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Posts posted by (PSN)WeaverDuck

  1. 1 minute ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    this is why it pays to have other games to play besides warframe.

    How is DDos'ing the servers going to get Cross save to roll out any faster or smoother? if anything it could do the opposite...

    No one said people are DDoSing DE on purpose... Do you even know what DDoS is? It doesnt have to have malicious intent behing it

  2. From official website:

    "Any account created before 2 p.m. ET on November 24, 2023 is eligible for a One-Time Account Merge. You may also merge accounts created after the cutoff date, so long as the merge is performed with at least one other Warframe profile created before this date."

    So yeah, if you create pc acc now but your xbox one is from before 24th you will be able to merge.

  3. I have to agree with fellow Undertow enthusiasts. It is unique ability, giving crowd control options and helping survability in a way thats not just another number buff. Aside of its functionality it simply looks cool and I cannot say how many times i used it just to facetank bombard's rocket or fire eximus' aoe at the last second and be like "Oh no you don't". Silly? Sure, but also fun. Don't take fun away from this game, especialy when it harms no one and costs nothing to just implement it as tap/hold on Tidal Surge.
    Bring it back. Buff it. Let us drown those damn Grineer.

    • Like 3
  4. Nidus - zadaje sporo dmg pierwszym skillem. Z augmentem do drugiej umiejętności posiada kompetentne cc, trzeci skill ma sporo zastosowań w zależności od tego czym grają członkowie drużyny. Potrafi sporo wziąć na klatę. Fajnie wygląda jak mutuje. Farmienie dziada jest upierdliwe...

    Inaros - gameplay sprowadza się do "użyj pierwszego skilla, potem finisher". Drugi skill robi to samo co pierwszy plus finisher, tylko wolniej. Tornado bardziej wkurza niż pomaga, choć daje spoko cc. Czwarty nawet nie zdąży się rozsiać, bo członkowie drużyny skasują wszystko wokoło. Ma tyle hp i zdolność odzyskiwania hp, że trzeba się postarać by umrzeć... części łatwiej wydropić (quest).

    Mój głos idzie na Nidusa

  5. 3 minutes ago, minininja77 said:

    I say let them, fish and mine to their hearts content in a public group but if they so choose to the entire group should get a equal split of what they are getting seems only fair since they are reaping the rewards of the rest of the group doing the bounties. In some cases the people doing the bounties may even make out like bandits as their fishing/mining abilites may be way lower than the person doing the fishing


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