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Everything posted by Syrtica

  1. Ditto, also got 15/25 with compliant loadout and all modifiers. Haven't tried again. Sequence of events in my case: 1. Joined my brother's session via invite; we ran with just the two of us. 2. Chose a frame and weapons from the list. Activated all modifiers. 3. Completed Exterminate; received Blue Archon Shard. 4. I died repeatedly in Alchemy. I abandoned via the prompt on the death screen, which removed me from my brother's party. He aborted the mission separately. 5. Returned to orbiter. Swapped my melee to another valid option, added archon shards to my Warframe, swapped my subsumed ability. 6. Joined my brother's session via invite. Returned to Sanctum Anatomica. 7. Re-entered Deep Archimedea. Loadout was still valid and all modifiers were still checked. 8. Completed Exterminate; received nothing (which is correct, since I'd gotten the one Archon Shard from the failed run). 9. Completed Alchemy; received a Tauforged Crimson Archon Shard (so I must have been at 10 points here). 10. Completed Disruption; received 3x Entrati Lanthorns (which tracks with it showing 15 points when I was done, though I should have had more than that). I recorded both runs. I'll upload the videos later and edit them in to this post.
  2. Sorry if I'm not understanding this right, but will this create a difference in LoS ability performance based on client settings? For example, in dense enemy crowds, would someone with max FoV hit more enemies than someone with min FoV (due to the relative sensitivity of rendered vs raycast)? EDIT: nvm, been reading posts coming in and it looks like client settings do affect things, in addition to the Warframe itself blocking LoS.
  3. The OP doesn't seem to be suggesting there's any kind of problem with the bloodshed sigil. They're saying that the whole-body effect of the sigil is pretty awesome and that it would be fun to have new patterns to play with. To trim things down a bit:
  4. This would remove a lot of the frustration for me, personally. It doesn't help that the kill zone is often centered on one end of a huge room with long sight lines. There's one or two tiles where I feel like you could stand up the security apparatus' butthole and still easily kill enemies out of range. I've seen suggestions elsewhere to make the red circle visible on the ground or have some kind of indicator on enemies in range. If nothing else, either of those options would at least clear up at a glance whether an enemy's "in" or "out".
  5. This is exactly how I've been doing it, too. Before this update, I couldn't have told you where the actual Back button was on the interface, because I never used it. If I hadn't read the forums ahead of time (including at least one early bug report) I would've been really thrown off. It also feels a lot less friendly to have to mouse all the way down to that corner when I could just hit a key before. 100%. My muscle memory is still hitting ESC, so after carefully paging through and choosing what I want to feed Helminth, I hit ESC from habit and lose it all. And then there's a lot of swearing, lol.
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