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  1. So basically, my SOP is in her ship, in space, waiting for me to come and kill her. The mission runs normally, I do the railjack objectives, board the ship and murder my way to where my SOP is hiding. Kill the specters, the hound and completely down the Sister herself. The bug occurs after I choose to 'Vanquish' them. It plays the animation, but as the animation ends I spawn outside the ship in my Archwing, my objective is 'Enter the Corpus Pillar' and after about 2 seconds it instantly fails the mission and sends me back to my orbiter. I was using Nyx at the time, Assimilate wasn't active. (in case this bug is somehow related to her). I was also in solo mode, in case that is useful at all. But yeah, can't kill this Sister. And I don't want to convert her because she has a weapon I want.
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