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Posts posted by DarthJundar

  1. 47 minutes ago, ArcusVeles said:

    That's now how crit chance works.  32.5% crit chance on two multishot arrows would mean a ~44% chance for one to crit and ~11% chance for both to crit.

    I don't think you understand how DPS works or what the (situational) value of status procs is, but if you enjoy your build then it doesn't really matter.  You do you.

    I'm critting 3 out of 4 times I shoot. This bow is actually really good 

  2. 44 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    there's no reason to not be using Vile Acceleration instead of Speed Trigger.
    it's a complete upgrade.

    while with 37.5% there's a not that high Chance to not get any Crit on a shot... it's still very inconsistent regardless.
    Daikyu is an awful Weapon, despite looking pretty. but honestly 30-40% of that would instantly be fixed by making it Elemental base (Viral pls).

    you're certainly in the minority using Hammershot, since it almost never has a reason to be used. however, if you're not keen on using something such as Argon Scope/Bladed Rounds - even though you should heavily consider doing so - very well i guess.
    or just another Elemental, that would do more Damage too.

    I mentioned the low crit chance

    its actually very consistent with the multishot 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Zardbooster said:

    After extensive tests and research, my data still shows that Panthera is utter garbage (yes i put 6 forma on it to try and get it to work, just somewhat).

    Just felt like pointing it out, feel free to ignore this comment otherwise.

    Miter is also meh. Can get really high damage though, like damn

    slapping heavy cal on that S#&$ is hilarious 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    I like the Daikyu because everything is easy in Warframe and so style > substance. and the Daikyu being the sexiest weapon in the game means it automatically wins in the style category.

    It's quite fun to shove a fire rate mod on it and then stack gas damage and status chance. You basically end up with a superior Mutalist Cernos.


    abd that build still works with mine 

  5. 4 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    Glad you enjoy Daikyu. As you say, it's quite unpopular, but it's certainly cool looking. Find a weapon that works for you, and don't worry too much about what people insist is 'the best'. Everything's good if you slap enough Forma on it and use maxed mods 

    Indeed it is

    I think daikyu out performs Paris Prime. Especially because the arrow has a much longer range than any other bow 

  6. I run, serration, speed trigger, point strike, vital sense, split chamber, malignant force, high voltage, cryo rounds. This gives a 90% chance to multishot. And that 32.5% crit chance becomes 65. Which, is in my testing, more effector than other builds. Pure elemental on this weapon fell off hard. This holds well until level 90 heavy units and destroys things that aren't heavy units. Not to mention a 100% status chance. This build has more going for it than the others and even outshines Paris prime (honestly don't like that bow compared to others)

    Rakta Cernos: serration, split chamber, vital sense, hammershot, point strike, infected clip, stormbtinger, cryo rounds. I think running critical deceleration is ridiculous on this weapon. You TAKE AWAY what makes this the best bow in game. It's high fire rate and dps is amazing, and has no trouble holding its own in end game. A build with CD and Soeed Trigger wastes mod slots and lowers overall damage in end game by a lot 

  7. On March 11, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Kontrollo said:

    As said above, don't try to bring a real-world example into a bug report thread, that's ultimately a waste of time.


    That's not it. It's an all-or-nothing thing. Even if the explosion only touches the foot, you'll get that headshot damage.


    The following may be unrelated, but if I have a theory on what causes all these bugs: I think the "center point" of an enemy has been moved, and AoE effect behave as if they'd hit that point directly.

    So I still had some footage and the following here is me fighting Vor, it was the 18th January 2015. Bullet Attractor is centered on the glowy midsection:


    And this is what we have today:


    As you can see, not a single shot actually damages that guy anymore.


    On March 11, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Kontrollo said:

    As said above, don't try to bring a real-world example into a bug report thread, that's ultimately a waste of time.


    That's not it. It's an all-or-nothing thing. Even if the explosion only touches the foot, you'll get that headshot damage.


    The following may be unrelated, but if I have a theory on what causes all these bugs: I think the "center point" of an enemy has been moved, and AoE effect behave as if they'd hit that point directly.

    So I still had some footage and the following here is me fighting Vor, it was the 18th January 2015. Bullet Attractor is centered on the glowy midsection:


    And this is what we have today:


    As you can see, not a single shot actually damages that guy anymore.

    Okay so

    DE stated that the AoE of a gun like a launcher hits every single part of the body. And then take into consideration that multi shot, if any is killed in one hit. Only shows the damage of the bullet that killed the enemy. Explosions may work the same way. 

    Also take into account that maybe it's adding the damage of every limb. And displaying the number that was all the damage put together. I'm not using real world logic. I'm using personal experimentation 

    you guys are making this sound like the old mirage red crit glitch.

  8. On March 8, 2016 at 6:23 PM, djternan said:

    That's what I was doing.  6 of the 28 bursas I killed were denial bursas.  I highly doubt that anyone with juggernauts or manics had to get 28 of those to spawn before they could complete the jar.

    I know someone who got them all first try. 

    Just trying to help. And it should be five only needed for the bursa. If you got six then you got the amount?

    i got lucky with in my opinion the easiest, manics.

  9. 2 hours ago, -Z3Z0 said:

    Thank you so much for the reverb lag fix!

    Also, please don't nerf Inaros too hard. :( It's going to happen, but I went through a lot of trouble getting him, so pls be gentle. 

    He's not necessarily op in the sense he should be nerfed. His skills don't do damage at high end and his skills are still useful, I could see at least maybe a line of sight nerf on the first one

    i haven't been able to play warframe today because of all this updating. If this happens Thursday in going to be angry cause I get inaros Thursday. I have slow internet so these updates have literally taken al day 

    I'm not saying he's a bad frame, he's just not nerf worthy 

  10. 17 minutes ago, djternan said:

    Make all bursa kills count.  It should never have been one specific type of bursa to fill the last jar.


    Thanks for reinforcing the Draco focus farming as well.

    Go to the Pluto boss, let the alrams be set off, use an infinite stealth Loki or ivara, those bursas spawn a lot there 

  11. As of your new update i am unable to play any multiplayer matches and this did not happen until you did the "port change" and now i cant play with friends or help new players in warframe please fix... this is almost enough to make me quit the game

  12. Yes the quanta indeed has an AoE bug with its bubble when hits a target head on and blows up when it hits said target there is no AoE i tested this with a butcher, this butcher had another butcher right next to it and the bubble hit one butcher and when it blew up caused no damage to the other butcher i also tested this with infested same thing happened but i had gathered about 20 grineer under a huge stairway and gathered one on top of the stairway with me and i shpt the bubble and blew it up with my primary fire and killed the 1 grineer along with the other 20... is this a bug or is it intended to work this way? if it is not intended to work this way than please fix it

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