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Everything posted by MrWrightPlays

  1. I've completed all the available weeklies from this Nightwave as they've released and I'm currently at rank 27, however the person in this video already has the rank 30 reward (Naimore Armor Bundle). This isn't a new issue (the same thing happened last Nightwave, with some people having access to the Keeler Operator/Drifter set weeks to a month early), and I'm pretty sure it's not something they're actively exploiting; rather I think this has something to do with previous Nightwaves acts being stored and given out when people are recovering weekly acts or maybe new, random weekly acts being generated. Video in question: My Nightwave progress with all challenges completed:
  2. I've only just thought about this, but has there been an update (at least in the last few years) where a base Warframe and a Prime both released at the same time?
  3. Yeah, the Crit Damage is mostly what confused me, displaying it as a percentage rather than a flat .5x increase to CD muddies how it's meant to be read a bit
  4. Gotcha, if that is the case then that does suck pretty bad for most weapons that care about critting
  5. This is a bit of a broader problem, but I do hate how we as a community refer to specific things as "additive" or "multiplicative". Damage mods like Serration or Hornet Strike or Condition Overload are called Additive, but then other mods that do effectively the same thing but for Critical Chance are then referred to as Multiplicative. Just kinda muddies the water that Additive for Critical Chance is a completely different concept than Additive for Damage, which is why I tend to just refer to any mod bonuses (that aren't faction mods) as Additive. Rant over, sorry if it seems targeted, isn't meant to come off that way.
  6. Since you seem to understand it then, does that mean it's additive with mods? So like the 25% would add with the 200% bonus from Critical Delay type mods, only going up to a total of 225%? Seems like some people in this thread think it works differently, I just want to make sure we're all on the same page
  7. So I'm not entirely clear on how the enemy Crit Chance and Crit Damage Thresholds will work, at least in the math on-paper. Will the 25% Critical Chance from Puncture be an absolute 25% increase a-la Harrow's 4? If so, how does that work with the 50% Critical Damage boost from Cold? Both of them are worded the same, so does that mean you just get a flat .5x Crit Damage bonus on enemies with maxed Cold procs, or something else? I feel the only other potential way to read this is that both of these increases will be multiplicative with your modded Critical Chance/Damage, meaning if you have an 8x Crit Damage mult and shoot an enemy with maxed Cold procs you'd gain an extra 4x multiplier, and similarly if you have a 200% Crit Chance against an enemy with maxed Puncture procs, you'd gain an extra 50% Critical Chance. Would be nice to know which of these it is, as both the Crit Chance and Crit Damage sharing the same description in the main post kinda obfuscates their potential functionality, as (at least as far as I know) Enemy-based Crit Chance/Damage Thresholds don't exist in the game as of yet (aside from maybe Citrines 4?).
  8. Decasting Voruna's 4th ability (Ulfrun's Descent) causes hitches if you left the ability active for more than about a second. It doesn't seem to matter how many charges it has, this even happens when all the charges are fully consumed. For some reason the hitching doesn't seem to happen when spam casting/decasting, the game only hitches when the ability has been left on for a second then decast.
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