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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Don't really have a favorite primary. I just go for whatever does lots of damage the moment I release the trigger. At the moment, running with Sancti Tigris. I do have a favorite secondary, which is Sonicor for it's amazing CC. As for melee, it's Orthos Prime.

  2. Looking at those numbers for Focus gain, is the Orthos Prime generating more than Rhino Prime because of maxed Strategic Execution? 

    No, it's because I have a Greater lens on Orthos Prime and a regular lens on Rhino Prime.

    So if you use the same lens on both, frame and weapon, and then proceed killing with only your weapon, then the result will be 50/50, as seen on the screenshot bellow.




    As for Strategic Execution, I haven't really payed attention to it, but I'd guess that if the Strategic Execution did add to focus that it wouldn't change anything to the focus distribution. Meaning that the result would still be 50/50. Just that, if you kill with melee, the enemy will give you 25% more exp. (12,5% of which will go to the frame and 12,5% to the melee weapon).

  3. Melee only is a pretty huge gimp.


    Ever tried a melee-only interception sortie? Yeah, those are the worst..

    Melee-only all the way.








    Valkyr's 4th is not the best option for Defense or Spy missions.

    Other then that, the 4th is amazing if you don't mind missing out on guns and other weaponry.


    Limiting your arsenal and lack of proper CC are the main downsides.

  4. Here is what I'm hoping for:


    Vaykor Atterax: Whips have an amazing reach on slide attacks, just like Orthos Prime.


    Telos OrthosAt the moment, polearms are the best weapons ingame, so really hope this category gets a syndicate weapon, rather than "syndicating" weapon categories that are only worth getting for MR.


    Secura Obex: Thanks to the Brutal Tide, this weapon is amazing against infested. One of the most fun stances as well.

    The leap attack of Brutal Tide is powerful, but the biggest advantage is its movement speed mid combo's which dodge most of the incoming damage.


    Sancti Tipedo/Galatine: Staff is still one of the top melee weapons thanks to its reach, but so is the Heavy Sword with Tempo Royale.


    Rakta Nikana: Due to heavy damage and slightly bigger reach than the swords, Nikana's earned a top spot in the melee rankings.


    Synoid [NEW WEAPON]: Just like you're speculating, I also think we'll be getting a new type of melee weapon to fit this Syndicate.

    Maybe something like the double discs from Tron? Combo's would be wide range attacks with discs floating around you.


  5. Ty Taro that would be really great, would love to see a guide showing an efficient method, I am doing something similar but must be doing something wrong because I just can;t get that much that quickly since they changed the exterminate conditions 

    Alright, the video is up. At the end you'll see the builds and also some key points listed.


  6. Which mission is that? looks like a nice haul for a short time :D

    I'm running Ludi on Ceres.

    Recorded a run with the builds and all, so I'll try to get it on youtube.


    Many seem to struggle with Focus farming nowadays due to the bugged spawns.

  7. Started with Madurai and switched to Naramon, as I'm a 99% melee player.

    That Invisibility on top of Iron Skin is pretty insane. 


    As for Focus farming, I use Loki and Orthos Prime, both equipped with Greater Lenses.

    Running Ludi (Ceres) it takes me around 20 to 25 min to cap the daily limit. Will be much faster once the spawn is fixed.

  8. Have you tried Sabotage instead of Exterminate given those spawn bugs? Yam (Ceres) has been good to me, esp with the large hangar sabotage tile (just loop around the tile killing as they respawn). It's the typical Loki Orthos P.Reach approach to focus capping though, whereas the poster above wanted a Dracokid killframe approach.

    I've seen the sabotage being suggested a few times, but haven't tried it yet.

    Will check it out after the focus resets.

  9. is the best weapon in the game.

    But requires fast-slide playstyle for its full potential.


    To list a few weapons per category:

    Heavy axe/sword/hammer: War
    Throwing melee: Glaive Prime
    Whips: Atterax
    Single sword: Broken War
    Nikana: Dragon Nikana
    Other great weapons: Jat Kittag, Ninkondi, Mios, Bo Prime, Kogake
  10. I had this issue multiple times, but usually when there are like 5% enemies remaining.

    The remaining enemies would spawn once I just ran back and forth.

    It's easy to (partially) prevent it once you figure out how the new spawn works.

    The best way to minimize this issue, is to make sure you kill every enemy as you proceed. I recommend using enemy sense in combination with the animal instinct.


    Anyway, DE is having their holidays, so we probably won't see a fix until January.

  11. There was an Intrusion mode in C9.

    Players had the option to enable that mode for their mission. 


    If you started a mission with that mode enabled, you could be invaded by other players.

    But, with this mode on, you also received more rewards (more exp, money or some other drops).


    Also, I don't think you could be invaded by people out of your league (for instance, if you were lvl 58, only people of max lvl 60 could invade you, or something).


    Even though I wasn't into PvP, it was a very interesting mode. Just like on Warframe, you had to run the same mission over and over when you wanted to farm for something and this mode made the missions somewhat exciting. You never knew whether or not you'd be invaded and if you were, it could get pretty messy sometimes. Especially if you were already fighting the mission boss. The other times, the invader could get messed up pretty badly.


    If done right, I think it could work in Warframe as well.

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