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  1. Apologies mate, but: 1) using those historical event as a parallel to what might happen in a video game is just distasteful and 2) your comparison doesn't even make sense in this context. Here's why - the people who bought this pack, made a choice, and that choice was to vote with their wallets in favour of predatory microtransaction tactics, whereas the people were not marked with badges because they made some choice someone didn't like, it was because they were just born of certain ethnicity, something they had exactly 0 control over. To make your comparison work, we'd have to say that whales who voted with their wallets for in favour of microtransaction hell (or back then - people who voted in the party responsible for all those atrocities), and who chose to wear an accolade (or back then - a black and red armbands), do not deserve to be criticised by the people most affected by those decisions, aka the average players, who don't want this game to turn into mtx hell (or back then - the people marked with a different armbands). However, I sincerely doubt that you'd want to make that comparison (in fact I hope you wouldn't). Now, do I think that somehow it's just as bad or evil to buy the packs as it was to vote for that party? Oh hell no, not by a long shot - as mentioned up top, I find it distasteful and even outright disgusting to make that parallel in reference to something as inconsequential as a discussion about MTX in a damn video game. I merely wanted to show you just ridiculous your argument was. Finally, when it comes to my stance on people with those new accolades - while not even close to how evil the choice from the comparison above was, buying the packs still sends a clear signal to the developers, that such practices are perfectly fine, which in turn encourages them to implement more of those in the future. What this then leads to, is a much less enjoyable experience for the average player. That is why, while I don't really endorse outright attacks on people who bought the packs, I can absolutely see the need to criticise them for allowing the developers to get away with it, and if reason doesn't work, then, while not optimal or preferred, shaming would be the next go-to. The point is, afterall, to reduce the number of people buying unfair packs in the future, in order to disincentivize such practises by DE in the future - if people who have an accolade right now, before the main issue (aka inflating the bundles' prices with extra currency) is addressed, get shamed for it, they will hopefully be less likely to just uncritically accept and support bad deals in the future. Edit 1: Fixing minor grammar error
  2. Ehhh, as plenty of people here have mentioned already, the main issue wasn't exactly the in-game value of the pack, but rather the real life monetary value, as players who want only the cosmetics (either all, or just some), still need to pay either 70$ or 90$. Now don't get me wrong, giving players more bang for their buck is certainly nice, but does nothing to address the fact that due to the way you've bundled the packs - someone who likes the skins and wants to support you, might therefore not be able to because the price tag is too high to justify the purchase, and no amount of platinum and/or Regal Aya is going to change that. That is why I'd like to once again implore you to introduce new bundles that simply have no bloat, and include only the cosmetics, possibly also split into seperate bundles for each of the frames. That way, you avoid the issue of "removing value" from the packs that were already bought (since the only change to them is an increase in value by means of adding more platinum), while also adressing the core concern many people have. Personally, I think I'll keep holding off on purchasing the cosmetics, even though they do look great.
  3. Honestly, I would gladly purchase a pack that includes everything in the Zenith Heirloom Collection, but without any plat or regal aya tacked onto it - based on the prices of the 7x and 15x regal aya packs, it would seem like the cost of the bloat would come out to about 40$, or almost half the cost of the Zenith Heirloom Collection, which I find quite distasteful. As a long time player, I don't really have a need for either regal aya or plat, but would very much like to get the good stuff. Now imma be real with you - I've got thousands of hours of play, but I've never actually made any RMTs in Warframe, so from DE's perspective I might not be someone worth listenening to about RMTs, however this time I genuinely feel compelled to financially support them. That being said, as a student doing a monthly internship, I'm not really sure if I can justify dropping what amounts to 1/3 of the pay from that, on the Zenith Collection. I just really wish they gave us a similar pack just without the bloat in the form of play and regal aya, apropriately priced at around half of what the Zenith costs. Edit: It's actually not 1/3 of the pay, that is IF you buy it as a Steam DLC (220PLN), instead of going to the in-game market and buying it in the steam overlay (360PLN), which is kind of weird, but at least the DLC price seems to be localised and therefore a bit more fair. either way, it could still be better if we got a pack with just the exclusive goodies.
  4. Not sure if that's the issue, but the wording for that fix really bugged me out, as with a full squad, the objective is collecting 4 shrine pieces in total, but the fix specifically states "of the 3 required". However, in my experience, when soloing the shrine assembly side-quest, it used to only drop 2 fragments, whereas after the fix it drops 3. Could it be a simple issue of miscommunication in the team as to the required number of shrine pieces? As a side note, while playing today, I could solo the shrine perfectly fine once only me and the host were left, as I only needed 3 pieces to complete that side-quest.
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