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  1. I've noticed since the Fortuna update (might have been before) that when I am hosting that I can get regular drops in frames, from a solid 60 down to 20 when casting a power or moving the view 180 degrees. I've used this as an excuse to upgrade my graphics card and it is still happening. Now have an RTX 2060 and as long as I don't host, the game runs and looks great. My query is what can I do to alleviate the fps drops I get while host and the lag the other players must see? I'm usually a solo player, but I can't do everything solo and don't want to make everyone else's experience suck when I end up as host. If I set the ping to 100 - 150, will that help? Thinking being, that if this is an internet thing (I think mine sucks but can't improve at the moment), can i cut down the number of victims. Essentially I think I'm looking for a check list of things to try to narrow down what i need to change to improve the situation for when I host.
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