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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. I get better range with Orthos Prime using maxed Primed reach,

    then with Primal Fury using maxed Primed Reach + Overextended (+90% power range) and having hit 100 combo counter.


    Was really looking forward to Primal Fury beating the range of Orthos Prime. Ah well.



    Anyway, this is how the staff looks like with just the maxed Primed Reach + Overextended by default (so without building up any melee counter).


  2. The features of the app are great, the execution of the app itself not so much.


    First thing you notice is that it's not running smooth enough (performance). My guess is that the app wasn't coded native, so that it could be easily distributed across different platforms.


    There is also lack of feedback (or miss-timed feedback). For instance, when you claim an extractor, you get a message that the item is claimed while it's still not finished processing it. The list then gets refreshed completely, instead of just removing that one item from the list.


    The message that pops up after an action, doesn't have an ok button to close it. It also, unnecessarily, covers the entire screen with a black overlay. Personally, I'd have just shown a message notification popping down at the top of the screen and fading it out after a few sec (depending on how long the message is).


    The general flow of the main navigation isn't user-friendly enough, in my opinion. You can swipe left and right, but it's missing an indication at the bottom, for instance. Like a set of icons that you'd also be able to click to jump to the desired page right away (without the need to open the menu or swipe a few times).

  3. Rhino: generally for everything

    Frost: to level weapons on Draco (max range snow globe each point and let the team mates do the rest)

    Loki: for easy Focus points due to stealth exp multipliers

    Atlas, Chroma, Hydroid, Volt: like their themes, so I equip them once in a while

    Wukong: resting on the shelf, collecting dust until DE decides to fix the range scaling issue on his ultimate (the way it's supposed to be)


    The rest: when people insist I use a specific frame for Trials

  4. well one of the easyest ways i can think of to try out and see if the crit bonus is additive is to get takko with arcane avenger (+30 base crit) and shove it over 100 to see if it red crits or not

    I've tested it and from my results, I can tell that it's multiplicative.


    Tested using Lacera. Lacera has the lowest crit chance, at 2.5%.

    If Deadly Intent would have been additive, it would have raised that chance to 17.5%. Meaning, generally speaking, every 5th to 6th hit would have been crit. But there was practically no difference.



    Hint: Equip berserker and/or activate Shadow Step to make it easier to notice the crit hits.


    How can you tell? On the wiki it said that it was additive until it just recently changed to be more visually appealing. Now I cant find that info anywhere ;-;

    I've tested it with a 2.5% crit chance weapon, Lacera.

    There was practically no difference. I mean, if it was additive, I should have been landing a critical every 5th to 6th swing.


    I've looked around on Reddit and others had similar results.

    You can give it a shot and share your results here.


    Side note:

    Sometimes, it's hard to see the numbers pop up.

    So for the sake of testing, equip the Shadow Step that turns you invisible on each crit. 

    This way, you'll notice right away when you land a crit.

    Don't think they'd ditch all the melee weapons for the sake of balancing 1 power.
    If this truly is the reason, I'd prefer they just made the Deadly Intent to not apply to Warframe powers and only to the actual melee weapons.
  6. So the Deadly Intent increases the melee crit chance.

    However, this increase is multiplicative (5% crit chance becomes 5.75%) and not additive (from 5% to 20%).


    At max rank, you gain 30% multiplicative crit chance.

    A weapon with 10% crit chance, will now have 13% crit chance.



    The costs to gain 3% extra crit chance for your 10% weapon is as following:

    1. You need a total of 725k focus points to unlock and max out Deadly Intent (not counting prerequisite nodes)

    2. To equip max Deadly Intent, you need a total of 9 Way slots.

    3. You need to wait 270 sec until you're able to activate the passive.



    At the moment, there is only one melee weapon with 30% crit chance, Tekko.

    Deadly Intent is only going to bring that number up by 9% to 39% when maxed out. 


    Is this working as intended?
    Would make a lot more sense if it was additive, in my opinion.
  7. No. God no. Primed aura mods should never happen- let alone the one that gives you energy to spam your skills. Again, GOD NO.

    It's not like this is going to change anything energy-wise. We can already spam skills non-stop.

    The main issue is the slot points that we'd be gaining from this.

  8. What's this "specific setup"?

    I'm using Loki + Orthos Prime. It allows me to finish Ludi (Ceres) in around 2 to 3 minutes.

    With the current Affinity boost weekend (2x exp), I get 30k to 40k Focus for each run.


    Loki is great for stealth kills and stealth kills can boost the exp multiplier by up to 500%.

    More on this here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Stealth#Affinity_Bonus



    Here a screenshot of a Ludi (Ceres) run:




    EDIT: Posted wrong link, so edited to correct it.

  9. Yes, it's a bit unfair the way Focus is gained at the moment.

    However, without any exp boosters, you can max the daily cap in around 10-15 min using a specific setup.

    So this doesn't really bother me that much.


    Some of the passives are awesome (Naramon all the way!), and the ultimate is totally worth it to unlock them for the mission.

    But the actives and buffs for the beam itself feel really underwhelming.

    Personally, I'd prefer if we had more passives instead. I mean, I don't see myself using the beam for anything else.

  10. When logged in on the mobile App, you can login on Warframe as well, but things get buggy.


    I logged in on the app.

    Then forgot all about the app and an hour later, started up Warframe.


    I could run the missions, but the progress didn't get saved.

    Also, couldn't retrieve anything from the foundry. Got the following error message: "Unknown error".


    After remembering that I was still logged in on the Nexus, I decided to see if things get fixed if I logged out.

    Sure enough the game started working correctly.



    Perhaps force a logout when logging in on one system?

  11. Indeed, you can't keep both weapons unless you pay.


    Steve said that we'll be able to get Broken-War again once the quests become re-playable. 

    But re-playable quests is something that has been brought up since the day first quest got introduced, so we can't really depend on that since there are no concrete plans.


    Also, Steve said that Broken-War will be available in one of the Sortie missions.

    For now, we just need to hope it's a fully crafted reward and not the same BP dropped by Stalker.


    Either way, wish DE wouldn't have gone this way.

    I mean, sacrificing one for the other is not a bad concept, but it gets ugly when you give the option to just bypass it with platinum.

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