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  1. I believe the arcane at max rank is supposed to give a universal reload speed buff of 30% but when testing it doesn't seem to work on my primary weapons, is that always how its worked? I wish to recall it working on any weapons but could be wrong.
  2. 100 PAGES worth of feedback and you couldnt do the thing EVERYONE wished for there's no way you can claim you listen to your players. If this is going to be the way things are run im not planning on being a participant, I will not spend money nor recommend my friends to play this as long as this is the attitude that's continued towards your players. Goodbye
  3. If you dont remove the LoS requirement for Tragedy and are adamant on your decision to keep it I hope to god that you add the same requirement to ALL AOE SPELLS THAT ARE DISRUPTIVE. No more Saryn spores and miasma, no more Mirage 2, no more Volt 4. Either you remove it from Tragedy or you change them all no in between. You already ruined all relevant CC from frames so you might aswell ruin all relevant aoe spells from frames too. This whole hotfix was a joke.
  4. I hate doing forum posts but I feel like the LoS discussion for Dante's Tragedy means you really only have 2 options, Make LoS checks for all nuke abilities (Saryn Spores and 4, Volts 4, Mirage's 2 etc.) or you nerf the number and not the way it functions so it is still in line with other abilities. There's no way Dante was more disruptive to gameplay from a damage perspective than the other aforementioned frames and abilities and in that sense it also doesnt make sense to nerf nezha's augment which is a specific mod to do a specific gameplay that makes the gameplay similar to that of the other frames mentioned while sacrificing other aspects of his kit to do so. I do think like many others have mentioned already the fact that his 3 already has LoS check should mean that Tragedy could exist without it. Again I don't disagree with the overguard changes although I think there's different directions that could've been made but I also think people are overreacting on it a bit. I will not test your new game mode until there's some form of better reflection and fix for the absolute gutting of Dante because the way I see it, if the new game mode is fun and enjoyable that will get nerfed too, atleast based on the current way things seem to be handled. Edit: Scratch that, I not only wont play the new game mode this whole hotfix with all the nerfs to Dante, augments and CC kinda has killed my joy to continue playing overall. Goodbye until you fully fix things.
  5. I second this and it also makes a lot of the metal parts on frames very reflective and it’s jarring , please let us turn off the new lighting if we want or fix it to be more like it was before.
  6. Hey I'd like to request the song "The Elemental Stars" from the game Golden Sun
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