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Posts posted by (PSN)Dishinshoryuken

  1. If this is what Warframe has compared to other games Season Pass, think of it as a TV series you are watching on a streaming service.


    You get the entire season done....and you are left waiting for the next one. Most people do not complain that they are not getting any little short episodes to tide them over til the next season. They go about doing other things til the next season hits and then they binge again.

    That is what is going on here. This is the first season. The company has to take time to see how it goes over, iron out the rough patches, make it that the new players are not quitting since not able to get Auras until they have enough Wolf Credits or plat to trade for them, and see how many players are jumping to get the camo that used to be behind the plat walls. 15 credits might seem like small fries to you....but it is the first go round.

    I ain't gonna lie- I miss doing random Alerts to snag an Aura to give new players that are lacking it and since I am barely ever on this account to play, I now know I will not be getting the Auras I would attempt to get via Alerts. There is no way I can get them now but I had my chance and blew it. But I ain't quitting the game. I want to see how DE is going to change this up for the future. Yeah, the old snooze you lose thing might have had more misses for people, but it felt good to get that Alert while you were on to get that Kavat Scan/Kubrow Egg/Aura Mod/Hell and get it for doing the mission. It was the equalvilant to going out to the store and running into a Movie Star  you like that was in the area filming something. Doesn't happen all the time but when it does, it felt GOOD.



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