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  1. That's not a shield gating problem thats a macro problem. DE have made it abundantly clear that they're against players using macros at all
  2. While I was excited to see a companion rework announced at tennocon, im disappointed that the core issues in the current system will remain even after the rework. Companions are for utility, I dont think thats a controversial statement, so when said utility disappears they're completely useless. Even if companions cant die anymore, being "incapacitated" is just as bad if all utility mods are disabled. Most content I play is in Steel path or similar level ranges, so even with the stat increases I doubt that my companions with survive after 1 shot.
  3. Khora only replaced hydroid in farming setups because of how bad his original 4 was, now that its getting buffed I can see Hydroid replacing khora in farming setups
  4. Why is the current shield gating meta an issue to begin with? It doesnt take away the ability for other builds to work, it doesnt allow you to sit afk, and it forces you to take an active playstyle to survive. The reason why its so good was because it didnt cost you anything to use it aside from being more proactive in game, now to not only nerf it but force us to use an unneeded band aid just feels like a slap to the face.
  5. I still don't understand why a dragon key nerf was needed. Forcing us to use another mandatory band aid mod just to keep squishy frames alive shouldn't be the solution. It only gets worse when a lot of builds require every available mod slot just to function, so having to give up another mod slot just to stay alive in SP will only hurt squishier frames & build diversity overall.
  6. It's a terrible change because it'll end up costing another mod slot just to keep something that we already have. We're so starved for mod space as is, adding another mandatory band aid is only gonna make it worse
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