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Posts posted by (XBOX)KawaiiAsa

  1. On 2024-01-26 at 5:15 PM, [DE]Juice said:


    • Eclipse is already the 2nd most popular Helminth ability, so removing its main barrier to entry (reliability) would mean a rebalance is in order. This effectiveness reduction would not affect the ability for Mirage, only when applied from the Helminth.

    Ok that's actually surprising. What is the most popular Helminth ability?


    Also, as a Mirage player, I would be completely happy if you took away some of its power in return for making it always be the full % it can give for light and dark. It'd save a lot of headache.

    • Like 3
  2. The immortality bit doesn't explicitly mention them, but I'm assuming (and hoping) that it also applies to Hounds?

    Also while we're on this... I've been asking for this for a long time, but can we PLEASE be able to see the duration of Hound mods that rely on a timer (Null Audit, Reflex Denial, Diversified Denial, Evasive Denial) as a player buff? Saying this as someone that always runs Null Audit, so I know when I need to start focusing down Arctic Eximus' so my hound doesn't copy them and make all our lives miserable. Every other mod that provides a timed buff (including some companion mods iirc) display a timer, EXCEPT the Hound ones, which I think should as well. Its a simple QoL change that would be greatly appreciated.

    • Like 4
  3. Would it possible to do:
    Angel Falling, from Needy Streamer Overload

    Preferably either one of the 'loud' bits (0:18 and 0:50), or from after the ticking/metronome is added in the back (starting at 0:54). Whichever seems easier, I don't mind (or neither if they're impossible/too hard).
    Hopefully it should be pretty easy, I just suck at music and can't do it myself... Sorry if it's too easy or a dumb request.





  4. I'll just talk about the abilities, although since there are no real damage numbers forgive me if I'm getting the general powering wrong.

    On 2014-09-12 at 3:54 AM, Syncrasis said:

    1 - Trap: Tek releases an energy net similar to the G3 in a cone area in front of him, where enemy units are held down and cannot attack for 2/4/7/15 seconds. Size of cone is 2/4/6/8 meters.

    Interesting choice for a 1st ability, and also sounding very broken already. On a normal build for me, I average between 150-200% duration, so even at rank 1, 6 seconds of enemies being unable to act is a big deal, especially considering the powercreep in modern warframe. 6 seconds of an enemy being unable to act is more than enough time for a Mesa to kill off everything inside, even on Steel Path. I'd suggest making it so that they can still attack, that way they aren't just sitting there, especially on a 1st ability.

    On 2014-09-12 at 3:54 AM, Syncrasis said:

    2 - Oil Slick: Spreads oil trailing behind Tek. Can be used while moving to create lines and arcs on the ground. Enemy units coming in contact will immediately be knocked down, but will recover. Fire and items with fire proc light it, creating an environment hazard. Can be lit by allies or enemies. Toggle ability with limited supply of oil, with more available according to ability rank.

    Once again, another interesting ability. I'm assuming the oil supply would be shown in a gauge? Although it would be nice to know if stats also increase/decrease oil supply. With this, I can see the optimal strategy to just be running into enemies to knock them down, and then just ground-finisher them as you go by. And knowing how pathetic environmental hazards are in warframe, unless we get numbers on the damage, the optimal play would be to just not light it, even moreso if it can burn Tek while he's laying a lit trail.

    On 2014-09-12 at 3:54 AM, Syncrasis said:

    3 - Drone: Tek deploys a small, inflatable regulator. Has a debuff effect on enemies and an attack buff on allies. The unit itself stays in place. Can be destroyed. One unit per map. Radius of effect is 5/10/20/30 meters.

    This one's gonna be a no chief... The problem isn't the buffing or the debuffing, that's perfectly fine. The problem lies in it being stationary, its the biggest problem with many abilities, this one just has the problem of being unable to act outside that range. While 30 meters is a large range, the only place this'll get used (in defence, mob defence or interception), most people rarely hang around the target, instead setting up static defences and just running off to do their own thing. This ability would benefit massively if it had the ability to loosely follow a set target or marker. Maybe giving it a wheel with 5 options (stationary, player 1, player 2, etc) and having it slowly follow them, akin to Eidolon Lures, would improve it.

    On 2014-09-12 at 3:54 AM, Syncrasis said:

    4 - Missile Barrage: Tek rises in the air for a short time and 1/2/3/4 bursts of homing missiles that cause heavy blast damage are ejected from Hellion-like pods on his back.

    Talk about underwhelming. Maybe I'm underestimating it because of a lack of numbers, but homing abilities never work well in warframe. The only warframe I can think of that has a sudo-homing ability is Garuda's 4, which decided to do away with homing really and just hit literally every enemy in the circle, with no real concern for range or walls, or Nova's 2 which is slow and hard to use as any physical object stops it. Nowadays there are so many walls and other obstructing objects in warframe that a homing ability won't make the cut, plus how would it home in? Most weapons with a homing feature either have a lock-on stage, or just follow the crosshair, so which of those would it use?


    Overall, his abilities sound fine as a standalone ability if it were to end up in the helminth system, however he lacks from any form of synergy between his abilities.
    This is something that, while back in 2014 there was a lack of really, but nowadays synergy is important in warframe kits, as basically every new warframe from as far back as Nidus has had some form of synergy between their powers, be it powers being needed to cast others, or some other weird synergy (eg: Nidus's 1 will also be made by his link target).
    Maybe if his drone acted as a sort of 'mini Tek' and released smaller versions of his powers whenever he casted within a certain range?

  5. On 2019-12-26 at 3:41 PM, holyicon said:


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    #C.14# Snowglobe UI for Frost
    At any given time Frost can have up to Four active snowglobes; however, he can only see what percent the most recently reinforced globe is at.
    Let's give the old man a nice UI refresh that shows the Percent and Total Health of each of his Snowglobes, eh?
    With an arrow inside each UI Globe that points towards the represented placed Globe, eh?
    Or maybe a lifebar above each globe that only Frost can see, eh?
    Or maybe cracks that build up as the Globe loses health, eh?


    I don't main or play Frost and I'm not really interested in your suggestion other than it'd be a nice QoL update, but can they please fix his snow-globes so that teammates don't have their projectiles stopped when firing into the Snowglobe. as someone who really enjoys Ivara and snipers, it really bugs me during defences when there is a Frost on the team since I know that I'll basically be rendered useless when aiming at a certain area, or it'll force me to fight in a way that I enjoy less. Or at least make it so that ally shots that are intercepted by the snowglobe remove a very tiny amount of its health.
    Right now, Frost is more of a hinderance than a buff to quite a lot of teams in missions where you have to defend an object/objects

    • Like 1
  6. interesting mechanic, however, for players like myself, who only play co-op when necessary (such as railjack), her whole transforming mechanic seems really useless to me.

    Her Shield Gambit ability also seems useless because shields are actually useful now, and highlighting a single enemy weakpoint is generally useless in high-level missions where most people's weapons can turn a crewman into literal ashes in a split second, it's only useful when its radial, such as Banshee's Sonar, and its also the reason no other warframe has a weakpoint detecting ability, because they are pretty much useless in a power-fantasy game like Warframe.

    Martial Flow also seems rather useless. buffing damage is always a good thing, however, swapping between melee and gun is rather annoying, especially considering holster/unholstering speed is something people NEVER build for and means that you'll always suffer buff decay. the same goes for Sayrn's Spore ability, its great but the decay can make people quickly become less interested in the ability.
    Plus, certain weapon types will get ruined by this ability unless you build for range, since dual daggers will suffer from a lack of enemies in the tile you are in because (once again) all of them will have been killed by your op primary weapons.

    Clockwork Arsenal is the one I have the most problems with. why, and I must repeat, why, would someone swap out their op weapons for a sniper. Why would someone swap out their Kuva Bramma that can kill of about 10 enemies at once instantly for a sniper that requires the enemies to be killed individually, or use the scythe form which requires getting closer and thus putting the player in more danger. Plus, as an exalted, the energy drain would be very high and thus, if the Fi player ran out of energy while it was in use, the wielder could be put into more danger if they were using the scythe mode and had a weak melee equipped on them already.


    Her entire kit is a mess that follows no clear theme, and generally just seems rather useless and not very fun to use, especially considering her exalted form has literally no use in solo play

  7. (after refining a relic, after The Sacrifice has been completed)

    *in the same voice as Vitruvian Ordis*  Star-Child, have you shone light on your golden past? it's a prime time to remember.

    (it isn't so much as a joke, more of a throwback of sorts to the Vitruvian Ordis/Vestigal Ordis, or whatever you want to call it, from the Sacrifice because I really liked that version of him and wish he showed up more)

    • Like 24
  8. ah yes... that moment when you want to go to the sentient anomaly but you have to wait in real time for your railjack to be repaired after playing a mission.
    Lots of people hated Rising Tide for the long, unskippable waiting (even more before the times were halved).
    And I really doubt DE would add in more real time waiting so that you can repair your railjack just so you can play the game how you want to, there is already a lot, nearly too much, waiting for things in warframe (24 hours if you fail an MR test, time for frames to be built, 36 hours in Rising Tide and 72 before time was halved).
    Also... In the drydock are a lot of people doing maintenance on the outside and inside of the railjack, they are probably doing repairs on it.

    Unless it's like 1 or 2 minutes to repair it after missions, then it'll be fine, but knowing DE and Railjack, it'd be hours to repair it, which is why I dislike the idea.

  9. On the whole... I think some of the characters should stay dead... Vey Hek makes a bit of sense, characters like Sargas Ruk never made any real returns except in the Pyrus event.

    Alad flying away would make more sense, since it'd explain why he's never seen with any type of Zanuka Proxy later on, as for Infested Alad, I don't think killing him is really possible since (although very speculative), Infested are able to instantly recreate live organisms they have fused with (hence why the pods spawned by Boilers can instantly create Chargers or Leapers despite no grineer or corpus being present), so they could just create another Alad, although its only theoretical.

  10. On 2020-06-06 at 7:46 AM, Xaero said:

    Sounds nice. On a side note, DE should move Patient Zero quest to early game, pre-TSD. Right now it makes new players think that infested Alad is his final state.

    I mean... yeah... solo the only real danger is running out of ammo and the endless infested. co-op the only danger is his collar throw since he can just control the target and kill off teammates easily through that.

  11. personally I feel like the music of Warframe is fine... a lot of it isn't meant to be a dramatic orchestra but just the sounds of the area, the fluttery and natural sounds of Earth, the Void and the ambience with the echoing sounds of the long-dead Orokin, the heavy industrial sounds in the Grineer Asteroid Bases and Galleons, the more robotic sounds of Corpus Capitalships and Outposts.
    If you want better music, then go to Orb Vallis, since its more fluid, easily swapping in and out of the combat and passive themes as you explore, plus newer weapons (the kuva-unique weapons and Lenz especially) have better sound effects than that of the Paris or Braton (for example).

    The reason the music sounds 'mono' to you is probably because that wasn't the main focus of the game, since half the time you'll be hearing transmissions, weapon fire, ability sounds and such over it, the music is just there to try and make you feel like there are other things going on around you and your violent slaughtering of the enemies, that even though there is torture where you are, people/nature is still working around you.
    This is probably why the Infested music works so well, it feels unrelenting and chaotic, no real rhythm to it. No-one else is there, just you and the horde of monsters, unending, unrelenting, almost chasing you as you explore the vessel.

    Some of the music might need a few changes to it, but a lot of it is great in my opinion.

  12. sounds great, but wasn't this what Railjack was originally marketed as when they first revealed it in 2018/2019?
    Boarding a Corpus Capitalship and then slaughtering the commander? It's exactly what Kuva Liches used to be, giant enemies that had your warframes abilities and would command a Galleon and fighter squadrons, requiring you to board and kill them, with their Galleon as a unique railjack node.

    • Like 1
  13. Railjacks are already enough of a chore to manage, especially playing solo in the Veil when you have to fend off 90+ enemies, invaders, fires, breaches and such... I don't want to have to manage a walking one that would probably have a new interior layout while suffering from the same problems current railjack does. A problem I can also see is the Avionics, since they were made with flight in mind (hence why the Slingshot exists), such as the blackhole bomb, seeker volley and such exists, a mecha version would probably require the 2nd railjack rework in a single year, which I don't think anyone wants.

  14. something I just skim-read through since this sounds like it would be better as a skin or an alternate breed thats similar to the Helminth in a way (so very different to base variant but DE was smoking Nitain so it was put as a seperate breed)

    although... we already have this little guy as a more robotic or synthetic form for the Kubrow, a Zanuka-like creature to have would also be interesting.

    New kubrow armor | Fandom




    I read the quest idea but I have another interesting idea, since we already have someone knowledgeable about twisting Corpus tech, Legs. From all proxy bosses and 'reworked' versions (Terra Jackal, Terra Ambulas, Zanuka Hunter, etc), is a small chance for it to drop one of 4 parts: a core, a processor, a shell and then a personality (as much as I like the personality chips, they wouldn't work with my idea). Each part impacts different things about the companion (will refer to it as 'Proxy' from here-on), Proxy will also have a unique mechanic in that it might taunt its enemies through transmissions, similar to bosses, potentially responding to bosses like the tenno can. Important note: Hyena pack and Terra hyena models will all drop the same parts and Razorback will not drop any parts.
    You would simply bring one of each part to Legs and he'd be able to make a unique companion for you, it would not be able to be gilded like the MOA's and would be able to be named the second it's made.
    Core: impacts the abilities of Proxy (works similarly to MOA models)
    Processor: changes the stats of the Proxy
    Shell: affects the body of Proxy and how it moves about the tileset as well as how it attacks
    Personality: affects the proxies animations, its voice and transmissions
    Below is a chart of all the different things I've thought of for the system I have thought of:






    (Terra) Ambulas

    Slicing Laser: Proxy gets low to the ground and spins its head while emitting a powerful laser.
    Stun-Net: Proxy shoots electric nets at nearby enemies, creating areas of stunning electricity where they landed.

    A massive health-pool with very little shields.

    Gives Proxy the body of a basic MOA, moving similarly to the companion ones and attacking with semi-auto lasers.

    A cunning personality with intelligent comments and very little happiness in it, often refers to and uses numbers in its taunts.

    (Terra) Hyena’s

    Frostburn Wave: releases a wave of either cold or heat towards an enemy based off of Energy colour.

    Lead Storm: jumps upward and spins, releasing bullets downwards to demolish foes (similar to PB’s attack)

    A massive shield-pool with very little health

    Gives Proxy a more slender quadrupedal body, attacking similarly to Kavats with jumping slashes and jumping off walls.

    A more playful personality, referring to itself as ‘we’ and often taunting enemies

    (Terra) Jackal

    Impotent Plasma: launches a volley of homing missiles that lock onto targets, upon colliding with either an enemy or wall, they will explode after a second.

    Ripplewave: Stomps with one foot, releasing a shockwave that removes armour from enemies.

    An equal amount of health and shields.

    Gives Proxy a body similar to a smaller Jackal proxy, attacks using a mini-gun.

    A more analytical personality, often classifying enemies and their danger ‘danger levels: negligible’

    (Terra) Raptor’s

    Drone Swarm: Proxy launches multiple tiny drones that fly after enemies and stun them.

    Leeching Shot: Proxy launches projectiles that stick to enemies and leech their health and gives it to the tenno.

    Has only 1hp but a massive amount of overshields (cannot have normal shields)

    Gives Proxy the body of an Osprey, having it fly around and attacking by dropping explosive projectiles ontop of the enemy, these projectiles will launch explosive shrapnel to help boost its range, acting similarly to the Kuva Bramma.
    (for shockwave, wave or low-to-ground attacks it will either use a projectile or drop downwards to hover just over the ground)
    (for the Zanuka cores Pinning Mind it will instead hold the enemy under a traction beam and drops the needle onto them)

    A taunting personality, almost always having witty remarks and comebacks.

    Zanuka (Hunter)

    Frost Bomb: charges up before releasing an explosion of cold damage from itself.

    Pinning Mind: Proxy charges an enemy and pins them down, a needle extending from a claw and injecting a brain-washing agent into them, turning the enemy into an ally.

    Lacks any shields, instead having a large amount of health.

    Gives Proxy a large and bulky quadrupedal body that attacks by charging enemies and using claw-swipes.

    Talks in a very similar way to Alad V with some of a more violent character hidden inside it, ‘Let me… help you stop existing!’

    • Like 1
  15. 16 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:


    thanks! and im glad ya love it! been wanting a spider pet for a while in wf

    the Saltica Tantuvuyah is adorable! I want hundreds of them!

    I also think that your ideas are also great, and since it's your idea, you should probably listen to yourself instead of an outsider like me, since I don't fully know how you want it to work, but I'm glad you enjoyed my ideas or suggestions!

  16. sorry if it sounded like I was s**tting over your concept, because I really love the idea of it.


    2 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    -stalk: yeah, i should retool the ability and DEFINITELY rename it, any suggestions?

    hmmmm... Based on its vampiric abilities, I'd say it could have a rather unique ability. 'Hijack', The Tarantuvuyah bites the foe, using the exchange of their blood to temporarily turn the foe into an ally, similar to Nyx's mind control in that a turned enemy doesn't prevent objectives from finishing so people don't have to wait years. I know its a large change but its just something that makes this companion stand out more, similar to the Helminths 'Strain' modset.


    2 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    -balooning: mainly more useful so your companion can attack mid air with you, but could replace it with a back latch

    I guessed this was the case, so how about instead of making it a separate mod, it acts as a feature of Simian Grip (which I'm guessing it was made to mainly benefit), so you have space to equip other useful mods like Loyal Companion.


    2 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    -webbing:i know a few companions do this, was thinking id work like a less costly and smaller area strangledome

    I get where you are coming from, however I still feel that there are enough warframes coming out with some CC ability that it, although very useful to have from how good Strangledome is, might not be noticed as much, plus the fact that companions use their abilities at random always means it might waste it on one enemy (god knows my MOA has used Whiplash Mine on a single lancer way too much). But still useful so I'd say keep it.


    3 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    -simian grip: id probably have it as this: at 15m or less the tantuvuyah stops using the secondary and uses their fangs instead, at distances greater than 15m they start shooting the secondary

    Sounds good, still keeps them balanced and unique in that regard, lets just hope that if it's added it doesn't work like the old sentinels.


    3 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    -egg getting: didnt want to make it too easy but also didnt want it to be too high a yeald per egg getting, mahaps an egg per revive you have?

    this isn't the best idea since there are plenty of warframes with so much health/armour/shields that they will never die (Hildryn, Inaros and Chroma especially). I'd say that if you pick up an eggsack, the eggsack appears on your frames hip and it gives you a unique mark for the rest of the mission. during the mission (at least in the minute after you picked up the eggs), a quarter of the mark is consumed and one of the Tarantuvuyah types you can get will spawn in as an enemy, acting as a mini-boss while forcing lockdown. This mini-boss will be 10 levels higher than the enemies in the mission and be of the unafilliated faction and will have 3/5 random companion mods on and one of the Tarantuvuyah-only mods (so it could have Health-Link (based on health of egg holder), Medi-Pet Kit, Tek Assault (more like a mini-version since its kavat-only), and then Simian Grip (would be a random grineer secondary that it stole).
    This will happen 4 times throughout the 4 minutes after you picked up the eggsack (one Tarantuvuyah every minute) unless you can get to extraction, but for every time you get bitten by the Tarantuvuyah's fangs it will temporarily steal an egg from you which it will keep. If the Tarantuvuyah keeps the egg for more than 10 seconds it will be unable to be picked up again and will spawn mini spiders from it for the rest of the mission, and maybe make it that you need 2 eggs to breed a Tarantuvujah.
    Although it might seem difficult and probably worded badly, it's the most balanced solution I could think of, since some warframes may just never die or recieve fatal damage ever. plus it would be the only boss who is more challenging the better your frame is, since one with Health-Link on a 4600hp Inaros would be much more challenging and difficult to kill than a health-link one with a base-health Hildryn, and would also be the only boss who has different abilities each time it spawns.

  17. I'm also not good with abilities, so I'll throw in some suggestions:
    However, although she is a succubus my abilities will mostly be based on generic demon things with the last one truly being succubus based (although to make her more viable it'll affect male and female units equally), and I won't be showing any numbers except for the Passive

    Passive - confused minds: enemies damaging Morda have a 5/10% chance to be inflicted with a Radiation proc.

    1st ability, Contract - Morda forms a contract with herself (or an ally if they are over the cursor), temporarily taking 100hp from the targets maximum hp (this isn't like Garuda's ability where the health can be recovered, it's a permanent health loss for the duration of the ability) and buffing a random stat, showed by a status icon. the possible buffs are 'health regeneration', 'attack speed up', 'no ammo drain', 'movement speed up' and 'damage increased by 10%'. allies affected by this temporarily have small demonic wings like Morda has

    2nd ability, Wings of Suffering - Morda's wings grow in size as they flap, releasing a cloud of damaging scales infront of herself, allies affected by Contract also do the same thing, except they create a smaller cloud.

    3rd ability, Torture - Morda grabs an enemy, releasing deadly toxins into their body, slowly corroding at their armour and shields until they are fully gone. if the enemy is killed before their shields and armour is fully gone, then the toxins are released into the air as an energy-coloured cloud, enemies that touch it have their shields and armour corroded while they are inside it.

    4th ability - Dreaming Desire: Morda makes a typical seductive pose (I'll leave the pose up to your imagination) and causes an AoE sleep on all enemies around herself. after a short while Morda will be able to act again and touching any enemy affected by this will cause them to enter a hypnotized state, still sleeping but attacking any enemy not hypnotized or asleep. attacking sleeping enemies will cause them to become hostile but with a radiation proc.

    • Like 2
  18. this does sound really unique and fun... however, I feel that certain warframes may never get one of these and that might upset people who main that warframe.
    Like why would anyone EVER need the help of specifically Mirage or even Grendel? what, they cooked too much chicken that night and can't store it somewhere?

    • Like 1
  19. It's a great concept, however I feel the need to point out a couple issues I can see with it...

    23 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    Lycosra Tantuvya: stalk and rush being what these guys can do, featuring an aggressive demeanor and fast strike speed, lycosera can go invisible and make their owner invisible if any enemy units nearby havent noticed yet, and can tear apart enemy units when they strike, giving themselves health back (or if outfitted with the materna mod set, spiderlings will come with every kill, strengthening her and your attack)

    This 'stalk' ability is present on a couple other companions, with both Shade and one of the existing Kavats being able to make themselves and their master invisible, albeit on a time limit.


    23 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    webbing: make traps for opponents to get suck in, tethering them to a point
    balooner: allows your Tantuvya to 'aim glide' to keep up with tenno
    sapian grip: allows your Tantuvya to use secondary weapons

    Webbing sounds useful, however there are a few abilities and companions that seem to do this thing but a bit better... Vauban's Tether orb and the MOA's Whiplash Mine immediately come to mind, seeing as they bring multiple enemies into one spot to quickly be killed off, while Vauban's Bastille and Hildryn's Aegis Storm essentially act as an AoE position tether with the warframes still able to attack. At the same time, Electricity procs can force an enemy into an animation that they are stuck in, and many warframes have a blinding/sleep-inducing ability (Radial Blind/Howl, Sleight of Hand, Rest & Rage and Breach surge come to mind) that not only freezes the enemy in place but opens them up to finishers, which deal 300% more damage than normal.
    Balooner seems rather useless, since mobile companions like this can already teleport to the tenno if they stray too far away or can do large jumps to cross giant holes, and the only use I can see for it aim-gliding is in tandem with Sapian Grip.
    Sapian Grip sounds great, however, if it works like old sentinel weapons then I'd rather pass, plus does it prevent their close-quarters attacks? does equipping it open up a second slot to pick a secondary to equip, does it take mods into account?


    23 hours ago, (NSW)Crec said:

    how to get:
    Tantuvya eggsacks are availible on ceres, each sack contains 4 possible eggs, however, every hit you take after getting the sack reduces how many you have by 1, and if you die you lose the sack, eggsacks can be obtained by killing Steeped Tantuvya, aka the wild 

    This process sounds more annoying than anything else, since even if you finish your objective before collecting the eggsack, your still bound to lose multiple on the trip to extraction, especially if lockdown happens, since even if you use operator mode, the enemies will just attack your visible warframe and destroy all the eggs. plus, getting 4 eggs implies you can breed multiple at once, no? not a smart idea in my opinion, especially considering how useful and powerful a lot of their abilities sound, plus where does the Tantuvya Incubator Segment drop? a new Tantuvya Master enemy that drops it?


    I think it's a great idea, just pointing out a few things that I'd consider not that good or questioning some things that you didn't explain very well... but a very good idea nonetheless

  20. I think something like Talons Prime would be cool to see. however there will probably be weapons we'll never see as a prime variant, such as the Argonak, Gorgon or Snipetron, since they are of Grineer and Corpus origin, however it is possible that DE will add some lore that talks about how they were failed copies of Orokin weapons or something.
    Our most likely prime candidates are sentient-based weapons (Ocucor, Shedu, Basmu, etc) since they would have been 'corrupted' versions of Orokin weapons, as lore states that the sentients turned the orokin weapons against them. Or weapons that are confirmed to be of tenno origin (aka most weapons that come in warframe bundles or weapons acquired through the lab), since they will have most likely been modified version of orokin weapons.

  21. On 2019-09-21 at 9:37 AM, theRCB said:

    I dunno sounds like ur just making excuses for them to not included in ur idea, and besides who says they cant just swap one out with the other? Idk I figured it made sense since they are from conclaives that they should argue. 

    it's not that i'm trying to not include them... i'm just stating facts. I do like them as cephalons and characters. I was just pointing a couple things out

  22. 2 minutes ago, Spyro_Haze said:

    Honestly there is not enough data for me to have any opinion on Cy so far. I wonder if Ordis and Cy will have some kind of funny interactions when entering Railjack for the first time. 

    You better treat my operator well!!!

    About premium cephalons, Darvo could sell them, he has line about this.

    i know about Darvo mentioning cephalons, but in my opinion i think it would be neater if they were buyable in a potentially new Corpus openworld area, considering it is believed that the corpus make cephalons, that or at the new openworld area they are making (I'm not saying it as i'd probably spell it wrong), seeing as it is very orokin themed and they made the first cephalons, and could make them
    As for Cy, he probably won't have any interactions with Ordis, seeing as the Railjack can only be accessed from area's outside of Ordis's control, plus from what we've been shown about Cy, he seems to be the kind of person that would ignore characters like Ordis (probably as he'd consider them annoying or not related to the mission). yet I like the upside-down triangle design that they have.

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