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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Combine a tank with a racecar, what do you get?

    A Rhino!

    Haha, by far my favourite Warframe!

    I'm more into the heavy type of characters. While Frost is supposed to be a heavy type, he feels more like a caster to me. Like a mage.

    Not a fan of casting spells. I prefer to pound the ground with a fist and make the whole solar system shake!

    Btw, Blueears, I heard the armor was capped at 200%. Did you notice any increase in armor after passing this "rumored" cap?

  2. I'm for the reset as in Rank and Level.

    But as a rare loot collector, I'm against an Item reset.

    Which means, I especially don't want to loose the items I got from the weekend events, such as the Special Braton and the Basic saturated color palette. Also, don't want to loose the rare alert rewards.

  3. I don't have a Boltor (got the Akbolto pistols though) so can't tell much about it, but I mod'd my Gorgon to the point that it kills pretty much everything by just tapping the mouse button once (but have to hold it for less then a sec in Pluto).

    And with 500 bullets I'm able to drain 4/5 of the HP from most bosses.

  4. Hi there guys!

    I'm still looking for some more admins from different time-zones.

    If you're from one of the time-zone listed bellow and would like to become a WA admin, please leave a comment or PM me here on the forum. (You can also email me if you want to: warframe@kingtaro.com).

    Time-zones in need:

    -GMT-12 to GMT-6

    -GMT-5 to GMT 0

    -GMT+6 to GMT+12

    PS: There can be multiple admins for each time-zone.

    Warframe Alerts App: https://forums.warfr...pp-by-kingtaro/

  5. All I do in Warframe is pretty much Meele. (And shooting when it takes too long)

    If it wasn't for the Meele part, I'll be honest, I wouldn't be playing Warframe. Not a big fan of shooter games.

    Warframe does it great on the shooter part and also very well on the close-combat gameplay (meele, dashing, rolling, wall-running,...).

    But the meele could use some extra work as suggested here!

    The cobination of holding down E and tapping it, could indeed work. And the E+arrow aswell. The arrow-keys being relative to the camera and not the character.

    In short: +1 to this!

  6. @DellTheBeginner1

    I approved your account, but I see you didn't activate the account yet.

    You'll receive an email with an activation code.

    Once you login again, you'll be redirected to activate your account with the activation code.

    These are just extra security steps neccessary to prevent "spam".

    The Admin Panel

    Hi there guys!

    The admin panel is done! This should speed up the proccess of new users getting approved.

    And make it a bit easier to monitor the Alerts.

    I'm still looking for more Admins to help me out.

    If you're interested, please list or PM me the following info:

    - Your IGN (or add me, my IGN is KingTaro)

    - Your time-zone (I'd like to have admins from as many time-zones as possible)

    - Name you used to register at my App (www.kingtaro.com/warframe). (So I know who to allocate as an admin)



  7. I feel like the pets are going to replace the Artifact system, or they might have the same purpose.

    You know these lil annoying droids that provide the Enemies with a shield regeneration?

    So if you equip a "Rejuvenation" pet, you'd have the pet constantly healing the team. "Energy Siphon" pet would regen Energy.

    A Riffle Scavenger Pet might be dropping riffle ammo once in a while.

    Or the pets are just there to loot, who knows.

  8. @chuuburg

    Maybe it has something to do with the flash player plugin on your browsers.

    Try to download the latest player and see if it works.

    You can download it on the official adobe website.

    Flash player for most browsers, except the IE: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/11/flashplayer_11_plugin_debug.exe

    Flash player for IE: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/11/flashplayer_11_ax_debug.exe

    For other versions, see: http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html

    I'm not sure if this could help, because you said the sound did work on youtube video's, but here are some extra solutions on how to fix the sound in flash: http://codecguide.com/fix_for_flash_sound_problems.htm

    PS: Please try these extra solutions at your own risk. I haven't tried those myself, so I can't tell whether or not they'll fix the problem.


    That's indeed a great idea!

    Will update the thread in a moment.


    Your account has been approved now! You'll now be able to submit an Alert.

    When the app first launched, everyone that registered could submit an alert right away, and in the first 5-10 min, we already had people submitting false alerts. Or posting inappropriate content. That's why I implemented this security measure to prevent people from spamming.

    I'm currently working on an admin panel. This should speed up the accounts approval process.

  9. I got a rhino, this is my story.

    (4 player team)

    Mission starts, i run in, kills everything, tanks everything... goes on killing . Everything is perfect nice and fun....until lotus says " Good luck tenno you did your job"

    Now i see all others rushing back to the exit spot and leaving enemies behind. Since am slow, dont have travel powers, i have to go through all of them and i also use loot radar,i.e going through all loots. I never reach the exit spot, almost all the time am left behind cause AM SLOW !

    fix : Since rhino is all about power and stuff, revamp 1st power and make it like, you gain momentum and speed while that power is in use and you can attack enemies with it (push back / knock down , enemies in Rhinos path) and instead of a dash, it should be like super Sprint !

    The first skill of Rhino is one of my favourite skills of all the warframe skills!

    Ok, when I first got the skill, it made me laugh. You push the button and it dashes like 1-2 meters. It was so short it felt like I didn't even move.

    So then I gave it a shot and got it all the way to level 3. And now, the range of the skill is just rediculous! Add a power range mod and you got yourself one of the best "travel warframe".

    A skill that gets you all the way accross the map in a split of a second, no matter how big the map is!

    It's like you need to hit a wall or something if you want to stop the dash! Haha, love it!

    If it's about sprinting to the finish, ignoring the enemies, Rhino might be the best warframe!

  10. @Grinn and Daeron

    Your accounts have been approved!

    You can now submit the alerts. Thank you for your support!


    Thank you for your suggestion, aMannus!

    I did consider making a dropdown selection, but I'm afraid it's not an efficient solution.

    For intance, on a shopping website, where you have an option to search using categories, people would most likely ignore it and use the searchbar instead, if they know what they are looking for. Simply because it's faster.

    That's the reason why I went for a textbar, rather then the drop down. There are way too many missions to choose from for it to be efficient.

    A better approach, which I'll be implementing, is code-hinting. As you type down a list appears showing you all the possibilities. You can either click on one of the items in the list or keep typing untill the list is short enough to see the mission you're looking for.

    Still, I appreciate your input!

    Thank you.


    Is it only the sound?

    Do the new alerts appear automatically?

    If it's only the sound, you might have the sound turned off for your browser. Youtube would be a good way to test it. If the sound is disabled, you can turn it on by pressing the sound icon at the right corner of your windows bar. Then choosing "Mixer" and turning it on for your browser.

    If the Alerts don't appear automatically either, then it means something is blocking the app requests (when the app is not being focussed). It could be some sort of browser-blocker plugin or a program/service running in the background.

    If it's a blocker on the browser, try a different one. (Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, Safari,...) and see if it works.


    Yes, I'd like to see a screenshot.

    I've got an idea why it won't fit properly on some devices. (It's due to width being greater then the height as far as I know).

    But as I do not posses such device it will be difficult to adjust it properly.

    I'd like his help to test the app as I try to fit it on his screen. But this is something for later on. Could he send me a PM here on forum to keep in touch?

    Thank you!

    PS: There is an alternative Mobile app avaible for the Android and Blackberry.

    The alternative app will shout "Something's wrong" when a new alert appears!

    Mobile apps: http://www.kingtaro.com/warframe/mobile/

  11. Thank you everyone for your kind words and support, I really apreciate it!

    I'll try to answer all your questions, hope I won't miss any!


    Q: Any possibility an iphone version is in the works as well?

    A: It's done already. I currently don't have an Apple provision. So I can't deploy the app for the iOS.

    So i might develop a Webapp instead, which is much more crossplatform (For windows, blackberry, iOS,...)

    Q: Could you add the "Submit Alert" to the mobile device aswell?

    A: This is not in the current plans, as I wanted to keep the app as simple as possible, but I believe it could make it a bit more userfriendly. I'll add it to to-do list. (But can't promise much for now)

    Q: Why not contact the DE?

    A: More on that later.

    Q: Also can you edit your submissions? Or will submissions only happen when the rewards are known, which means it will be slower than the forums anyway.

    A: I considered it, but knowing how fast the reward is getting known (usually no more then 2min after it has been posted), I thought it would be better to only inform people about the alerts once the reward is known.Because you'd have to recheck your phone a bit later to see if people editted the reward into the alert. I'd like to prevent that.

    Q: I would recommend requiring validation to prevent abuse. Two-Three people have to report the same event via the app for it to appear.

    A: I like this idea. Checking whether or not the Last submitted alerts are identical, won't be easy, due to typo's, different ways of typing. One way would be to check if several people submitted an alert within 5min, I guess. But then again, it's hard to tell who's not "trolling". Which of the alerts submitted in the last 5min should be added? It's a bit more complicated then it looks like.

    Another possibility is to add the latest submitted Alert under the "Alerts to Aprove" category, which will be visible once you log in. And people using the browser version on their desktop, will be able to see those and approve them.

    The downside is that someone who made several accounts will be able to surpass this security.

    Q: Add a close button?

    A: Thought people didn't use these on mobile devices! Haha! Force close all the way!

    On a serious note, I'll try to add it.

    Q: Adagio - App test on the Sony Ericsson Live With Walkman - WT19i.

    A: I'll look into that, please keep me posted. Thank you!

    Q: It looks cool, but does it need your ingame info to use it?

    A: Absolutely not.

    Q: Will you develop an actuall app for the Chrome Browser?

    A: I'll look into that to see if a direct port is possible.

    Once again, thank you for your support guys!

    Really hope we can get this app running.

    Latest Update:

    All those registered so far can now submit an Alert as I approved your account. Except for those banned for submitting false alert a bit earlier.

    However, from now on, you'll have to post your name that you used for the app here in this thread, so I know who to approve.



  12. @Labcat

    Nice! The design was made to be able to fit on pretty much any Android screen. It should fit best on a 480x800 (160ppi) screen. But let me know how it works out on your device!

    Thanks for trying it.


    Really appreciate it, I'm glad you like the app so far!


    I think I'll go and submit it in the alert section aswell. The app is meant for the Alert-Tenno's after all!


    Yes, I understand what you mean very well.

    But I'm not quite sure if this app would work for you. This app should be running around 5 times slower in the background, to reduce the battery consumption. So the battery management might leave this app be, if it works with certain limitations per application.

    If you decide to run the app anyway, could you let me know whether or not you got notification sounds while it was running in the background?


    Yes, the API's would be great. Even a simple XML feed would be enough!

    Just a small XML log avaible for us to read and we got ourselves a realtime alert notification app.

    But I believe they intentionally chose this approach. Because now we have people on the forums helping eachother out, communicating.

  13. UPDATE!


    The Website app and the mobile apps have been updated!

    The alerts will be now automatically retrieved from the Warframe Twitter.


    This means:

    - More accurate results!

    - Much faster

    - Not a signle alert will be missed!

    - And as usually, only the alerts with a special rewards will be displayed, so no alerts that only give credits.






    Here is the app: http://www.kingtaro.com/warframe/

    The Android and Blackberry App is avaible for download here: http://www.kingtaro....arframe/mobile/
    PS: Just let the app run in the background and you'll receive a sound notification when a new Alert gets submitted.


    The app was tested on several Android simulator and on two Android devices. (Samsung Galaxy S3 and Acer E330)
    It is also avaible for the Blackberry devices! It has been tested on several Blackberry simulators. Not sure how it looks like on an actual Blackberry device.

    This is what you can expect on your Android device:

    The app should still be working on all the devices listed below. As only the database side has been adjusted.

    If not, please let me know!

    -Samsung Galaxy S3 (tested by KingTaro) - CONFIRMED
    -Acer E330 (tested by KingTaro)                - CONFIRMED
    -Motorola Atrix HD (tested by RawGritz)
    -Sony Pad (tested by Labcat)
    -PoV Protab XXL2 with CM9 (tested by Ero-METAL)
    -Google Nexus S (tested by Grimicus)
    -HTC Sensation XL (tested by Draakje)
    -HP Touchpad running CM9 (tested by Grinn)
    -Sony Xperia U (tested by aMannus)
    -Acer E350 (tested by KingTaro)
    -Samsung Galaxy S2 (tested by Maxunit)
    -Intel Xolo X900 (tested by Zyfe3rX)
    -Orange Sandiego (tested by Zyfe3rX)
    -Galaxy Note GT-N7000 (tested by Zyfe3rX)
    -LG P880 Optimus 4X HD (tested by Cineris)
    -LG Nexus 4 (tested by Naked)
    -Xperia Play (tested by DJ Borsh)
    -Droid X (tested by Synikal)
    -Droid RAZR (tested by Synikal)
    -Droid RAZR MAXX (tested by Synikal)
    -Asus Transformer (tested by Synikal)
    -Asus Transformer Prime (tested by Synikal)
    -HTC EVO 4G (tested by Mrblurr)
    -Nexus 7 Tablet (tested by Zackai)
    -Galaxy S Blaze (tested by Vasko)
    -Samsung Infuse 4G (tested by DaftPansy)
    -Nexus S 4G (tested by TheGreyGuardian)
    -ONDA MID Android Tablet (tested by Gryphticon)
    -Acer Cloudmobile S500 (tested by L3YvaT3N)

    -Huawei 8815 (tested by Rafaninja)

    Post your results here and I'll add them to the list!

    NOTE: The app may only work on Android 3 and higher. If you're using Android 2, please let me know if you were able to install the app.
    Thanks in advance!


    The main core of the app:
    -Automatically retrieve the latest Alerts with the following information: Location, Reward and time left untill expiration.
    -Play a notification sound when a new Alert is avaible by simply running the app in the background.
    -Prevent duplications (time-interval check).

    However, as I'm not working with the Warframe Team, I can not link the application directly to their servers.
    That's why there is a simple interface avaible on the Browser (desktop) version to easily submit a new Alert. You can not submit an Alert on the mobile app. The mobile app is simply to be notified about the Alerts.

    I'm well aware that this is possible without my application (eg email notifications). My goal was to make something easy to use for those who check the Alerts and for those who submit them. And who knows, this app might work out beter for you.

    As you may have noticed, you'll have to register first, before you can submit an alert.
    This is required to prevent people abusing the app. I know it might be funny for some of you to submit a "troll-alert" once in a while, but please know that this could ruin the app.



    If it wasn't obvious already - don't sign up with the same info you use for your Warframe account! :) Bad practice.

    As DE_Steve said, please do not use your actual Warframe login info.

    PS: The passwords get encrypted, so even I can't see them. But still, I suggest you to use different login information.


    Let me know what you think! Worth it or a complete waste of time.
    The app is in its early Alpha phase, so please feel free to contact me on warframe@kingtaro.com for suggestions, feedback and/or bugs reports.



  14. Ah, so that's how it works.


    I agree with PanUmbrian, this isn't quite clear.

    Maybe show a pop-up when you go to the Foundry page, in case you have any blueprints that require weapons as components.

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