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Everything posted by Xikiri

  1. Hi. The current date is December 4th, 2023. Using a weapon's default model/skin is still not possible. Call me petty, but I have no intention of letting this go. It's seriously the one thing I want (that is actually doable) more than anything else.
  2. This topic has been brought up several times over the years, and the devs even made mention of it some years ago. We still do not have it. As a non-developer, I'm curious as to how difficult it would be to implement such a simple feature relative to supporting a long-term decade-old game. It's been alluded to, it's been borderline teased, and it's been forgotten. Will we ever, at any point, get the choice to use a weapon's default base skin as an option for Primed weaponry? For beans' sake, I cannot stand the mace design for Silva. I think it's entirely antithetical to the whole point of the original design. Please, give me back the chance to use Silva & Aegis as it was originally intended without having to resort to the Day of the Dead skin which still frequently (and reliably) breaks.
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