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Posts posted by radthezero

  1. On 29/07/2016 at 5:56 PM, lyravega said:

    But before doing any of those, or even considering them, they need to fix shield overdamage issue. If I'm getting what OP said right, then it means if you have 5 shield, 500 health, enough armor to mitigate 50% damage, and take 505 damage, you die. 1005 damage should kill you, not 505, but lazy programming took over years ago I guess (just like mod fusing). Correct me if I'm wrong though...

    That's absolutely right.

  2. There's also the problem with Frost. Frost is the best frame to illustrate the problem here. Before, when Armor used to apply to Shields, Frost was effectively the magic wall alternative to Rhino. Both were slightly slower frames with good tanking capacities. Come Damage 2.0, Rhino stayed mostly the same, while Frost was left with the third biggest Armor stat in the game, that he can't make full use of, having a huge Shield pool it can't effectively use for the same problems mentioned before, and being forced to run Health, which is statistically inferior to his Shield, so that it could make use of his defenses AND Snow Globe, which uses your Armor as a base.

    Granted, it got better after the rework, but it's still true that Frost's stats are a mirror of the ancient and make literally no sense in the current game.

  3. So I'm gonna be that guy.

    On paper, Shield is good. It protects your frames before damage gets to their health. The biggest problem being, since Shields don't apply armor (as of update 12, which was eras ago, by the way). So they go down very fast. Which leaves you to your health, where armor stat can protect you. This mostly becomes a problem on the endgame, where you can potentially take humongous damage, or a slash or toxic proc can decimate your defenses with ease (and as much as they ignore your shields and go straight to your health, Toxin has some Armor mitigation, as some of you might've realized - try taking a Toxin proc with Zephyr and with Ash and see which will take more damage). Moreover, when something depletes your Shield, damage overflow makes so that your health takes the hit along with it - which can be very annoying if you're caught by, say, a Nullifier's snipe shot. Fast Deflection surely helps, but it ends up finding little space on most builds, since armor does a better job at protecting most frames, and those that can't count on it usually have some way to counterbalance such deficiency by avoiding damage.

    As a consequence, most endgame builds use the Health + Armor combo, and the most squishy frames like Banshee or Nyx are rarely seen on any mission past level 50. While some like Mag can run Shields basically because she can replenish and Overshield easily, it's a niche thing. It would be nice if Armor were to be applied to Shields again, or if we were to take a less overpowered option, if damage overflow could be stopped (as in, when your shields reach zero, the damage is stopped and not appliend to your health). As it is right now, aside from a few niche builds, no one even cares about Shield as a mechanic, because it becomes rather useless after the enemies start doing a certain amount of damage.

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