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Grand Master
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Everything posted by Arlayn

  1. So I was playing around on Google, and started doing a search for Tenno. I found its a Japanese title... FOR REAL. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/587414/tenno (would explain why Hydroid wasn't called Amaterasu) But really is this for real? Is Tenno a Heavenly Emperor? Guess it could be heavenly emperor of the battlefield... (that should be the name of an epic achievement in Warframe) Webster seems to agree as well. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tenno "an emperor of Japan regarded as a religious leader and held to be an incarnation of the divine" Well its official. Warframe has nothing to do with Dark Sector, and the Orokin did not take the title from Hayden, but from Japan, or maybe the Orokin are really... Japanese.
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