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Posts posted by Trolzor1

  1. So far playing gauss, the abilities are mostly balanced in my opinion.
    However, in my opinion there is a major issue with the Redline ability and how it is negatively affected by duration mods.  (Correct me if im wrong pls) 

    1. Mach Rush
    Rushing forward building battery charge seems fine at first but at 100% effeciency it doesnt seem right that tapping this ability should be more effecient than holding it for a duration. 
    Damage from this ability should feel rewarding if gauss is used correctly. (ie. Redline and kinetic plating active). Also logically speaking this ability should be able to go through walls since its a, you know, shockwave of someone running at mach speed into a wall.  I dont really care if the range is nerfed slightly but seeing that one grineer surviving my human bullet slam because he was hiding behind a pillow is somewhat infuriating.
    Suggestion: Make Mach Rush reward more charge by holding than tapping. Have the damage scale with redline's charge. Hit enemies through walls.

    2. Kinetic Plating
    Damage reduction at scaling from 20%-100% to me seems like a huge gap but this is probably the way as intended to counteract the not so good energy conversion from the ability.
    Suggestion: lower the range instead of 20%-100% to maybe around 40%-80% to provide more defence in panic situations where redline is not charged sufficently.
    Make it such that Kinetic plating generates battery charge when hit rather than draining it and cap the DR to 90% similar to gara's ability. This would seem more in line since gauss abosrbs the kinetic energy from the gunfire. 

    The energy conversion could either be scaled with power strength or the base % could be buffed as 5% is just too low IMO

    3. Thermal Sunder
    Damage from this ability seems resonable for mid level content but falls off as enemies scale up with armor. But no matter how thermal sunder's cold ver is used, it only charges  a small amount of the battery.
    The synergy with redline are not bad and the base synergies are mediocre at best. 
    Suggestion: Have the damage scale with redline (maybe double it at 100% redline charge) but also keep the redline synergy restricted until the redline is fully charged. (See redline) Also, make it such that the battery gained scaled with enemies hit rather than a flat amount. This would reward situational use of Mach Rush vs Thermal Sunder.

    4. Redline
    Why does the charge rate scale with duration. Just Why. Multiple test concluded that redline charges as to max at around half of the duration. So if you have like a 60s redline, you wont get the benifits of no battery drain for half a minute. But if you have a 20s redline you can charge it up within 10s so yay??. I understand the part of scaling it to be half of the duraion so that people can still get 100% without using duration mods or going lower than 100% ability dur but by doing this its punishing the above 100% duration builds

    Having the ability scale off duration seems fine on paper(like having to rev an engine for 2x loger gives 2x the power) but because of the 100% redline = lose no battery power and the charge rate being so unbearably slow at higher duration builds, it just feeds a vicious cycle because you cant get redline fully charged. 
    Ie: No redline 100%= Kinetic plating will drain battery=Cannot charge redline= very low DR=dead

    Edit:Realised i didnt touch on the scaling part so I've added it.

    Suggestion: Make it such that the ability's charge rate have a lower limit, which allows for the duration builds to have its perks for building duration. And by doing so allows the Thermal Sunder synergy to be locked behind a charge limit. This forces players to work for their damage at the same time allowing for more lienency towards playing gauss. Also make the % scale from ability strength. A cap would be unneccesary as harrow could literally do the same or even better by pressing his Penance Skill

    But I'm no expert in game balance so take this with a pinch of salt. Hopefully i didnt say anything too gamebreaking or offend anyon.


  2. DESCRIPTION: Dera Vandal does not work with bullet attractor

    Who: Dera vandal

    Where: Any mission 





     1. Equip dera vandal & mag prime

     2. go to any mission or simulcrum 

     3. use bullet attractor on enemy and fire at bubble (not directly)

     (Additional info, the damage increase from bullet attractor still works just that the bullets still go on their normal path and completely ignore the bubble and will only hit when aimed at the enemy.)

  3. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but, i crash the game whenever i 


    1)play a mission in any matchmaking type

    2) change my weapons (not warframes)


    I've redownloaded the game twice and the problems still occur 

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