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Posts posted by Pzykdruhgs

  1. When I waypointed it showed 15m and I'm pretty sure the range is even less than that to the actual ring tbh - I'm not sure a scope would 'stop' at the Wyrm, like there may be no "object" to give the scope feedback to range it properly, as when I set WP it seemed to just go straight through instead of being a marker like "Enemy".

  2. I was never expecting to hit the top ring with this weapon, I'm merely reporting that the weapon does literally no damage (to the bottom rings, anyways) so that if someone (any tenno in the future) chooses the simulor as a weapon they don't feel frustrated that it is doing nothing after probably doing great for the mission content. I personally wasn't frustrated because I knew going in that the weapon had a high chance of not working (because I've tested it on other bosses which it didn't work on) but I was just hopeful, it was more disappointment followed by finishing it with my secondar(ies) which took all of 3 minutes, but I am reporting it as a bug because it feels weird that it should do no damage.

    Post statement:
    ((You guys are really jumping on trying to make it seem like a skill issue, and it's disturbing.)) I will just go get a video of it doing no damage, would that satisfy you all? Or it can be fixed, or left broken, I don't really care (well, I cared enough to make this post, but mostly so new/future players aren't frustrated that something is broken so we can all enjoy the game - isn't that nice).




    Not sure how to make the videos just show here. I even tried to get some space thinking I was maybe too close.

  3. I guess you have a point, I have a multiple forma build (unsure how many, but it has riv and everything) and I'm almost 100% sure I use +range mods because the default range is crap even for normal mapping for me, I can't check right now. I'm accustomed to the weapon and almost 100% sure that both my main shots were landing (phasing through, really) and the manual detonate was on top of the ring as far as I remember (the fight was last week I meant to bug report it earlier but I was just thinking about it now) and neither did ANY damage (where sometimes projectiles will at least do their hit damage). I should've clipped it.. oh well.

    Edit: Yes, literally all of my builds use Terminal Velocity, so there was no chance I wasn't using it.

  4. I would imagine this also applies to normal simulor?

    As far as I can tell the shots and the manual detonate just do nothing to Orowyrm, unless I was missing. I'm not sure how this hasn't been reported yet tbh. I know that this projectile has always had issues with bosses but I figured the massive rings would be a large enough target to cause damage, but when I tried I couldn't get anything to register.

  5. If you fire the Catabolyst so it's down a couple rounds then put it away (swap to primary e.g.) or walk around with it, it tries to pick up ammo for whatever reason infinitely... probably because it's priming the reload round or whatever. So while you're walking around you just hear clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink from the ammo piuckup sound. It's been like this for a while.. just decided to report it now. Not sure if it's only client side or if other contributing factors lead to it.

  6. I just came across this as Nidus, finally got a build I like and then joined with first a frame that I don't remember because I wasn't paying too much attention to but then a Zephyr.. and yeesh it's bad.. completely hanging on being able to cast the 2 again because some random enemy is caught in a tornado somewhere.. I feel like the pull should override that, and I've heard of other interactions as well from:

    Now that Eximus are changed introducing Overguard, could this be looked at for some of the problem abilities causing him to be locked out of his ability.. Or would it break anything so bad if we could just recast the 2 because we're investing energy? Felt really gross to be denied my ability because someone else is casting theirs, especially because we can't even put this ability on other frames for a reasonable bonus more than nidus has by default making his whole kit as thus:


    Seeing a Khora in any of my matches as Nidus is an instant sign that I'm not going to have any fun

    This is now how I also see Zephyr in the squad, and I made a note.. and I plan to note all of the frames I read about here so that I'm not wasting time trying to make his ability work in cases where it wont - but it feels kind of annoying. If anything abilities with long duration that's mentioned are a larger problem, thinking about abilities I use that do also CC that are just short aren't a problem, but the fact that the tornadoes linger for the entire duration of my Larva means that I am basically forced to wait for the cooldown.. the Larva should definitely probably have priority in those cases. It changed the entire flow from:    Clump->Kill->Clump->Kill*       to      Clump->Kill->Wait->Play a pinata game for a bit while being shot from places inside my radius if I could've just casted by now->Still Pinata minigame->Clump->Kill->Wait->Play a pinata game for a bit while being shot from places inside my radius if I could've just casted by now->Still Pinata minigame

    I'm not expecting this to be fixed but I guess I wanted my 2 cents about this as well. I think it just makes SENSE to have the Nidus Larva override at least Zephyr's tornado because I'm going to turn and look up and shoot the enem(y/ies) that's causing my ability to stop working anyways in 2 seconds, why does it matter then if the ability pulled and I swing once? The solution being that we as players have to make lists of why nidus doesn't work/mix well with certain frames is just sad.

  7. Seriously please revert steel path changes??

    Friend: Wants to play with me.
    Me: Cannot allow them to attend an Incursion with me.

    I would like to play with a friend or more. Not all of them want to have the goal immediately: "Finish entire starchart". Many times you've even said on main stream that Steel Path incursions should be attempted by people... and there was even a nightwave challenge recently. What happened? So bizarre.

  8. A total increase of them all is always nice when it happens.. like +10 bam -> filled in a week.

    How actually technically challenging is it to increase these by 100 for everyone? When I was first thinking about a solid amount for the entire set of missions I had the number 150 in mind. Is there any way to add a *challenge* into the game to get a number that high, or something?

    Sometimes a lot of thought can go into one..

    Leg 1 and I don't have a loadout for 9 frames that have primes, as well as signature ones to the core game, like Umbra.. yes this is somewhat by choice, but I would love to have one dedicated to at least that at this point (All Prime/Umbra frames + wiggle room of ~40 for certain configs). +9 would be a lot more comfortable at this level and I'd be able to personally fit every prime then, but more than that would be ideal. I remember even pre-MR bonus changes I was getting to a point where I would get stuck with them and when we got extra it was perfect timing for many that play because we have build ideas in our heads that transfer well to loadout use (click and play).

    I have 2 loadouts that are already multi-frame because the second frame doesn't have a purely dedicated spot yet, and when selected I often also have to change the color config to then match it as well. If there was a quicker access to the [A][B][C][D][E][F] color it would help when loadout locked, and just in general. The extra click to load the whole color ui for just clicking the config button once and then 'back'. is.. at least for me somewhat common. So instead of the chain: Loadout -> Frame change(Because loadout scarcity) -> Appearance -> Config B -> Back- > Back - there would just be: Loadout -> Frame change -> Click Button Config B-> Back (<Which resides in some gui beside Appearance)

    Anyways, my 2 cents. I agree with others also in that I'd pay for slots.

  9. If Gunnery 10 was simply +5% CC / +10% CD literally no one would complain because there's no downside. I understand that even that is a buff, but it's better than feeling like you're spending earned experience to be worse. Also I have nothing against people that want to lock onto ships... it could simply be an option.. some people aren't going to want target locking!! (it ended up being just 'ok' after I got it prepatch, but I would personally rather not have locking anyways). Until this is changed I will probably not invest in the final perk for Gunnery. Even the lock alone would have me get it, begrudgingly, for the mastery, but adding the bonus heat makes no sense.. if you want people to stop holding the button making the entire bar have 5% less overall heat bar would have people stop every so often to allow weapons to cool... at least you guys showed that it will cause the extra heat accumulation instead of hiding it as a hidden self-nerf.

    But seriously what is this...

    • Like 2
  10. Some other vent/changes were made as well:
    In the spy where you have to take an elevator down and then make your way down through a laser puzzle, there used to be a vent behind the elevator that was a small shortcut to the mid-way mark. In the "harder" modes of the puzzle only one of the vents would be open, now there is only 1 and it is not open.

    In the new spy that features Ropalolyst captive, there is usually 1 door(of two*) leading to a room with a code door and vent you can take into the main chamber just fine, but if you leave you MUST go back the way you came. Pre-patch you were able to escape out of either vent because both spy doors (the ones asterisked, at the beginning of the puzzle) would open.

    In the rescue mission on the new tileset only 1 side of the shortcut opens, and in nightmare (and I would imagine sortie, but I think sortie is fine) BOTH are closed. This makes it a lot less of a shortcut if you choose the wrong side (or both are closed), making it take just about the same time as going through the front so there's almost no point to even look at the shortcut as an option.

  11. Steps to reproduce: Unknown, mess around with scanner and weapon swapping. I also had Reflex Draw on my pistol exilus (no other swap mods though).

    When it happens you get locked out of any further weapon swaps, and cannot shoot - but abilities still work. Even summoning archgun causes it to show that you have archgun equipped but can't shoot it. It resolve(d/s) itself at some point but not sure how. Also fixes itself if you die.


  12. Wouldn't be as much of a problem if I were squaded but soloing I couldn't do much about it
    Might use Inaros so I can hopefully pull him away... when I moved in to collect it, straight to success screen.

    Edit: Of course Inaros' 2 doesn't work. ~_~

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  13. At least swapping to Naramon doesn't seem to work.

    Steps to reproduce: Load simulacrum as Zenurik/Vazarin/Unairu/Madurai , go to arsenel and change to (preferably maxed..) Naramon with the school abiliies already enabled how you like. If you then load up and attack some enemies, you will lose your whole combo after the combo drops instead of only dropping a single level with Power Spike, Void Stalker wont begin ticking if you are in void mode etc.

    I think this may happen if you switch any schools but I don't remember this happening too often while swapping between Zenurik/Vazarin so maybe it's only Naramon's abilities.

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