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Everything posted by RedDirtTrooper

  1. Nope, the Hemocyte was just a copy and paste of the Lephantis fight, and that mechanic was one of the biggest complaints about Lephantis when they added it. Lots of people had highly optimized sniper rifle builds in those days, and they were basically completely invalidated by the damage reduction, since you could kill it several times faster with any poorly modded automatic weapon. It was lazy game design then, and it's still lazy game design now. If you have to artificially break the rules of your game to try and prolong a boss fight, you're doing it wrong.
  2. You are a fan XeSS, I see that, but the truth is, the performance isn't there. You have to turn the quality of XeSS down just to barely surpass native rendering speeds, negating any advantage in quality. It may be an option if you bought an Intel GPU, assuming it actually performs well on them, but for the majority of gamers that won't be the case. As for ghosting: and it should be noted that FSR 2 was in quality mode and was still outperforming XeSS in balanced mode. Hardware Unboxing has a fantastic in depth comparison of all three. Their conclusion was that XeSS the vast majority of the time had the lowest quality, and the very worst performance of all three options, and that it was not worth the dev time for game developers to implement. Rarely, at quality or ultra quality XeSS surpasses FSR at fine detail, but you have to turn it all the way down to balanced or performance mode to get performance anywhere close to that of FSR in quality mode, making that advantage meaningless, especially when the ultra quality mode often results in worse than native resolution performance. I'm not saying XeSS doesn't have a use case, probably for Arc users only, but I imagine it exists. The problem is why would you spend your companies money implementing it if the results are garbage on 99% of the gaming market's hardware? XeSS in balanced mode is a great improvement on FSR 1, a non-temporal, spatial uplift technology that is several years old, so I guess, if your choice was between those two you'd pick XeSS, but why would a game studio ever choose to make those your choices?
  3. No, it doesn't seem to be, at all. I mean, maybe the numbers are better on Intel GPUs, but per the TechSpot article on the subject:
  4. Warframe doesn't even natively support DLSS or FSR, so if they haven't implemented them, why would they spend dev time on an even less noteworthy alternative?
  5. They're usually barely hitting their release date as is, with a bunch of crunch time as they madly duct tape everything together for any major launch. I kind of feel like even if they tried to schedule extensive testing into the release schedule, it would just end up getting axed as they scrambled in those last few weeks to get it out the door.
  6. There's some host, my guess is PS4 and/or Switch, that has massively reduced spawn density as well, probably because the system just doesn't have the processing power to be really capable of hosting. Would sure be nice not to get connected to that. You sit through the crawling slow load in and then if you stick around you get a mission with fewer drops and less affinity on top of it. I'd rather it queue me up solo than let them kidnap me to make them feel less alone. That said, we begged for years on PC for a "do not make me host, ever!" option for lower powered PCs and limited internet connections, and we never got it, so I doubt they'll fix this either. Back when I was stuck on rural DSL without the bandwidth to host properly, it always made me feel horrible if it chose my PC as host, because it was going to be absolutely miserable for the three people in my squad.
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