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Everything posted by AngeLoL_

  1. i miss scorlet speer pleas brung back thankq
  2. I'm as good around people as a chunk of rotting flesh, so I can't. It's just that the game's mechanics are awesome but it feels wasted on monotone objectives against enemies that never seem to evolve. I've written about ways to make the game feel.. well, feel like we're playing it instead of zoning out by holding down m1, but I guess I was expecting too much from a wrong game. Warframe at first is a fun looter shooter, and at the end it feels like surreal existential dread whispering into your frontal lobe about how you keep doing this over and over again, and I feel like I'd have more fun if the gameplay was more.. engaging, but it isn't, neither immersively nor difficulty, it feels weird
  3. It just occured to me that without anything to grind for, this game isn't fun at all. I come back to even the most linear games if their gameplay was fun to replay through, but in Warframe, it feels like there isn't a "fun" game to... game, but rather cycles of tasks to get to things. I have like 2.5k hours, and I know that saying all this will sound like "well you're burnt out", but I genuinely like this game and I do want to return to it, but it feels like there isn't anything fun to do. Warframe is like playing a sandbox game where you tick off a lot of stuff, and the updates constantly bring more stuff to tick off. The production value of this game feels insane, everything feels good and punchy, the sounds and the graphics etc, but there just isn't any reason to come back, despite me wanting to come back. It feels like only recently DE has found out that doing repetitive cycles of "kill x" or "kill x until you get bored" or "kill x with a static objective" is boring and that you can be more innovative than that, and their way of figuring started from the angels of zariman (i forgor it's name) but it feels like there isn't anything big to accomplish. I want to come back and play, but nothing I do feels worthwhile. Materials and new weapons, sure, because I haven't been here for so long, they are useful, but I just can't make myself do it when everything feels so temporary. Every shot, every round, every kill, everything feels so straightforward that it's hard to unfocus my mind from how it could just be a robot doing this instead of me and there wouldn't be any change. What's wrong with the game, and what's wrong with me? Is there any way to improve the game so as to make it worthwhile just to come back and play random missions?
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