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About ForgottenGruver

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  1. Necramech's movement must be upgraded. I think some little changes will make this giant robots more fun and players will like to play them even more. First of all changes must be - movement. I have ideas how to improve player experience when we play on it. 4-dimensions positioning dash. From the beginning necramech have one dimension dash - forward charge. Add other dimensions dashes like hildrin or limbo or other frame using dash as tumbling animation. To forward dash charge change buttons from "W+Shift" to "W+Shift+Shift". Other dashes buttons - "w/a/s/d+shift". Uses stamina of necramech. Dev could calculate how much of it will be used for necramech. Make it be used when jump to add more mobility Augmetation mod - When Necramech use his dash it has invulnerability while playing animation of dash. Target lock on. This is simple. If we have a lot of mobility it will be nice if we will have some target lock to be shure all our weapons shots into target. This is giant robot and it must be some autoaim system settings for it. Shoulder weapons Add for each necramech shouder weapons(missles, lasers, plasma & etc). Necramech customisation. Add more segments for customising. For exaple look for new armored core. Head, torso, hads, legs. Make it be craftable as kitguns or Zo, or robots we are buy on fortuna. Thanks everybody who read this. My English is not perfect however I try my best to say all I want to be added into the game. Have a nice day, GL, HF
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