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Posts posted by Pzykdruhgs

  1. Not entirely sure what happened. Joined a 5x3 hunt and on Gantulyst capture, with enough lures charged, we waited for the lures to pop and they just didn't, FOUR TIMES IN A ROW. The Gantulyst attacks didn't even count towards kill count or anything, just completely unbeneficial. If this happened once it'd be like, yeah sure that's maybe our bad, but four times in a row? I think something bugged out.

  2. Can we get something to interact with to spawn them instead of relying on the game, because right now it's straight up broken.. just tried 10 missions in a row and the oculyst message comes up but none spawn. It seems really unreliable at the moment. Also for the crossfire, can the amount of enemies needed to be killed be lower, or the density be raised? I always seem to make it to the end before I hit the counter (especially 150+), and have to backtrack for the new enemy spawn.

  3. Title.

    When using Pilfering Swarm, the oxium ospreys don't show up in the correct location, and their hitboxes are literally invisible. While it's been fun trying to shoot at a broken game mechanic, it can be frustrating at times when you just want to shoot what you know is already there and move on and you can't because the target is invisible. Having to craft a build around that is even more tiresome because builds are already expecting players to be able to see their targets, so there's not a lot of wiggleroom for having to overcompensate for that without breaking corpus ship windows which is even more frustrating because you feel liek you're being punished for the game's bugs. I've literally lost 1% accuracy hunting these things and theorycrafting how to hit them while not breaking windows.

    Please fix this.

    For a more detailed analysis of what I've seen: The oxium osprey model appears at the base of the tentacle that grabs it, but the hitbox is being "thrown around" by the tops of the tentacles as if it had it normally. However, that hitbox is invisible. so what happens is, you can't shoot the oxium osprey model because it will do nothing, and you have to try to figure out where the invisible hitbox is on the tentacle which can be tedious when the tentacles spawn clustered around corners and such.

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