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  1. Whenever I selected a different Drifter melee aside from Sun & Moon, extract, then load into a new Spiral/Lone Story mission, the game would default back to Sun & Moon. It would be nice if the game remembers the last melee weapon that you selected in the cave.
  2. Just a minor annoyance, but for some reason after entering The Circuit portal for the first mission, my Warframe would hold their secondary instead of primary (unlike every single other mission and open-world). Would be nice if it was changed to primary instead. But yeah, not a game-breaking issue, just a small thing that I figured was worth pointing out after grinding circuit for hundreds of times now.
  3. Same issue as well. S#&$'s driving me crazy whenever the box moves underneath the FPS display.
  4. Can concur, this is also happening to me. I'm currently using Wukong Prime, with a Nidus Prime specter. Amprex, Laetum, and Hirudo. There's also a Wisp/Protea-infused ally if that matters.
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