the "visage" word to all the appearance, but there is no evidence of this in the Synthesis Imprint content... furthermore Ontella makes a contrasting description of themselves when he says "but we had the Lora nodes protruding from our right temples." as clearly indicating he is talking of the face/head when mentioning the "visage's symmetry". Ballas' visage is completely symmetric.

    Interesting fact: in Spanish we have the word "visaje" for exclusively referring to the facial expressions.

    18 minutes ago, Lakais said:

    Not really following that design, but to each their own. If we used that Valkyr prime description with the blue, I'd go with them being essentially human, but "refined". Like some stupid HD model that's been agonized over for weeks, every pore, fold and hair being hand placed. With their skin being so smooth as to be almost as polished porcelain. With the way that kind of skin would reflect light, he'd be every color imaginable. And in the bright space of standard High Orokin architecture, he'd look godlike with white and gold reflecting in an almost blinding way. 

    As you said, each their own, and in any case Balla's final form (and with it probably the Orokin appearance as a whole -style, form, etc-) is practically here already. 

    23 minutes ago, Lakais said:

    description with the blue

    I don't find any reference of "the blue" (I assume we are talking about the skin color of the Orokin or Ballas exclusively), only in the Saryn Prime trailer mentions "the blue", but I always assumed he was talking about Earth, "bathed in gold and solemn blue".... probably I was wrong...

  11. 14 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


    I said the exact same thing at the beginning of the stream. Can't tell if it was lighting or the camera.

    Good for hiding post-TennoCon/Hotfixes eye bags -Even Rebecca's perfect-Egyptian-goddess-like eyeliner was not as perfect this time-... both look really tired during the stream... they were really friendly and warm and funny tho.... =)

  12. 34 minutes ago, pyrocraziac said:

    I brought this up a while ago and even posted prices, there are print companies that would make coloring books with 70 1 sided pages (can do 2 sided for the same price, but you lose a picture if you frame it or put it on a wall), for like $5 USD a book with a batch of like 2500. Could sell them for $11 USD and turn good profit and sell the coloring books at a competitive price to other adult coloring books.

    Give me dismemberment at the hands of tenno melee, enemies melting from saryn's miasma, etc.


    I would totally buy a couple of Warframe coloring books =) 

    Sounds really cool.

  13. 23 hours ago, Lakais said:

    I have an issue with the way Ballas was shown. I mean in the Ancient Healer synthesis entry describes the Orokin.

    Same in the Guardsman synthesis entry. When the pirate-orokin showed up, his description was that "His symmetry was off and his eyes were dull." Same with the Ordis Fragments. 

    This tells me that the higher rank Orokin were unnaturally beautiful by the standard of that era. One of the qualifications of beauty being symmetry. That thing that was shown does not feel symmetrical. Granted Ballas is an Executor, and that class is just one step bellow the actual Emperors of the Orokin empire. Executors basically dealt with the day-to-day on behalf of The Seven. But still, when I look at that description, I do not feel like that is Orokin. It's some abomination set up on a pedestal as a freak show entertainment piece. 

    In my opinion, you're right @Lakais... even when I love the way how Ballas look in the new concept, particularly reminding me the lines "Our long deathless winter has left us numb... our shimmering beauty" or "we who are beyond death, have forgotten the simple power of fear" because the skin color, the twisted and queer image, the empty eyes, really resembles an immortal-already-dead-one, somebody living a long deathless winter only because he is already empty.... even considering that, the Synthesis Imprints, and the other information we have, always made me think of the Orokin in general and Ballas in particular as something like this:


    *I could even picture him convincingly saying every word of the Prime trailers, something that I can't do with the new concept, not yet at least* Silky skin, symmetrical visage, shimmering beauty yet far from the human they are, far from their origin, death and decay in their deathless winter... so opposite from their clone-mules they despite so deeply... "Unusual. Singular. Crafted without caste, wrought of the finest ore, slender and queer"....

    @EmptyDevil is also right, the Synthesis Imprint of the Corrupted Ancient only confirm that the Lorist Remballa is the progenitor of the Healer Infested, Ontella and Remballa are in any case closer to the Grineer: Ontella says "We were twins bred for purpose, cloned and then modified so that we could both interface with the Lora Device. The Orokin had a visage imbued with variation, beauty and symmetry, but we had the Lora nodes protruding from our right temples. Their skin was silken, ours was weaved with ribbons of metallic facia that snaked around our bodies and into the Lora Device embedded in our palms. We made them uncomfortable and they made that known, that is, until they were sick or hurt and then we were saviors." probably the Orokin were actually immune to the infestation like the Tenno, as the Operator says sometimes "we are immune to the infestation but they still try to kill us"... Just guessing on that...


  14. 7 hours ago, CursoryRaptor said:

    It doesn't feel like we're heroes. Until we had quests with morality choices, it feels like we're just unfeeling mercenaries.

    Normal missions feel like the Lotus just pops in and says, "Hey, tenno, kill 150 Grineer on Ceres and I'll give you a blueprint for a fancy helmet," and we're like, "A fancy helmet? Hang on, I'll get my flamethrower!"

    There's no reason given, just, "120 Grineer in this area need to die. Have fun!"

    I think it would help to add a reason to kill. Like, "This specific group of Corpus is responsible for systematically butchering a whole settlement of civilians. Make sure they can never hurt anyone ever again."

    "The Tenno are emerging into a world unfamiliar to them. One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth. Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other."

    The options have always been there, I think both the OP and the people who really enjoy the mercenary role are right, we Tenno should have the option to decide what to become, probably that's something to include, probably we need to have some missions in which the reward is not a blueprint but a long-term effect such as saving a colony that will become important in the future... with the arrival of the Plains of Eidolon the fundamentals of Warframe are under reanalysis, is a new way of understanding the game and hopefully the moral options we have behind it; is no longer "rats in a maze" after a price of Nitain Extract, is something more, hopefully deeper and more rewarding for everyone =)

  15. 3 minutes ago, DERealMegan said:

    Chains of Harrow: Hotfix is live!

    Riven Fixes:

    • Snipetron Rivens are now an option for Rifle Rivens! 


    • Fixed many weapons not being visible (bows in particular).
    • Fixed Kuva Braids randomly summoning Guardian Eximis. 
    • Fixed becoming permanently invisible if any invisible ability affecting you ends while you are aiming with a scanner.

    F*ck you are fast :heart: like Ninjas :community:


  16. 12 minutes ago, --Q--DragonSkllzz said:

    But did he once say the word Corpus to refer to them?
    on-topic: what if we changed valkyr's hud to be more corpus-like on default and immortal skins, prime-y on prime, and regular on gersemi?

    You are right, nope; same case of the Grineer even when he mentions "These like-faced savages, these earth-worn mules, a vast violent ocean at our command. Yet they wither. Mired in massed steel and flesh, casting these hordes from gene molds and flock minds" and even when the Kuria confirms that the Grineer uprising happened during the Orokin empire "the uprising came and spread like a weed; an army of copy-men ferocious and free", the nomen "Grineer" never appears =)

    The Case of Valkyr is very complicated for fitting it within the existing "canonical" lore, but it does make sense to have a Corpus-like HUD for that Frame in particular, so the history of the Prime -> Gersemi Valkyr -> Post-Corpus will be easily grasped and felt.

  17. 8 minutes ago, TennoHack said:

    Good job wrapping it back around to the topic lol

    The corpus arn't really the faction i'm interested in anyway, I'm only really interested in Orokin, Sentiants, Tenno, Lotus, and Stalker

    So the Orokin HUD "must be different. Unusual. Singular. Crafted without caste, wrought of the finest ore, slender and queer." -Ballas.


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