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Posts posted by MetallicReaper

  1. Do you actually need the previous tier barracks in order to downsize? I cant even downsize our clan, we have a non existent connector needing contributions, which we prevents us from downsizing and we cant cancel or finish it, because it simply doesn't exist, shows up in the clan log, but checked every room and node and found nothing.

  2. I picked madurai because I'm typically a damage focused player, but the damage is hardly "high end" do much much more damage withe exalted blade, especially since I can actually change the damage type whereas pheonix gaze is "I think" blast, which is kinda clem in effectiveness, at the moment I'm thinking of changing to either zenurik, or vazarin, I have 3 zenurik lenses so if I get a 4th from sortie I'll build a greater lense and stick it on a frame.

  3. I hope this doesn't get out of hand. Why not let them have their Chinese stuff and keep it out of our version of Warframe?

    What's wrong with chinese based stuff in the game? Or anything from other cultures? You want all warframes to just be large rotund blue frames with guns that only target black corpus like the Americas police?


    The game takes a lot of influence from other cultures. Nikana = japan, Ivara, Excalibur, Chroma = England and English lore, Loki = norse mythology, Atlas = Greek mythology,  Limbo = some of it is from voodoo lore, Mirage = gypsies. Most of the terminology and basis of warframe = Japanese martial arts and mythology. Lets be serious here, if it only had content from your specific culture it would be very very limited, so don't be a donald trump and just enjoy the content.

  4. Cannot downsize the clan due to a connector that simply isn't in the dojo needing construction, it displays it on the clan screen as a cross connector needing resources but I've checked every room and node and there is no unfinished connector.

    Heres a 3 minute video showing all areas of the dojo and the the lack of an un-built connector as well as the "needs contributions" for the non existent connector.


    Clan is Dark Cloud

  5. Here's something I managed to make about 3 this morning, prisma excal with prisma skana, would have been better if I found out about earlier than two hours ago >_> I should get in game more often, here's the PNG. eh messed up the fingers a little.




    And here's the PSD File:




    If it does get considered for selection, which I doubt because there a few really good pieces that were actually drawn, not jsut photoshopped, I can fix the hand the and improve the excalibur once the one in the foundry finishes building and I take a proper picture of primsa excal holding a prisma skana

  6. Did you have chat open as the rewards screen popped up?  I've heard this can cause players to be unable to select the leave option, so then if the host left the game, host migration would auto fail the mission regardless of who the key user was, denying the reward to those unfortunate ones.

    No, I clicked leave and saw my name on the leave section.

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