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  1. There’s some nice Ephemera and Attachments that help with the fantasy but I do agree. For now I use the Immortal Skin on the base Hydroid. Good enough for me!
  2. This is awesome! It would be really nice to have some sort of sidequest or even a donation box to help clean the aftermath. The reward would be worth more than the next new shiny gun in my opinion.
  3. Just reporting on my end, I was able to stay logged in for a grand total of 2 days consecutively until it logged me out. Longest running time before it logged me out before this whole fiasco started.
  4. For all the things they left alone and stagnated with, I wish they left Hydroid’s Undertow alone for a while longer.
  5. That's a horrifying situation to be in. Like being in Groundhog Day or something similar. I wish you good luck, Tenno.
  6. I find it funny that Switch players have to switch their platform to play on. No offense, I just find it funny.
  7. This is super cool! I wish I had access to content while having Transcendance Tenno Kid Beam though. I just don’t want to let it go. It looks way too cool.
  8. It would be nice if they let me go into Steel Path again. I guess loving Transcendence Kiddo Beam will always have its downsides.
  9. This is what I liked with Hydroid with a speed mod load-out. You’d really need to practice some tile-sets on the timing of using Tidal Surge or Undertow and know every little detail to know what you can or can’t surge through or clip on, etc. Yes, when you got the hang of it, you’d be able to zoom past a lot of things but it felt earned and you appreciate the little details. When they took away Undertow and changed the base speed of Tidal Surge I had to recalibrate myself and practice a ton in all the tile-sets again. It was and is fun doing that in my opinion, but I suppose other people might find that completely time inefficient or something. All I know is that I love the feeling of earning movement skills while respecting the terrain and stage.
  10. Give me back my 3-Star Hydroid legacy rarity back please.
  11. The changes to Hydroid that changed his play-style from niche to meta is either a casualty or a rebirth depending on who you ask because of these balance views. Unfortunately, we do not “lift together”.
  12. It was probably for the Hydroid Prime sets that were hanging around for Hydroid's case but you're right.
  13. I wish they kept that way of thinking. I’d be having more fun with Hydroid’s old kit like I have for years while other people can play with the new and shiny… Of course, once an old kit starts to have a hinderance upkeep, that’s when they do some deletions and replacements. It’s efficient I suppose.
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