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Everything posted by Casardis

  1. Please consider adding Wisp Prime trailer song too! She's been missing since the first Varzia shop update. Thank you for this wonderful update!!
  2. Can you do that for Garuda Prime too? Her Blood Mirror, Blood Altar and Seeking Talons don't use the Prime FX if you enable Tennogen, even with Prime Toggle enabled.
  3. Hence why it would be a starting point. They can then work other things out like Corpus health pool, etc. Unless Toxin is addressed first, no amount of Magnetic buff will be able to outshine the former.
  4. Yep yep. Adjusting Toxin this way would already bring light to Magnetic more as a starting point. You can't really bring Magnetic up to Toxin level because Toxin just ignores an entire mechanic of the game. Making Toxin in line with Slash sounds reasonable honestly.
  5. I think that no amount of buffing Magnetic will be able to make it any more relevant due to Toxin bypassing the shield mechanic altogether. I do think Toxin may need some kind of changes, even if it's not a direct nerf. My personal suggestion would be to: Buff Magnetic in some ways, maybe making the proc as an AoE with range falloff; Disable Toxin's full shield bypass on direct damage, which will also help players avoid OHKO from Toxic Ancient and Mutalist Osprey who both deal Toxin damage; Buff Toxin Status proc DoT; Keep Toxin Status proc DoT's shield bypass. This will make it so that Magnetic dmg may be ideal to deal with shield if you have a hard-hitting crit weapon, but if you have a status weapon, then having Toxin may be better to make use of its DoT.
  6. Eclipse will be a toggle instead of duration-based, so it could be better on some setup. Additionally, the initial cast is only 25 energy VS Roar being 75. Eclipse still retains its damage reduction feature too. I think the tradeoff is more than reasonable, and if you want maximum damage, just subsume Roar. That said, I wouldn't mind a slight increase to the Helminth numbers. 30 seems low, so maybe 60?
  7. Completely agreed with this. There's not way to interrupt them from using them either, especially Legati who just instantly becomes spectral. If there was an in-between animation, it would already be better, but even more if you could somehow knock them out of the form or prevent them from going in the first place (similar to Dax units using their special attacks).
  8. Thank you for this amazing update with lots of QoL! Just a note that Volatile Variant is still bugged for Clients. The barbs punch through successfully, but does not explode until it hits a non-pierceable surface. See here
  9. If a looping GIF of Tatsu's spliced moveset, which also has a description underneath to explain the two attacks, is too much for you to understand, then it's not my problem. Your offhand assumptions and condescending tone aren't helpful either.
  10. Maybe, but since I refer to the dev workshop, I chose to be consistent with DE's words. I fail to see why being old folk is relevant, nor do I understand why you made an offhand (incorrect) assumption about me, and how that relates to my feedback. I made these image quotes for my Reddit post, which was posted before the Forums one. It was convenient for me. I already linked to the Dev Workshop at the very beginning. Just follow that link as a separate tab, and search for the combo name, which I intentionally matched with DE instead of using the "terms that people understand," to use as reference, if opening image quotes is a bother.
  11. Thanks! Yeah I mentioned it only because a new stance could fix all the QoL issues it has, though the preference would be Wise Razor AND new stance to be equally good in different ways (e.g. Tempo Royale & Rending Crane). XD It's been 4 years since the last mention! haha
  12. While I like the stance, there's a general agreement by many people in the community that it feels sluggish. This post will attempt to address some of those issues brought up around the community by proposing alternate combos, while reusing existing animations to achieve it. I've made a similar topic 4 years ago, but I figured it's time to revisit it. Before proceeding, know that all terminology follows DE's dev workshop. If you don't know what a "neutral tactical combo" is, please see here. Also, I'm no game dev, but I think the following feedback's fair and in-line with the kind of QoL seen with the "best" stances. They include, but aren't limited to, Blind Justice, Tempo Royale, Rending Crane & Cyclone Kraken. They serve as my gold standard for my suggestions. The Issues Forward Combo stops movement & doesn't loop 4th Neutral Combo's twirling attack seems more fitting as a Forward Combo attack Missing Neutral Tactical Combo No new stance since Tatsu's release :( Suggestion 1: Forward Combo Replaced 3rd atk with 2 new atks that loop & won't stop movement, giving a level of comfort as you move and slash away with horizontal attacks In line with DE's own design workshop from 2019 regarding Forward Combo Suggestion 2: Neutral Combo Removed 4th twirling atk (see next combo suggestion) Moved 1st atk into 3rd, and makes it force a stagger that opens enemy to Finisher In line with DE's own design workshop regarding Neutral Combo, but instead of knockdown or Lifting, the Stagger-Finisher allows for quick dispatch of strong targets Suggestion 3: Forward Tactical Combo Removed starter slam atk (see next combo suggestion) Moved the twirling atk here as a starter for distance closing, allowing you to hit multiple enemies on the way, including aerial enemies, while having chances to score headshots Diagonal atk ender can have small slam effect that causes knockdown In line with DE's own design workshop regarding Forward Tactical Combo Suggestion 4: Neutral Tactical Combo Repurposed existing attacks into a hard-hitting, sweeping combo for range & CC 1st attack uses the alternate Heavy Melee attack, which are two 360 slashes 2nd attack uses the slam attack currently in the Forward Tactical Combo, and causes Lifting Wise Razor doesn't have a Neutral Tactical Combo, so adding one can make combo more varied In line with DE's own design workshop regarding Neutral Tactical Combo Conclusion I'm making this because of community feedback I read, and the fact that we haven't received a new stance for years. This is despite a mention 3 years ago in Home Devstream #6! In any case, thanks for reading to this point if you did!
  13. Thank you for the fix and happy new year! - Volatile Variant, the new Nightwave mod for Sporothrix, still doesn't work properly for clients. No explosions occur on hit unless the barbs are unable to punch through the target, nullifying a lot of the damage that this is supposed to give (including the increased explosion meant to happen on direct hits). Again, this only happens client-side. - Operators didn't get the new skin shaders. If you use dark skin tone, the textures look really horrendous compared to how it looks on Drifter.
  14. Posting this from the Discord Devstream Q&A, mostly for quick reference's sake and share, since it was my main concern. Q: Concerning the idea of gifting the story skip. Currently, gifts can't be identified until you open it in your inbox. However, once opened, it activates immediately (e.g. Boosters). What if story skip is gifted without consent? Any anti-griefing solutions for this? A: We would come up with something yeah!
  15. Day 1: Portal Day 2: Fang Day 4: Crystal Day 15: Uplift Day 20: Spiral
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