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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. MUCH better range...


    Galatine range is bugged and is shorter than the visual blade.

    In the gif bellow, you can see the blade going through the enemy, but no damage is dealt.





    Maxed Primed Reach should increase the reach by a factor of x2.65, but that doesn't seem to be the case due to the false representation of the actual range:



    Either way, Galatine is a good weapon with Tempo Royale.

  2. Warframe Augments

    We have a lot of augments, but we don't really notice it because a lot of the augments are really bad.

    Some augments were released just so the frame could have an augment. Especially the augments at initial release.


    For each Augment that you want to equip, the following question rises: Is this augment worth the slot?

    And in most cases, the answer is "not worth it", because you'll have have better results taking a range mod or strength mod, duration mod, etc...


    I'd love if these mods got revisited.



    Weapon Augments

    These augments, on the other hand, are pretty useful!

    Just the AoE explosion makes it worth it. Most of them offer a good stats bonus as well. Not to mention an additional buff.


    In conclusion, weapon augments are at a good place and we could definitely use some more!

  3. Yes, she's pretty easy going in low to mid level missions, but outclassed by pretty much every frame at higher levels.

    If anything is needed to be done, it's making her skills scale properly.


    One of the idea's I had for Ember to scale up, was being able to increase the damage of Fire Blast (fire ring) by shooting it with Fireballs.

    So each fireball could increase its damage by x2, for example.

    Skill synergy is always fun.


    Not to mention, she could become a good Frost partner. (The ancient Fire x Ice combo).

    Snow Globe > Amplified Fire Blast around it > Inferno Snow Globe

  4. it probably is not on alert rotations like cal mordred or vauban armistice..... so I don`t really care, and we have the "none" option... er... normal helmet, which looks cool

    Both helmets showed up once:

    Mordred: Oct 2, 2015 at 09:42:01 UTC

    Armistice: Oct 20, 2015 at 22:10:02 UTC

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