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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Seems like a 40 min run, if we look at total kills. (prolonged runs by capping 2 nodes).

    Let's say this is a 20 min run. Now, if you want each player to reach the 75k, you'd need to do this 4 times. So everyone is going to waste 80 min.


    On the other hand, we have the stealth run options. And once you get efficient at those, you can reach the daily limit in 20-25 min solo.

    That means, that they'll all reach the cap in 20-25 min. They can all farm simultaneously, since they're running solo.


    So stealth runs are much more efficient if we're talking time required for several people to reach the cap.


  2. At MR21, the worst I'm getting are rare resources (Neurodes, Neural Sensors, Terilium, etc...). Got these resources in hundreds, but it's still much better than the previous system.

    My logins so far (missed 3): http://imgur.com/a/TREqm


    My only issue with logins is the milestones. I feel like 50 days is a bit too long.

    Would be nice to have a milestone every 15 days and a big reward each 60th day.

  3. Bazar:

    When it first got announced, I thought we'd at least be able to setup our shops. Turns out, it's an alternative for those that do not have a Dojo, but slightly worse as the trading can go through much faster through the Dojo.

    Except for chilling out with friends (which you can do in Dojo and in the Relays as well), I don't see much use for it.



    As a MR21 Tenno, the worst I'm getting is a rare resource. So much better than what it used to be!

    However, I feel like the milestones are spread a bit too much. I was hoping we'd have short milestones between the long milestones.

    Like a 15-days milestone and then a 60 days milestone. So a reward at 15, 30, 45 and then a big reward at 60. Then again at 75, 90, 105 and a big one at 120, etc...


    Also, I'd like it if we could get the boosters as an item that we can activate manually, instead of activating it when acquired.

  4. Thank you for your post i got so inspired when i did see your video so i bought one myself and i love it :) I also bought all mods you recommended but I can't afford primes reach or buzz kill so i use normal reach and jagged edge instead, do you have advice on better mods?

    I see you don't have your mods maxed, do i need to use a forma to be able to max them all? I just hit lvl 30 so now would be a good time to do that.

    Thanks for a fun weapon :)

    Glad I could help!

    Yes, the Primed Reach and the Buzz Kill (event mod) are expensive at the moment. But like most event mods, Buzz Kill could be added as a drop to the game at some point. As for Primed Reach you'll have to keep an eye on Baro the Void Trader.


    Reach works very well on Orthos Prime as well. I always had it equipped on Orthos Prime before Primed Reach got released. Jagged Edge is a great alternative if you don't have Buzz Kill.

    As for the Corpus build (2nd screenshot), you could use Jagged Edge with Rending Strike, instead of Jagged Edge with Buzz Kill.


    Also, the mods in the screenshots are all maxed.

    I forma'd Orthos Prime before the stance mods got implemented, but you'll only need to forma once for the builds above, since you do not have Primed Reach. Either 1 V-polarity or 1 Dash-polarity should do.

    Once you get Primed Reach, add another polarity so that you have 2 in total, 1 V-polarity and 1 Dash-polarity.


    Draco (on Ceres) is a good place when you need to quickly level up your gear.



    As I mentioned in previous threads, a simple mod that makes melee attacks "ground" the target for 3s would be enough. 


    That would be nice and certainly would make it a bit easier to face skilled players. At the same time, it would cause quite an uproar, I think.


    The main issue with balancing melee are the melee combo animations, which lock you into a certain movement pattern, what makes them really unflexible. Melee combat is designed around stationary targets, it will never be viable against skilled players as long as it won't oneshot your enemy and we all know that oneshots are normally a bad gamedesign, especially if they are not hard to pull off.

    Yes, clunky combo's aside, action priorities would somewhat fix this issue. Like block, roll, jump should cancel any ongoing combo's.

    Melee 2.0 came out before Parkour 2.0 and Conclave 2.0. The devs had probably no idea that they'll had to create a flexible melee system, which is also balanced around moving targets.

    We should think of a way to rework melee in general before balancing it around skilled players. It does need more mobility, more flexibility and an element, which is as hard to pull off as aiming to make it more skill based (you can't tell me that combos are something hard to learn ... ).

    Agreed. A melee combat that seemingly works with the current Parcour 2.0 would be the way to go, as pointed out above.

    These are just bandaids mods to improve the current situation without to fix anything.

    Also "Aerial magnetism" is a big no go imo. Everyone hated Martial Magnetism, so why do you even consider it a good idea? It will end in a big mess.

    Those could be passives.

    But yes, they can be seen as temporary solutions. However, I don't think we'll be getting aerial melee combat any time soon. From the devstreams so far, it felt like they didn't have any plans to further enhance the aerial melee combat. So these "solutions" might as well be permanent.


    I considered Aerial Magnetism a good idea because, unlike Martial Magnetism, you and your opponent need to be in the air for Aerial Magnetism to work. That's a huge difference if you ask me. Unless you're worried that latency will cause unwanted behaviors. But that goes for everything, to be honest.

  6. I like all of your ideas with exception to the teleport and the increased melee reach while airborne. 


    I do like the idea of melee doing more when done from the air however with the new addition of polearms into conclave I don't think increased melee range while airborne would be very balanced.


    Also the teleport augment just doesn't seem very practical.

    Thank you.


    Yes, the teleport might be a bit too much.

    As for aerial reach, it should probably only work on some weapons. And preferably add an absolute value (e.g. +1m), instead of relative (e.g. +50%).

  7. The main issue with balancing Melee is Parcour 2.0.

    Skilled players could easily escape the melee-fighters, beginners, on the other hand, struggled against them.


    As far as I remember, the melee has always been balanced around people that aren't too familiar with Parcour 2.0.

    Perhaps we should think of balancing it around average and skilled players as well.

    Anyone else tried to take the melee combat into the air?
    It's pretty fun, but not exactly viable at the moment, since we only have two moves we can perform in the air. (slide and aerial attack).

    A fleshed out aerial melee combat is something that would have been best implemented with Parcour 2.0.

    I don't see that happening any time soon (if at all), so we should probably look for some alternatives.


    1. Mods that enhance aerial melee combat:

    - Aerial Reach: Increased melee reach when airborne.

    - Block Trap: (Channel) blocking while both players are airborne, will knockdown the opponent.

    - Aerial Magnetism: Just like the old Martial Magnetism, but only works when both players are in the air.

    - Counter Teleport: Channel blocking when both players are airborne, will teleport you behind the opponent. (uses 25 energy, also, can't be equipped with Block Trap)


    2. General

    - When airborne, players with melee equipped have an increased resistance.

    - Melee performed in the air has an increased damage (with melee equipped)

    - Melee needs priority in its moves. Allow block, jump and roll to cancel combo's.


    So these are some wild suggestions, mostly to make the current aerial battle viable.

    I personally haven't seen anyone else going melee-only in the air, so perhaps these changes will encourage more melee-oriented players to give it a shot.


    Another approach is to give melee-oriented players the tools to take the combat to the ground (like the Block Trap suggested above).

  8. Orthos Prime and Galatine got both a big range and damage output to enemies on high LV. Galatine still beat a heavy gunner 100+ without a warframe buff or aura mod to reduce his amore in 2-4 sec.

    Galatine range seems to be bugged. Or at least it was when I last tested it.

    Basically, its model is longer than its actual hit range. You can see there is no damage inflicted while the blade went through the target.



    As a result, maxed Primed Reach doesn't give you the range you'd expect.

    I mean, it should have been x2.65 longer, but seems to be barely x2.


    Anyway, I guess I should test again to see if it got fixed.

  9. Wow, I dont have buzz, jag, ber and fever strike..Always, the top builds have some cards that Im missing. I see you focused more on slash, so Ill try to do that.

    For the Grineer build, you can use Jagged Edge. For Corpus, you could go for Jagged Edge + Rending Strike. So you can still somewhat focus on Slash and Toxic.


    I often use the Tonbo for similar reasons - btw does the Orthos p have a higher range than the Tonbo?

    The reach on Tonbo may be the same as the Orthos Prime reach, but to me, it felt slightly shorter.

    The main reason why it loses against Orthos Prime is because of its low critical chance. It's not high enough for the Berserker.


    Orthos Prime has 10% crit chance, but because of it's high base attack speed, it's good enough for Berserker.

    Tonbo could have been a good alternative if it had at least 15% crit chance, since its base speed is low.

  10. Could you attach a screen with your mods on it? Im trying to build an orthos. 

    Against Grineer / Infested / Corrupted:




    Against Corpus, replace Shocking Touch with Jagged Edge.

    PS: You don't have to switch for low lvl content, but it makes a huge difference in Sorties.




    As for Focus, I recommend Naramon. Shadow Step is amazing for melee playstyle.

  11. Best melee weapon ingame is Orthos Prime.

    It has an insane reach with maxed Primed Reach:





    Fast-slide melee playstyle allows you to dodge most of the incoming damage, become immune to knockdown and stagger and deal damage to a lot of enemies at the same time.


    Here, I'm facing 20 Manics of lvl 100.



    The weapon does great in Sorties as well:


    Corpus Sortie 3: Defence



    Grineer Sortie 3: Interception:


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