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Everything posted by Dr_Shadox

  1. merci Kev , et merci pour le résumé aussi ^^ pour Styanax c'est demain (le 8) a 15h c'est bien ca ?
  2. i play frost as main since 2013 and the rework helped a bit but its still not perfect the passive is a true waste , i hope they rethink of that and as a side note , the archon mod related to cold is garbage too :/ ( i mean the idea is nice but 10% is ridiculous and 10sec cooldown is way too high) and when you check count of elemental weapon in game , the counter of cold weapon is ridiculous too , did they have something against cold ?
  3. It happen to me too despite i run everwhere and never static for more than 10sec
  4. also people seem to forgot its a "patchnote" post , not a "bug report/feedback" topic.
  5. Merci @[DE]Kev ^^ Résumé : Jeudi 11 mai a minuit : http://twitch.tv/warframe Drop : Sac de Récompenses d'Arcanes Duviri Durée requise : 45 minutes Vendredi 12 mai a 19h : https://twitch.tv/moxsy Drop : Hameau: Jardinière (Fenn) Durée requise : 30 minutes Vendredi 12 mai a minuit : https://twitch.tv/TheGamio Drop : Thermos Durée requise : 30 minutes
  6. yeah so fun to remind the stone age by keeping a piece of paper around for months when just an icon can do the job ^^
  7. So look like everyone made a checklist and don't want that feature haha (or subsume only a few interesting frame and don't use the feature anymore ?)
  8. Hello Tennos. As always , all is in the title , and this is a little exemple : Here Loki never been subsumed , when Vauban did. No doubt you'll be able to make us a fancy icon ^^ Should help a lot for players planning subsume all frame , because it can be tedious with time... Thanks for reading, feel free to share your thoughts.
  9. Hello Tennos. As said in the title , it would be nice to have filter in foundry , especialy "hide mastered" and "hide owned". This feature should have been there from the start, and becomes more and more necessary over time. Of course tab at the top help already a lot ("ready to build" "warframe" "weapons" and so on) , but see how many frame are in game , and weapons :/ I've made a little gif for show my foundry lengh , and i can't even show all the list in my allowed 7seconds https://gyazo.com/b682f1923e9847c2b9dfa121232e19bf Thanks for reading, Feel free to share your thoughts.
  10. Hello Tennos. All is in the title , as you can see on the picture , the nav UI is very looooong (like 1 meter outside the windshield...) , it would be nice to be able to uncheck completed alrts and events , especially when these alerts stay display 2 weeks (like lotus gift) and events has be done some years ago already (like thermia). In this case it would make sense to be able to hide Lotus Gift , Ghoul and Thermia event , because they are already done for me and take around 65% of the nav UI. In the worst case keep ghoul event isnt a huge problem for me , but lotus gift and thermia are useless here. (i had to take a tag so i took "pc" but of course that "problem" may be solved on each support) Thanks you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts.
  11. Merci beaucoup @[DE]Kev Mais du coup sa veux dire que les drop du Devstream 170 sont les meme que ceux de la commu du 26avril - 10mai ? je suis un peu confus
  12. Oui enfin pour ceux qui se plaignent du crosssave qui prend son temps... vaux mieux attendre et avoir un crossplay stable et sure, plutot que rushé et perdre sa progression entierement... faut arrétez de croire qu'ont peu tout faire a la vitesse qu'ont veux les gens , suffit pas d'avoir de la bonne volonté :/ et si vraiment les gens "en ont marre" d'attendre , ba y'as d'autres jeux
  13. Merci Kev Concernant les drops , ca continue ceux du dernier coup ?
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