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Posts posted by exoskeleton00


    i totally understand why some of the founders are salty with Umbra Excalibur.


    here is my take on the issue:

    Excalibur Prime - (analogy) first apple computer (steve jobs with the core team built) its ugly and its casing is wood and there's not much of a functionality. just like our Excalibur Prime that most if not majority of the players say that its design is pretty much far behind compared to Loki Prime. the privileged of owning an Excalibur Prime is like having own the first apple computer at present date. the history, nostalgia and excitement to play the white and gold suit that only you (founders) can only have. and just like the first apple computer it ran into revisions and improvements making the first apple computer obsolete compared to its newer renditions. (if i have Excalibur Prime i rather keep his looks as it is) 


    Umbra Excalibur Prime - (wrong place at the wrong time) though Excalibur is the poster boy of Warframe and some kind of "exclusive" content to attract or appeal more to the Chinese players in general. I can play to that since the Chinese don't exactly play well with others and they always have their own Chinese versions of things that are famous in the Western Society. The Umbra Excalibur Prime is for me is a slap in the face to the founders that helped the developers pull Warframe off the ground and made it a successful game. When players bought the founders pack with Excalibur Prime, DE and the founders have an agreement that Excalibur Prime will remain exclusive to the core founder players and not to be re-sell, re-skin or re-design or whatsoever along with other perks like design council. Umbra Excalibur Prime is a direct violation of that trust and i couldn't agree more to some founders getting salty on this. DE should have instead created Umbra Excalibur with (no gold trimming) or the new Yin and Yang frame (they can make it Prime if they want) to those Chinese. i can understand that China is a big market for online games but... the Chinese online gaming community has also a history of breaking games. One of which they are very famous of ruining is the in game market by offering cheap gold or in-game currency spamming trade chats. Your new Chinese killing bunnies may bring you a hefty amount of money for a few months or even a year, and by the time those people are finished ruining the game you will probably end up packing again and develop a new game where players will probably pull it out again from the mud.    


    out of RESPECT from your players who played, supported and loved Warframe. Please don't do this mistake again and those guys from Changyou who are responsible to all of this sh!t storm. Have someone from DE check and balance their work because those guys DON'T CARE of the game like you do. they are just there to milk money from the player base and likely to transform the game into a ultra massive micro transaction pay wall grinding fack fest that even Evolve and Destiny players will laugh out loud on how Warframe ruined itself.


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