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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. 1. Do you like seeing being-the-scenes information on DevStreams?

    Yes! We need more of Sheldoning around, spill all of it! (Ok, I won't mind if you hide like 10%. A surprise here and there can be exciting)



    3. Do you agree with the initial Cycle changes for Riven Mods?

    I'm curious about the reset system. Each time we re-roll, are we able to choose from all the previous re-rolls or only between the new stats and the last one? Would certainly be interesting to be able to chose from all the previous rolls each time we re-roll.


    5. What is your initial reaction to adding Riven Disposition to normalize Riven power a bit better?

    It's certainly going in the right direction. However, I'm not sure if there is a noticeable difference. 
    If you got a Boltor Prime with its best Riven mod vs Braton Prime with its best Riven mod, how well would Braton compare to Boltor?

  2. So far, my rewards seem to be spot on with these statistics.

    2x Endo 2000
    1x Greater Lens
    1x Riven mod

    On 11/16/2016 at 9:19 PM, Zivilfer said:

    Getting 2000 endo almost every day feels as if i'm just wasting my @(*()$ time, doesn't help that the only other reward was a completely useless riven mod, which no one will ever want.

    The only reason I'm doing Sortie missions once again, is thanks to the Riven mods.

  3. I'm not sure what else to add, so I'll list everything that I think may influence it.

    - Let the enemies trigger the alarm (be as loud during the mission as possible)
    - Maybe the MR has an impact on the spawn rate? Higher MR > higher spawn rate?
    - Equip full rank 30 arsenal (maybe the better equipped you are, the higher the spawn chance)


    Just jumped ingame to check the spawn rate and it spawned right away for me (you can see the time in the chat, Belgium Time).


  4. 1 hour ago, morningstar999 said:

    question do they tell you if there's going to be a kuva siphon thingy or something at the start? 
    I've done like 20+ runs and found nothing so far....

    No, you only get notified when you're close enough to the Kuva Siphon.
    I'd suggest you try Rusalka on Sedna. So far, I've had the Siphon spawn every single time.

    1 hour ago, Stonehenge said:

    I just have two questions :

    - Is there any mission where they spawn more than 5% of the time ?

    - Did anyone could add them to the codex ? (not only scan them i mean)

    - Rusalka on Sedna. Make sure you run around a bit.
    - I did scan them, but they don't seem to appear in the Codex for me.

    38 minutes ago, siralextraffo said:

    Question, do you check every room or just head to objective and then extract hoping to find the stuff on your way? 

    No, but I do run off track here and there.


    All in all, concerning the spawn rate.
    I have a feeling that they spawn in every mission, but you just need to get close enough to the Siphon for it to trigger.
    So far, they spawned every time I ran the Rusalka capture mission on Sedna. Note that I always ran the mission solo. So perhaps they don't spawn if there is anyone in your team that hasn't completed TWW.


    1 hour ago, Aratir said:

    Nice coptering :D

    Hah, thanks!


    @Shreiko @Xekrin You're welcome! Glad I could help.

  5. One way to do it is using max range Frost:

    1. Build a max range Frost (Prime). My build is at the end of the video (at 5:12).

    2. OPTIONAL: Equip the Zenurik Focus ( and/or use Energy Pods). You'll lose all energy each time your Operator dies, so a quick way to replenish energy is advised.

    3. Go to a mission that spawns Kuva Siphons (I prefer Rusalka on Sedna). Run around in the mission until you encounter the Kuva Siphon.

    4. Drop 3 to 4 Snow Globes around the Kuba Siphon. Note that the Globes even slow down the Kuva Energie. This gives you more than enough time to collect it.

    5. When the Kuva Energy (it's that red cloud you can see at 3:33) spawns, you'll hear a spooky sound.

    6. Dash with your Operator into the Kuva Energy to collect it. (Hold crouch then jump with Operator to perform a Dash)

    BONUS: Kill the Kuva Guardians to get some nice mods and the parts for the new Melee weapon, Orvius.

    To kill the Kuva Guardians, switch to the Operator, stun them with melee key and then dash into them. This will make them vulnerable to all damage. You can then switch back to your Warframe to finish them.



  6. 27 minutes ago, Kashuken said:

    Rhino does not slow down time

    If time speeded up then you could say any DOT procs would cause more damage in the same 10second space if time was speeded up to 10x faster.

    Also the timer on any missions would have to be affected aswell.

    Time would affect everything in the game, speed it up and everything gets faster

    Rhino does manipulate time, that's the description of the Stomp.


    As for the proc,'s, I think you're thinking in terms of the old Saryn build, in which she could only have 1 proc at a time with her ult, right?
    However, the proc's (like slash) can stack, so speeding up the process would barely have an impact. I mean, if you can apply 10 procs in 5 sec, it doesn't matter that much the proc finishes in 2 sec or 5 sec. Because you still need 5 sec to apply 10 procs.
    I can see time speed up/down working on some aspects of the game, like mission timers (e.g. Survival) as you mentioned.
    But at the moment, I'm not convinced it can give us anything that we're really missing at the moment.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Kashuken said:

    Powers wise it could freeze time or speed it up maybe but kinda limited it seems.

    Time freeze or speed up wouldn't be anything new, since we already have several frames that can do just that. Rhino, Frost, Nova, etc...
    I'd rather play around with the idea of time rewinding.

    For instance, if you die while a certain power is active, you'll rewind time and revive yourself (power could drain energy while its active and drain full energy after a revive).

    Another could be "clone replay". That creates a clone that replays the last 10 sec. For instance, you go rambo into a crowd of high level enemies taking heavy damage. Than hit the replay power and you go back in time. At that time, a clone of yourself will replay the action you did for those 10 sec, while you can take a different route yourself and prevent taking heavy damage, while the clone does all the killing and disappears after those 10 sec.

    A simple rewind could also be handy. Accidentally triggered an alarm? Rewind! Took a heavy damage? Rewind! Lost your sentinel? Rewind!
    This could be a "hold" power that rewinds as long as you hold down the power key (up to 10 or 20 sec max).

    Another power could be bringing your (or your allies) past into the mission. Technically, you'd be able to run with your previous loadout for the duration of time.
    For instance, if your previous loadout was Rhino, you'll switch to Rhino and play as Rhino for the duration of the power. It could be that your previous loadout simply had a different weapon or companion. The system just memorizes whatever loadout you used in a mission before you switched to the time frame.


    Will need some balancing, but that's at least the approach I hope DE takes if they create a time-frame.

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