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Everything posted by (XBOX)GearsMatrix301

  1. But Kuva is not exclusive to the Unum tower. If it was exclusively produced by the tower we wouldn’t be seeing it harvested across the planets. There’s also the fact that power Unum grants through her Kuva is similar to blue Kuva. Your qualifiers for making Eidolons vampiric are overly vague. “It’s undead and at one point pursued a liquid. Obviously it’s a vampire”.
  2. Pointing out illogical applications of themes is not a weird hill to die on. If a frames theme is just going to be disregarded for their abilities then why even bother having themes in the first place?
  3. While the fragments contained within them are not directly involved with the quest itself, the Glass Shards involved in the Saya's Vigil quest reveal that during the last days of the Orokin Empire, the Unum used some of her "Temple Kuva" in an effort to locate a monstrous Sentient, which would terrorize her tower and her people by night but retreat and hide during the day. The Unum instructed her people to feed the Kuva to the local wildlife, connecting her consciousness with them and allowing her to find the Sentient. This proved to be a double-edged sword, however, as the Sentient discovered that Kuva could restore its ability to reproduce, increasing the intensity of its attacks even further. This necessitated Gara, the lone Tenno defender of the Unum, to sacrifice her life, carrying a bomb that devastated the Sentient even as she was killed. Even to this day, long after the war, the Unum's consciousness still resides in the Plains' wildlife, allowing her to keep an eye on the Grineer troops, and she still gives her Temple Kuva for the Ostrons to use. Also, the big sentient did not actively seek out Kuva. Only once it learned it had a benefit to it did it actually try to get it from the Unum tower. Also Kuva is not confirmed to be blood.
  4. I really do hate that the gamemode warrants this criticism. It’s such a fun idea, but it quickly becomes monotonous and boring.
  5. I know you don’t actually care about my thoughts. Because I went into precise detail about how your logic of “it’s undead therefor vampire” doesn’t make any sense. And you still insisted it made sense. So why not just double down on that logic? Hence we now recognize Revenant as the Giraffe, disco ball, Hippopotamus, Ostrich, Supermodel, Vietnam War, Apple tree, Porcupine, vampire, party streamer, topography, that green monster from Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clone, magnetism themed Warframe.
  6. Drip feed content that entices you to keep grinding. same way you get the Rhino blueprints from Venus but can’t get the resources for him til like Jupiter or whatever.
  7. You’re the one where claiming any similarities Eidolons have to vampires automatically makes them vampires. So any similarities Revenant has with anything I just listed means that he is objectively those things as well. That reminds me. Saying he was elephant themed was redundant. Since Elephants have 2 bone like protrusions coming out of their mouth. Much like a vampires. So by your logic elephants are vampires. It would be far more accurate to say he was hippopotamuses themed instead.
  8. You know what screw it. You win. Revenant is a Giraffe, disco ball, Elephant, Ostrich, Supermodel, Vietnam War, Apple tree, Porcupine, vampire, party streamer, topography, that green monster from Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clone, magnetism themed Warframe. Because any and all vague similarities are to be taken as 100% deliberate implementations of those things as a theme. And if you doubt any of those as his actual themes then you just don’t understand how truly inspired a Warframe Revenant is. Now if you excuse me. I have to go make a Hydroid rework thread asking DE to make better use of his very obvious dog theme that they’ve been neglecting for years.
  9. Exactly, not saying the slightly disconnected names are a bad thing. It’s just when it comes to debating themes I found they muddy the water too much to get a productive conversation/argument out of it.
  10. It’s still not an exact 1:1 match of name and theme. Hence why I disregard names in relation to themes.
  11. WTF is this post? Baruuk is a pacifist. His first 3 abilities are him attempting to be a pacifist, but his 4 is him snapping and letting loose him ultimate destructive power.
  12. Warframe names have always had a tenuous relationship with their themes. I tend to disregard whatever meaning their names have when debating themes. a prime example of this is Garuda. Which is the name of a mythical bird god, and she’s called that because her claws kind of look like wings. But she’s blood and gore themed.
  13. Yep, Soma Inc sucking was my motivation to play Warframe this week. Back to Tears of the Kingdom.
  14. So the living sentient that eventually broke apart into undead Eidolons wanted Kuva. But the Eidolons themselves are not after Kuva. In order to be a vampire it would have to be both undead and want blood. But it being alive when it wanted Kuva defeats your whole argument. You can dislike the direction of Chromas abilities. But at least they were actually inspired by some form of dragon. AGAIN YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT! EIDOLONS ARE NOT ZOMBIES, VAMPIRES, GHOSTS, MUMMIES, OR ANY OTHER OBSCURE UNDEAD, AND NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE EACH OTHER! Eidolons are their own unique thing and have displayed their own unique abilities. Rebecca chose to ignore those abilities in favor of making vampire abilities for a frame that has no connection to vampires. Just because Eidolons are undead that does not automatically make them every single undead creature to ever exist within mythology. I literally just got done explaining this. How tf are you this dense?!
  15. Wow, glad I didn’t waste ducats on that hunk of garbage then.
  16. You saying Eidolons drink blood and not elaborating on where you think your fantasies have some tangible evidence in game does not mean the Eidolons drink blood. DnD for the dragon inspiration for Chroma is still NOWHERE as complicated as you going “Oh well Eidolons clearly a combination of Hinduism, Malaysian cooking recipes, this copy/paste of an entire wiki article on international tourism, and my bathroom mirror. All very clear examples of vampirism throughout the history of the world.” Again, if the “creative” interpretation of the theme gets so out of hand that you’ve completely lost that very theme. You screwed up. Even if Eidolons were inspired by vampires they themselves are not vampires. In the same way that even tho George A. Romero took inspiration from vampires to make zombies that doesn’t automatically make the zombies in his movies vampires. So an Eidolon Warframe has zero business having vampire powers. And if you’re going to argue “oh well similar attributes mean that everything with said attribute is also applicable”. Then why tf doesn’t Revenant have giraffe powers? He’s tall. Giraffes are tall. Where’s the showcase of his super clear and obvious giraffe theme? He’s on fire. You know who else was on fire? People in the Vietnam War. Where’s the evidence of the Vietnam War inspiration within his kit?
  17. At least her 4 hits down multiple times. Her 3’s honestly a far bigger victim of LoS. I’ll use it on like a group of 10 and only like 2 will actually be hit by it.
  18. You mean her 3, right? Also, I can’t wait to see if DE responds to this. It’ll probably be some BS like “Since Prisma Lenz is stronger than Lenz we chose to give it line of sight in order to balance it”. AOE guns don’t have line of sight. It shouldn’t have line of sight.
  19. Or how they keep removing any unique interactions between worthless guns and mods that make the gun less worthless. The unintended interaction is giving the gun a bigger identity and expanding the list of viable weapons and variety of gameplay if the gun has a unique mechanic that’s being benefitted here. But nope, gotta make sure all that meta stays the same so theres some excuse to nerf it in the future.
  20. So being dishonest and deceptive to the player about how effective their Warframe actually is is a good thing? Because as I recall fall off is not in the stat screen. It’s something we have to figure out if a frame has through testing.
  21. Again, if the only benefit of the ability is damage. Then having it’s damage become worthless after a certain range completely defeats the point of it having that set range. Also your argument falls apart here when one of the frames who has this, Voruna, doesn’t have the base range on her 4 to mod for a room nuking level AOE. Yet she still has fall off on her 4. Voruna 4
  22. Dragons come in different chromatic varieties all associated with elements. Nova is antimatter themed. Honestly antimatter is a big question mark in general, so I can give DE a pass as Nova was a community created frame and they at least tried to adhere to the theme. Zephyr is a bird that controls wind. The connection should be obvious. Xaku’s fan concept was “a frame that doesn’t quite work correctly”. Honestly still disappointed DE didn’t just make a meme frame out of making Xaku useless in weird ways but that’s beside the point. That turned into “3 frames broken apart and fused into a single frame”. Now you see what I did here @Loza03? I didn’t have to write a memoir to try and explain how these frames themes make sense. If you have to dive into rambling on for post after post to try and make a frames theme make sense. Then the theme doesn’t make sense.
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