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Everything posted by Quimoth

  1. You can hop off this discussion anytime. There is no point when you take the stance of knowing it all whilst making just as much fallacies as those you people who do think there is a system. No proof does not equal disproven A chance based system is still a system, so yes there is a system. If you are free to play, why even bother to discuss it? It does not affect you anyway. You keep telling us that we jump to conclusions, but be honest to yourself, you do too. I spent 80% of my platinum on cosmetics, the other 20% went into: slots so I do not have to ever sell hard-earned gear again forma bundels, because crafting 1 forma each day is just tedious when you just really want to forma 3+ times (kuva and tenet weapons im looking at you!) trading with other players, i've tried to always exchange syndicate gear i can't (easily) get for something the other player can't get. However some players just want plat and I am okay with that.
  2. Not completely true. Try taking a break for several months (not logging in at all) and you will find that 10/10 times you get a coupon on your first login. I myself have had this happen at least 5 times. I always use these, you never know just how tedious or horrible the latest grind is. Somehow DE either conceives an okay grind, or the most horrendous stuff you have ever played. Besides that there really isn't much of a system though. OP has had some random coupon drop though.
  3. If you are min-maxing your build, you should already like the weapon enough to just farm the levels. At least, this is my take on which weapons get polarized. After MR30, you can instantly play with the new slot. Mod capacity is: min(max(mastery rank, weapon rank), max weapon rank) * potato. I think it could definitely be added since the nightwave "apply forma" mission is not completing in the simularicum already. Having a feature in place to share builds much like looks and songs are being shared would definitely help. It isn't that hard to see why this hasn't been done yet. The plethora of systems that hook into our weapon and warframe builds would make this a very rough thing to code correctly. On top of that it would have to be able to "see" if you have right polarization applied already, or if you have the right amount of forma. What would happen if you lacked X forma, or had a polarization on one slot that breaks the build. If the build has a V polarity forma slot with a 9 mod in it, but also a non-forma slot with a - mod it it, should this system then detect that it can just switcheroo? How would it detect/handle default polarities? Then again perhaps the easy in-between solution would be to have a simularicum setting that applies a universal polarization to all your mod slots. Then again, what to do with arcanes, archon shards, TL;DR; Not a big issue for me because I only min-max the weapons/frames I like. Probably a nightmare to code due to the plethora of systems and options that can be applied.
  4. The blueprint also drops from the juggernauts. Assuming you are talking about: Pherliac Pod Blueprint
  5. Lavos is so new that the age of the builds doesn't really matter all that much. The popular mods on overframe.gg are fine for steel path as they provide you so much EHP that if you die you just really didn't try to stay alive at all. There are quite a few archon mods that pair well with his kit this build for instance uses 2 archon mods that are exceptionally good on Lavos: Archon modded lavos Since you can proc any status on any ability any mods that benefit from status effects are great in general. The new status based Archon shards definitely shine more than the old archon shards, but the types you prefer to use do depend on your playstyle. With Archon Continuity it is pretty easy to see that emerald shards are just stupid strong, but then again you can add a 2nd element to all you abilities so it is up to you. If you are looking for specific arcanes and archon shards to use in the build, you should really specify it. Not only are they in most cases not required, they are so much end-game that they also have great deal of influence on whether a caster frame is actually any good at the content you will be playing (considering you are min-maxing with archon shards this should be almost exclusively steel path)
  6. Context always matters when answering a question of this magnitude and even with sufficient context the answer remains somewhat subjective since some stuff just might not fit your style. I am not to motivated into writing an essay on things to consider right now or linking builds. You can overframe.gg or google a build and adapt it to your liking (availability of mods and their ranks matters a lot). Frames I think you might be looking for however (in order of what I personally prefer and think is powerful enough): Lavos, no energy pool means you can spam to your hearts content. Saryn, still one of the best frames out there, spreading spores can be achieved even with a mk-1 skana. Volt, the right builds are capable of clearing entire low level maps. Archon stretch is a lovely mod for him. Titania, your gear is in your 4th ability, has lovely augments and actually does revolve about casting more than once. You are using exalted weapons however. Styanax, can regenerate his own energy which helps when you want to spam. Great armor strip on his 2. Octavia, definitely S tier warframe, but less about spamming abilities (though highly ability focussed and extremely good from lvl 1 to lvl 3k enemies) Ember, does a great job, has heat management system that you must like however. Nidus, definitely a spammer, drops off once you get into steelpath (unlike saryn and lavos he really needs a lot of damage from gear) Mesa, not spammy, but you must by now know how good she can be at nuking rooms. Oberon, just one of my favorite frames since the plains of eidolon come out, not so much for the spamming abilities but more due to how nice renewal and his augments can complement any team that isn't very skilled or geared up properly. There are many more caster frames that can do well with minimal or low-rank gear, however these are the ones I personally enjoy the most.
  7. They should just make the thumper get flung out or crushed by a giant infested tentacle after 60-120 seconds. That will teach people not to waste time on it unless they are sure they can do it.
  8. They are meant to be less of a no-brainer to pick over the base stat mods with the recent changes. Yes, it is intended. I wouldn't be to surprised if they tweak the link mods slightly more in the future so they become relevant a little faster. The effectiveness of link mods always depended on your Warframe stats, now warframes that have little of these stats do not have to deal with pets that die from a maggot staring in their general direction.
  9. This is a thing when it comes to enemy bombard projectiles (you can hit them before they hit you). Adding this to all bullets however... to me that just doesn't make sense. There aren't going to be any Corpus/Grineer firing their guns at the only single angle that allows a (full) stop/collision. That requires more precision than humanly possible. In which case the bullets simply deflect, changing their trajectory, but not negating nearly enough of the damage to be considered safe. In Warframe we have such a huge plethora of projectiles, it wouldn't make any sense to try and make sense of how these would interact with each other. Especially given the immense unlikelihood of 2 projectiles traveling a high speeds hitting each other without proper planning. The resulting effects would not only be hard to ever see, but also consume considerably developer work on the game and its engine to actually support this even for the weirder weapons around. Don't forget we have: beam, flamethrower, thrown, arrow, bullet, rocket, grenade and possibly more types of weapons already. I hope I got most of them. Now for grenades and rockets these mechanics already exist to some degree. For most other weapon types I just don't see any use to adding them because of any (one or more) of the below reasons: They travel to fast, the chances of actually hitting another projectile are virtually 0. They are not physical, in which case it might not make sense for them to be stopped (flamethrower, beam) They are already not the best type of projectile, this change would make them even more obsolete to most players. We already have Jedi like bullet deflection on our melee, realistically we as players aren't going to feel any benefit from this. Having some of your bullets miss for what seems to be random isn't a great gaming experience. Adding it adds unnecessary bloat to both: Code complexity (read worse performance) Gameplay complexity Additions of new weapons/projectiles Projectiles of smaller sizes (and/or mass) would be blocking large projectiles (more mass?) or would further increase the complexity of this mechanic. TL;DR; Not a fan.
  10. With this type of logic... Warframe is p2w all over. Luckily it is s(kip)2w at most... but then again what are you "winning" by doing so in a pve game? PvP in Warframe has no mechs and even if it did it probably would only revive PvP for a moment because barely anyone here ever launched Warframe for the PvP experience.
  11. I either: Don't understand a morsel of what you are trying to say here. Collision is a simple concept in the real world but in games you should pretty much always specific the type of collision. Do understand what you're saying and think you're a lunatic for even wanting this, do you really want to fly +5 or -5 meters during a jump because a grineer gunner/bombard is firing at you? Do you really want to play an MMO Looter shooter for its physics simulation? "Collisions" that already are here: Map/strucutre collisions (duh). Entity or NPC collisions, this does not apply everywhere and there are plenty of abilities and melee combos that negate this to some degree. In general though, you can't just walk through a grineer grunt that stands in a door. Ragdoll effects, K-drive collision into a wall, certain weapon projectiles on (dead) enemies and certain abilities. Staggers, its literally what stagger mechanics in games are for, to create the idea/illusions of an object (bullets mostly) hitting the player/enemy. Physics can be quite expensive (on processing resources) to model properly and often parts of it are left out on purpose. Often because doing a simpler, cheaper, faster simultion creates almost the same realism. On top of that real world physics can be terrible for the overall (gameplay) experience, but I guess anyone able to play games already has some experience with the downside of physics. TL;DR; please rephrase and explain your idea a bit further.
  12. You can't start eidolon hunt bounty from within the plains of eidolon itself if I recall correctly.
  13. I pity those few losers that try this only to find out DE has permabanned their accounts sometime later.
  14. I don't use them a lot since most content I've played since Duviri was Duviri. As a long time player with almost everything unlocked it is nice to have some new toys. So far my feelings are pretty mixed, some incarnon genesis are great, some are a little underwhelming. I would count them among the less broken, yet more versatile alternate versions compared to the previous sets we've had (Tenet and Kuva). The one incarnon that truly got me so far was the miter incarnon, that one is just lovely. I have yet to experience most others, but I didn't like the zylok that much. Mostly because I do not like the zylok to begin with and getting its incarnon upgrade is pretty tedious. Some do have serious ammo economy issues, despite their incarnon evolution. All in all, I think most of these succeeded at what they were aimed to achieve. Weapons that have been falling behind to far due to 10 years of power creep suddenly have gained some use again. I do think that most of these are for long-term players, for newer players it is hardly worth putting in the effort and weapon slots when there are more important things to farm/obtain. TL;DR; mostly a success, especially for long-term players.
  15. For starters, why would we need even more customization? Please bear in mind, we currently have 53 unique warframes. Making incarnon adapaters would require making 53 evolution trees and balancing for the 40 variants. But my first question seems pretty valid, a quick summary going from old to newer customization options: Mods Forma Arcane helmets (these are legacy) Warframe arcanes Aura mods Exilus mods Focus/operator schools Operator arcanes Helminth ability infuse Archon shards Just what exactly would you expect of these "incarnon" warframe adapters? I do not really see the need to add more customization. New players are already getting lost in the systems for customization we have right now.
  16. I am not talking about warframes not being allowed to have a damage boost for the team. But whatever, it is clear you hate Volt enough to destroy him. In my honest opinion... running zenurik as your main focus school in SP... pretty much means you DO play Volt as a caster. Zenurik is a school I only use on very rare occasions. I much rather enjoy the benefits of unairu, madurai or naramon. The way bounds of zenurik are great, the energy well is lovely... but in the end I'd rather get tools to boost all my gear and incapacitate or strip armor and shields of enemies. If you do run zenurik however, you honestly can't be without shield-gate ever on Volt so what is the point adding any extra DR? Yes there are frames with DR, that doesn't justify adding DR to volt just for the sake of it. Volt doesn't need a new indivual damage buff, he already has 2 team buffs and 1 team buff augment. Your suggest one makes him instant braindead #1 frame of the game for years to come and should NEVER be put into this game. I can't even begin to understand how anyone would deem this a HEALTHY thing. Even if you change speed to be only self buffing by default it still doesn't justify any other changes at all. A teleport doesn't fit thematically. It makes him less beginner friendly for new players. DR really doesn't help those frames that have no armor because their EHP is still to low to take anything more than a grineer fart should their shield-gate end. To keep a Warframe balanced it needs drawbacks, we really don't need an old Chroma 2.0 with lightning speed and a teleport. Volt is well rounded as is, fares well in SP and there is no way to improve upon or work around shield-gating without making a frame the one and only king of tanking. None of your counterarguments have given me any reason to believe you are actually looking to improve Volt or the game in general. Shock is literally the only thing in Volt his kit that feels somewhat underwhelming unless you are using the augment during eidolon hunts. The shield was intended to be smaller when carried, I don't have to try argue against it because DE already did that when they made it so you could carry it in the first place. TL;DR; You're not increasing my enthusiasm for any proposed reworks because they keep looking like making Volt the most perfect broken Warframe ever.
  17. Don't forget the souls that play on systems that can barely run the open-worlds or railjack. Those cause host-migrations too. I've been in that position myself for a while before I could afford a new PC with specs that allowed running said content at more than 30 fps tops. The issue with host-migrations isn't one that is easy to solve at all. Not to mention the causes for a host-migration could be one of a thousand different things. Try getting to know how something like Git works. Then try working on some project with at least 4+ people working simultanously on different branches. It can go wrong so quickly in so many different ways, each with eventually only one easy solution which requires you to pick a certain point in the main branch that is still stable. I get questions at least once a month from colleagues who are stuck with git branch that have become entangled in the weirdest ways. However easy you assume this can be, multiply that by ten and then square it and you might be coming close to how difficult it is to re-sync a system that is out of sync automatically without any errors. That is if you even have something to work with to begin with because as stated above, if the data from the host is fully lost this often leads to data simply being GONE.
  18. Self-damage has never been a healthy thing, the only weapon on which it ever was somewhat okay for me was the Penta since you had control over when it detonated. Yet even with the penta people got tired of blowing themselves to pieces. With the current state, self-stagger or self-damage won't change much for most shield oriented frames in SP. A self-stagger will mean certain death if you can't refresh your shields/shield-gate before your shield-gate ends and you suffer the very interactive thing that a one-shot is. The old self-damage system allowed for just that, the very interactive instant death, which since the introduction of shield-gate wouldn't even result in death for warframes with shields. Also, please take a note that negative projectile speed rivens do exist. I have a tonkor which I honestly can barely fire without triggering at least a minor amount of self-stagger (-75% projectile speed). I don't use my (kuva) tonkor that much so no harm there, but I doubt I own the only riven with such stats. Not that self-stagger, just like self-damage can be prepared for. If you wan't less AoE weapons, even self-damage isn't going to cut it. You'll just end up making the ignis the most popular weapon again for those that are yet to gain access to AoE weapons that can't even have self-damage. Amprex, (Kuva) Nukor, (Tenet) Cycron, (Tenet) Arca Plasmor, Ignis (Wraith), (Synoid) Simulor, to name a few. Bringing back self-damage isn't going to solve issues with enemies dying to fast or weapons being more popular than others. Before self-damage was a thing the Ignis was easily the most popular weapon... because it provided self-damage free AoE. As for finding it annoying that you can fire an explosive weapon at your feet, you are also tanking enemy bombards, napalms and you can jettison yourself through the hull of a spaceship designed for combat without feeling a thing. Just stop this nonsense about self-damage being good, it won't fix the meta you claim to hate anyway. Even if it did it would just give you a reason to complain about the next meta where a new competitor rises to room destroying potential. Having to deal with being unable to dodge any incoming KOs from enemies is sufficient enough to deter firing AoE at your feet without thinking.
  19. Only if we can have the old Tonkor back.
  20. I'd try ranting a little less, there are very few people who get motivated and encouraged by being called incompetent by someone who can't even distinguish between their and they are.
  21. They work just fine for me. As @FishMcCool said I do think the Void Armageddon angels do not count. Perhaps the killing blow matters too, I can't tell because I play solo most of the time especially when grinding NW.
  22. His shield was meant to be different. Just like how gara her mass vitrify isn't a cheap copy of frost his globe. The fact that his shield can boost weapons fire makes it unique and to me it is a perfect reason to add a flaw to it. Hek if any shield ability needs changing in this game Atlas would be the first to deserve it. Making it easier to wield the shield is reasonable but thats about where I would stop changing anything about this already really strong ability. His speed is already cheap enough and lasts long enough if you want to mod for it. Simply getting everything without modding for it makes no sense. Making it harder to buff allies isn't a good thing either, allies already can do a backflip to cancel its buff. If anything they should add another key/action bind to cancel buffs like his and Limbo Rift to improve consistency and avoid confusion/furstration. Using roll isn't an option since people use roll after a bullet jump in forward momentum where they want the buff to remain. He really doesn't need a teleport. The copy paste is where you give Volt increased damage after the teleport, something which... wait that is EXACTLY what Kullervo does. If you really want that teleport so badly just subsume Kullervo and put it on your Volt. I guess it is a defense deficiency for 90% of warframes out there that they require rolling guard and augur set mods to be able to survive anything in SP. Solving it by buffing Volt in to cheese heaven isn't a solution to that, especially given how good Volt still is without any reworks/buffs. Your described passive far from avoids shield-gating, it enables it just like arcane barrier, arcane aegis and a decaying dragon key do. Volt doesn't need more damage boosters for weapons, he has 2 of those right now, or 3 if you use his augment and that should be plenty. Yes speed is a DPS buff. Making Volt a jack of all trades isn't going to make him more enjoyable per se, it is however very likely that such changes would make you see 3 volts in every random squad because of how strong your suggested changes would make him. Summary of what I think Volt could use: Passive; Don't change; Shock; rework, perhaps make it something that channels and feeds his passive instead of draining it. Speed; Don't change it. Unless changing the way to cancel it for more consistency(see above) Electric Shield; Perhaps ease wielding it, but honestly there is nothing wrong with this ability. Discharge; Don't change.
  23. I'm getting the impression you can't deal with criticism. You are just as free to disagree with my opinion as I am free to disagree with yours. Volt isn't a shield frame, he is a caster. Shields are objectively better than overguard in SP unless you can properly stack millions of overguard it will evaporate even faster than shields. Your speed changes are flat-out stupid OP buffs. His shield is already pretty unique given how it boosts weapon fire that passes through. His passive is just fine, most warframes have passives with negligible effects and I see little reason for volt his passive to be suddenly changed into something as ridiculous as you suggested. Making shield gate even easier to achieve on Volt is not a good thing. The only rework in your post I actually found somewhat interesting was the rework for his Shock(1), but it doesn't make sense to given him a vortex or a straight up kullervo copy ability. Could Volt use some changes? Yes, but mostly for his 1. A passive doesn't have to be broken like your suggested change. Do I think your suggested reworks are good for Volt? No, most are flat-out buffs he really doesn't need and his passive makes 0 sense thematically since the "shield" warframes are Hildryn and Harrow. Not Volt.
  24. I run a Red Veil and New Loka setup for 4 syndicates at max standing. Perrin Sequence takes very long because you only get it through the 50% loka and you need to compensate the -50% on steel meridian by doing more red veil. While it is a lot harder these days, it is still possible to find people that trade syndicate weapons and mods sometimes they even accept a mod/weapon of an opposing syndicate because just like you, they do not intend to ever get standing in those syndicates that are at max hate for them. Don't forget to also get the various weapon parts for archwing weapons. A very minimum would be to only get the Fluctus but I would just collect all parts and keep them till you feel like building them.
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